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*listens to entire discography over the span of 3 days*

god speed you wonderful man

>liking Bowie

Unapologetically you motherfucker.

he's not lil peep so why should we care? lol, oldhead

rip lil peep, dude was the kurt cobain of over generation. I don't think i'll ever get over his death. He was so talented and amazing...

anyway, what's the best cover Bowie ever did? In my opinion, My Death is just fantastic

*turns into kettle*

>Kurt Cobain

What the fuck is with people comparing Lil Peep to Kurt Cobain and Ian Curtis? That dude was fucking none of them; not even close. The closest comparison is with Sid Vicious on the account they were both drug addicts and couldn't play for shit.

it's just this week's headline, Lil Peep would be forgotten in a month or so, don't worry about that.

Here, enjoy this:

This but unironically


Shut the fuck up, Lil Peep isn't just one of the greatest rappers of all time, but one of the greatest artists of all time. She shits on people like David Bowie and Ian Curtis, miles ahead of them. So lyrical, beautiful, gifted. You know nothing about music!!!


also if anyone has more Diamond Dogs tour performances, that'd be great.

Bowie was the male version of Madonna. Always trendy. Always hiring the top producers, arrangers and players and taking all the credit. He is literally Modanna tier with the same career arc.

Best Bowie performance






maybe my favorite thing to happen on live tv, definitely the weirdest


How long until dozens of sexual abuse claims target Bowie? There were a few over the years, so there's no doubt they'll be resurrected.

won't happen, there was one way back, but the case was dismissed, plus the story of Lori Maddox /whatever her name broke out years ago, and did resurface in '16 but there is no proof other than her word, unlike the Page story. He's been accused of a lot of things before too. Protip: stop giving a shit about these things.

Typically, the average American celebrity has raped 1.77 women. The difference between the American celebrity compared to the celebrity in Beijing is that the American loves to fuck, whether she likes it or not.

I'm not even defending him, but I won't dig into cases of 70s groupies and rockstars who fucked them. If you have the time and money, please do go ahead and fight for all those who can't raise their voice, create a MJ thread while you're at it. Also you might be interest in reading about Issei Sagawa. Dont forget to check your favourite indie artist's legal cases as well!



friendly reminder Bowie will always be the king of aesthetic

Sid isn't even an apt comparison since his style and attitude influenced the whole punk scene. We don't really know if Peep will have any influence or not yet.

>king of aesthetic
you're correct

since when did Madonna produce The Idiot, Transformer, etc.

holy shit how have I never seen this


True. That was a generous assumption to make.

post rare bowie

Buddy, us big thinks on Reddit have abandoned our ignorant worship to those fat cats in Hollywood. Grabbing titties? Slapping ass? Degeneracy. I'm going to give you the low down and I'm going to take to slow now so we can get the flow down.

Now you listen up buster, I base my flair life off of the humble and quaint Garbage Man. I take out the trash, hit up that ass and give it a smash. Listen kid, I may move like a Garbage Man but I fuck like a plumber. There's no love quite like Plumber love and my women understand when I go in for the big fat plunge.

There's only one way to fuck and one way only; missionary position. Kid, why do you think there's so many blue collar men out in the wild? Because missionary, I'm on a secret mission in uncharted space and I take no prisoners. Us blue collar men are clean and serene unlike those fruits in Hollywood. The sex I have is watched over by the approving gaze of Jesus Christ himself; 100% pure, I'm a solar powered fuck machine. No emissions bitch, only missionary.

Now if you excuse me, my wife needs her pipes cleaned. I'm a plumber and I plumb with no remorse. Cunt.

10/10 made me laugh

Hell no! Madonna never made something as incaccesible as Berlin Trilogy or as deranged as Station to Station.

>Station to Station.
> deranged
even Bowie said that the album had a commercialised style of production (Golden Years)


don't mind me, just posting the best Bowie album.

"Now would be a good time to get into Bowie's music" me

it's alright, Bowie would appreciate it. Just don't say that Station to Station is best album.

hot damn that shirt is epic





not as good as this

>Bowie died of cancer January 2016

Why, because it's so obvious it doesn't bare repeating?

no, because it only has two good songs. Bowie wanted to keep his Young Americans style intact and so he did worthless and clearly commercialised songs like Golden Years.

Even he regretted the production of the album. I just think Bowie captured whatever he was feeling in his worst moments, be it isolation or even religion, in Low and the two songs from StS (Sts and Word On A Wing). But even then, Low and StS are very much correlated so I don't really mind.
