Michael Shannon: Don't talk to your Trump-voting relatives


Yes, the election is all I’ve been thinking about. How are you holding up?
>I’m on tenterhooks here. I have two young children. Basically this man is probably going to destroy the earth and civilization as we know it. It’s kind of terrifying.

I’ve been alternating between feeling energized, stoked to fight against everything he and his supporters stand for, and utter despair, because I’m not convinced anything I do can actually effect change.
>That’s the thing: These protests are so moving, but ultimately what are they going to accomplish? I’m so glad these kids on the campuses everywhere are going ape s—, but at the end of the day the guy’s still going to be president. Maybe you need a civil war or something.

I was going to avoid talking about this, but I suppose it’s unavoidable.
>No, it’s unavoidable. It should be talked about constantly. It should be the only thing anyone talks about.

There’s not even a way to talk to the other side. You may want to share something on Facebook, but the algorithms only allow people to see the news they want.
>The wall isn’t between the U.S. and Mexico; the wall is between people who voted for Trump and people who didn’t. And we’ve got to do something about it. I don’t want to live in a country where people voted for Trump. I want to live in some other f—ing country. But I don’t want to run away. So we’re just going to have to bust this thing up.




What a dumbass, America has been worse things than trump, the man isn't going to cause genocide or some shit. God why is Hollywood of liberals that don't know shit


>Basically this man is probably going to destroy the earth and civilization as we know it. It’s kind of terrifying.
Jesus why are Americans such fucking drama queens
I think this is why every movie has to have some end of the world scenario, you're obsessed

Democrats had their chance

oh here we go

But Zod was the most red pilled character

>says general zod

Easy to conflate his on-screen performances with the man. Michael Shannon plays giant crazy tough guys, but at the end of the day, he's still a thespian which means he's a cucky little bitch.

Wow! Pretty based. I love General Zod now.

>I’m not sure if your appearance in “Batman v Superman” should even count. I think you’re on a screen on a video monitor, and you’re just lying there. You don’t have any lines.

>Yeah, that really shouldn’t count. To be honest, I never went to the set of that movie ever. I did some ADR, I recorded some lines that Zack [Snyder, director] wasn’t even sure he was going to use — like, creepy s— I’d be saying to Lex Luthor in the spirit world or wherever. I don’t even know if it’s in the movie or not. I do seem to recall a giant, rubber, naked version of my body.

>They actually made a naked version of you?

>They couldn’t pay me enough money to take my clothes off.

Holy fuck that was a replica? That's almost as good as that one Sigourney Weaver gif!

Now watch how trumplrinas will hate based Shannon.

Democrats didn't vote. & they won't in 2018 either. Bunch of whiny lazy fucks.

t. a Democrat

>A large group of people that dislike guns
>busting anything up

What the fuck is wrong with him? He struck me as sensible reclusive actor doing it for the "art".

Guess he's just a ignorant limousine liberal like every other actor. I have gained respect for the ones who havent brought it up.

>proud of being a bigot
pick 1

gun control is one of the more retarded desires of the left

Based Shannon

Why do these Hollywood liberals pretend to care about politics, they'll be the least affected

How are they going to fight a civil war? sticks and stones?

Niggers have weapons.

Just move to Mexico, faggot

Oh wait you would never do in that in a million years :^)

>please mister shekelstein, don't blacklist me from capekino

Is it true that Trump is going to abolish gun-free zones on his first day?

>implying they'll be fighting

Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

if only they could hit anything with them

Fuck you too Van Alden.


Every quote makes him sound like a moron.

Dude end of the world, fuck people from a different social/economic class than my fellow actors, civil war lmao

theyre all about drama and show. otherwise it'd just be too boring. we should get rid of amerifats desu. they ruined this planet long enough with their degeneracy

Him and Joss Whedon can go be gay and make tv movies together.


>everyone whos mad that trump won immediately say oh knows my children
>not accepting the fact you brought kids into a world thats on the decline
>not accepting its the parents fault

Peolle are so fucking selfish and ignorant. This world has been going downhill for decades. And if you were so far up your own ass to have kids. Thats on you. Dont get mad when everything starts going to shit and your precious angels might not live in wonderland.

Every celebrity, actor, singer and what not should never be allowed to speak about politics.

Do your shit and shut the fuck up.

What a delusional baby. These people are unbelievable.


I don't care what the guy at the gas station thinks so why should I care what the guy who pretends to be other guys for my entertainment thinks?

>praised Clinton and complimented her
>is cool with Obama
>only deporting violent illegal criminals and giving illegals that behaved and are productive a chance
>keeping some parts of Obamacare
>Only building a fence and says that there will be no deportation force
>told his supporters to stop harassing minorities
Why do liberals even hate him at this point? He's flip flopped on everything he said he was gonna do.

I think a lot of liberals forget the majority of people fought in civil war would be two groups of white people and while north did use freed slaves, they were a much tinier portion than all the others that fought.

The rhetoric they're using is painting all people defined as 'white' sort of disenfranchises me from siding with them and using civil war rhetoric?

I won't lie, I dislike southerners for the most part, especially hillbillies but I'm not going to help them fight a war and old northwest gave a massive proportion of men and material to the war effort.

