
Really want to get into this lads. Anyone got one of those Sup Forums mind maps of this genre? Or just a list of good songs/bands to try?

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally Wikipedia

Pere Ubu
Orange Juice
Gang of Four
The Raincoats
New Order
The The
The Monochrome Set
The Units
The Pop Group
The Fall
Disco Inferno
Human Sexual Response

Check those out

thanks a bunch

Interpol is what u want

Well then go fuck yourself you spoonfeeding baby, they have everything about post-punk mapped out.

Yeah if he wants bland derivative garbage

>Being this mad about him talking music on a music board

yeah but I want to know what YOU guys like

t.someguy who only listened to Obstacle 1

Joy Division
The Chameleons
Echo & the Bunnymen
The Fall
Gang of Four
Killing Joke
These are the classics.
For post-punk revival:
Interpol's first two albums (TOTBL and Antics)
Bloc Party's first album (Silent Alarm)
There are pretty much the best records of the whole revival scene (out of the post-punk-ish bands).

there is a Sup Forums wiki with genre essentials charts

Is this what you're looking for?

>Mission of Burma not mentioned yet
>This Heat not mentioned yet

For op about this post: all of the bands listed here are great (those that I listened to at least) but I wouldn't call all of them post-punk.
The problem is that it's more of an umbrella term rather than a genre. Minutemen and Bauhaus have very little in common.

The gordons

also red lorry yellow lorry

Mission of Burma are so fucking good, I can't believe that they're mentioned so rarely outside of post-punk threads. I remember listening to their first EP and not knowing that to expect, and then being absolutely blown away. And then I listened to Vs. and it became one of my favorite albums. However, I still have to listen to their reunion releases. I really hope that I get to see them live one day.
OP, you should definitely give them a listen.

This Heat are even better, but calling most of their music post-punk is a bit of a stretch, I think.

u are like a little baby

this is exactly what I'm looking for, thanks lads

I'll trade you for this shoegaze one but you probs got it already, no one likes duplicates

Soviet Soviet. All day. Every day.

Also OP, in case you decide to listen to This Heat and like them, go see This Is Not This Heat if you can. It's Charles Bullen and Charles Hayward with various guest musicians playing This Heat songs. I saw them in May and it was terrific.

thanks for the rec's everyone, know that I'm noting of a list of absolutely EVERYTHING you lads have posted


Also, if you like Wipers (which you definitely shoud), listen to the album Straight Ahead, it's the first solo album by their singer/guitarist Greg Sage. He also released a second one, but I haven't listened to that one yet.

*listen to Wipers

I tried to give a decent overview of the different branches of post punk

Iceage is good post-punk revival

it's not bad but there are many things that are missing from this. synthpop is very underrepresented and so is jangle pop. there isn't even any yellow magic orchestra??

Somebody told me U2 was post punk. Is this true?

>Interpol's first two albums
El pintor is really underrated
where the fuck is JD Closer?

How the fuck are not interpol on this list

he didnt include any revival bands
lack of chameleons is a much bigger crime

The Cure - A Forest is the best song in the genre

You can't go wrong with their first four albums and B-Sides

not really post punk

Throbbing Gristle
Millions Like Us
Killing Joke
Anything from Old Europa Café

Post the list I'm too lazy to make my own