Dr. West (Skit)

Dr. West (Skit)
3 A.M.
Bagpipes from Baghdad
Same Song and Dance
Medicine Ball
Stay Wide Awake
Deja Vu
Be Careful What You Wish For

Now it's better than The Eminem Show.

Hey, I like it too, I liked it before people realized it's actually great back when it was released but calm the down man, it can't fuck with TES due content. An album about a serial killer raping Hanna Montana and pissing on Madonna is fun and all but the lack of meaning will always make it inferior to most of his other albums.

>better than Till I Collapse, Soldier, Cleaning Out My Closet, Hailie's Song, My Dad's Gone Crazy, Square Dance, White America, Sing for the Moment, Say What You Say, Superman

I love Relapse, but no. Not even close.

>Keeping insane
>Keeping Bagpipes
>Keeping any skit in any context ever.


Both tracks are great story telling and catchy as fuck, though agree about skits.

I think the production and Em's flow in TES is flawless but not some songs aren't that interesting as Relapse ones imo. Amazing album anyway.

I hate skits but if it's just an intro then it doesn't bother much. these two songs are good mate.

>but some songs*

>some songs aren't that interesting as Relapse ones
Sure but overall TES is way closer to a perfect album than Relapse can ever hope to be. TBQH, Relapse would've probably be better if he focused on the crazy shit more and put stuff like Deja Vu and Beautiful on Recovery.

It's a shame he let opinions from people affect him and didn't just do a Relapse 2 or make Relapse a double album.

I love these two songs but I understand what you're saying. Damn I would love Relapse 2. It's kinda funny how much Em care though he always pretended he didn't give a fuck.

>It's kinda funny how much Em care though he always pretended he didn't give a fuck.
This is kinda my worry for Revival. An artist should be in touch but at the same time, if he focuses too much on meeting expectations instead of doing his thing, corny, soulless shit will come out.

Now a much more interesting question would be how to fix Encore or Recovery. Some stuff from Curtain Call or Re-Up could improve the former but doubt it's enough.

I feel with Recovery, it could be a really solid album if it had more interesting subject matter and rhymes, and a less pop-oriented sound.
It gets a lot of hate (and most of it is warranted) but Em had a certain energy and enthusiasm on Recovery that could be really interesting if utilized better

Well, yeah, it had potential and the right energy, though I am still too traumatized by the Rihanna feature to take the album too seriously. Even the more pop-y tracks still sounded like something he'd do and with added Deja Vu and Beautiful (and probably Careful What You Wish For) it'd be at least thematically consistent but Love The Way You Lie was just so wrong.

fuck yeah dude. I used to listen to this album a lot. There are some necessary songs that should have been included such as "Be Careful What you Wish For" and "My Darling"

its a beautifully morbid album. Way better than The Eminem Show. That album is a gimmick

I don't think Recovery is THAT bad as people call it. Encore though is beyond saving.

I included Be Careful but you're right about My Darling.

Well, I compared it to his other albums. It could probably still sneak in into rap top 200 or so.
Weren't Stimulate and Emulate during Encore time? Plus all the Source and Ja Rule disses?

Hmm, I can't remember desu, if yes then it has potential indeed.

Same Song and Dance is one of Em’s most underrated tracks

Dr. West (Skit)
3 A.M.
My Mom
Taking My Ball
Music Box
Tonya (Skit)
Same Song and Dance
Crack a Bottle
Stay Wide Awake
Must Be the Ganja
Mr. Mathers (Skit)
Deja Vu
Buffalo Bill

>Taking My Ball
Nigga, what?

Man I'm okay with Buffalo Bill and Music Box, would def add 'em but fuck off with the skits and Crack a Bottle. Must Be The Ganja is okay I guess.

I dunno I like it. The baby-talk part is kinda retarded but I'd take it over Bagpipes Over Baghdad. The beat is dope too

I'd usually agree about skits but they actually work really well with this album and serve the overarching theme well, so I keep them.
Crack a Bottle I didn't know if I wanted to keep but it's okay for a party braggadocios track. Better than Old Time's Sake which also had Dre on it.

>doesn't like Crack A Bottle
>even remotely doubtful about Must Be The Ganja
It's always fascinating how people can like the same artist but enjoy completely different tracks.

>Better than Old Time's Sake which also had Dre on it.
Old Time's Sake is the PERFECT track for smoking.

I remember talking about Em with a girl I liked, she said she loved him too but she was talking about the songs with Rihanna, Space Bound, etc.

I sent Role Model and My fault to her and she hated it.