Tfw no camus gf

>tfw no camus gf

wow she must be so smart

>we want the reddit audience and the breaking bad audience: the show and the girl


Go outside

Get some sun

Lift some weights

Have sex

beggin you

>"Noreen, you're morose."
>Halloween is my favorite holiday.

done and done

Still have the same opinion, reddit.

take a shower

hit the weights

get a clue

>tfw too smart for camus gf

Trust me, you don't want a Sartre gf.


Good to know she's easy!


how do i get a qt pessimistic gf

delet this


>omg user! are you reading Came-us I love The Stranger! That along with Myth of Sisyphus are some of my favorite novels on human condition and existential dread!!

fucking kill me

>The Meme of Sisyphmeme by Albert Cameme

truly intellectual

shes a child you turds

>That scene where she gets brutally raped and murdered
Jesus Christ, Hawley.

It's spelled Kahmoo, you dumb ignoramus

you don't, they don't exist

Name of show?

>being this new

dont say that

>i'm gonna live a long, long live

Fargo, Season 2.

Alrighty then.

noreen>cancerfu>le bust a nut girl>peggy

who wants a woman infected by philosophy? philosophy is evil, it shouldnt be taught, it just makes people unhappy

I felt like such an asshole when I finally learned how his name was pronounced. Same thing as Poincare. How the fuck am I supposed to know what those frogs pronounce letters.



Google isn't your friend, but it's okay to just use it sometimes, user.

good post bregh


She has amazing genetics for all the weight she put on for the role to go to her tits and ass.

>looks exactly like Eric's sister from That 70s Show


>le play doh man