If you look at breakdowns of illinois, wisconsin, indiana, and michigan. The war would look really different if you keep demonizing all white people.

>Trump's rhetoric is dividing the country!!
>the only people talking about dropping and distancing from friends and family are butthurt liberals

I wish just someone of these actors would just admit it one fucking time:
>I dont know what life is like for the average lower or middle class american so what i think doesn't really matter.

because they are brainwashed with the emotional intelligence of children

completely out of touch with reality as usual.

>going to destroy the earth and civilization as we know it. It’s kind of terrifying.

Fucking hell, he has a penchant for the overly dramatic. How is anyone supposed to take anything you say seriously when you spout such baseless fucking bollocks?

The left might (from their point of view) have concerns about the effects of Trumps policies, but to suggest the end of the world is going to happen is the ravings of a fucking lunatic. So, you didn't get what you wanted? Grow the fuck up and deal with it.

Its weird because that's exactly how I felt about Hilary. I don't really think Trump is all that great, but I breathed such a sigh of relief knowing it wouldn't be her in charge. Strange how the wealthy and famous are worried about this man, but almost all the average Joe's and Janet's I know, including myself, thought her to be a devil who would cause nuclear war as a mass sacrifice to whatever devil she felt like worshipping that day. Perspective huh

>Basically this man is probably going to destroy the earth and civilization as we know it. It’s kind of terrifying.

Liberals, everyone.

This. Not into politics at all and didnt care for trump or hillary. My unbiased opinion is the people mad that trump won are saying doing way worse shit than any trum people. My family is literally drawing lines in the sand toward each other. All because you dont like what i like. Its disgusting.

>That’s the thing: These protests are so moving, but ultimately what are they going to accomplish?

Torched cars and wounded Trump-voters.

That's about it.

>No offense to the seniors out there. My mom’s a senior citizen. But if you’re voting for Trump, it’s time for the urn.


Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

If i was an actor i would just shut up in fear of outing myself as a complete idiot - as so many others have.

Glad he got BTFO twice by superman the fucking fish eyed frankenstein cuck

This. If there is separation of church and state in a nation supposedly "under God" then there needs to be a law about separation of entertainment and politics.

Eh, someone who thinks climate change is a Chinese hoax and wants to revive the coal industry will probably do more damage to the human race in the long run than any foreign policy
inb4 I get called a cuck or libtard. fuck you, assholes

I thought u made that up, it was real.

This guy is advocating not listening or speaking to anyone who doesn't hold the same opinion as you, do you think that's a healthy way to act? Or is that a literal hugbox that not only regurgitates the party line but also suffocates free expression?

When china gets on board and stops polluting the world worse than anyone else, I'll be worried about our coal and gas people. Globalist policies do ship jobs out of the country, the trade off is supposed to be cheap shit, but honestly I think people would rather go without toys and being able to afford to eat in comparison with not getting the most recent apple device.

I was giving a little bit of (liberals') substance to his throwaway hyperbole, not sucking his dick

But that was my entire point. When you say something outlandish (stop talking to your family?) then you can have facts all you like, your previous wacko talk devalues them.

Persuasion man has an article on his blog about how this election played with people's very views of reality. He showed a vid of Hillary walking and depending on which frame of mind you approached the video with you could see her as totally sick or just fine. That's according to him at least, I didn't bother to watch the thing.

Trump wouldn't have been able to run then, would he?

>Chinese pollution
That's what the Paris agreement is for
As far as jobs I don't think tariffs will be the best path for that but whatever, trump won, let him do what he wants i guess

>When you say something outlandish
You do know who just got elected president, right?

There is no guarantee china will adhere to paris agreement, I mean, it is well known they manipulate their currency, unless the smog clouds above their cities magically disappear, what other evidence will we have that they're going to do what they say?

Ask anyone that has done business in china, they're a society of liars. It is how they do business. I can't even imagine the dick Apple had to suck to keep them from getting flexed out of china.

Again, that's why "some" people are so against him, he's said a few out there things himself. Slavish devotion to a part line or single mode of thought is inherently divisive. To suggest shunning people who do not share your opinion isn't exactly a beacon of tolerance.

>Basically this man is probably going to destroy the earth and civilization as we know it. It’s kind of terrifying.

isn't he joking
>starting a civil war
if he actually believes that he might be actually retarded
also, can you imagine if someone told these cucks that obama deported twice people than bush?

I don't disagree, I just wanted to point out that to people who want the world to act on climate change Trump is a dangerous man

I hate that fucking gif

technically obama deported more illegals than the last 2 presidents combined.

t. guy in suit

lol, sore loser

because he's fucking a white male!

The guy at the gas station has a more valuable opinion anyway, fuck Hollywood

It's the equivalent of reddit stealing our memes

>It should be the only thing anyone talks about

how can people be so fucking salty about Trump vs. Clinton?

Because there were more illegals in the country than ever before.
>your chances of drowning at home increase by 400% if you buy a pool!
>5000% more kids cause gun accidents in households with guns than households without guns!
>beaches are the most dangerous place to get eaten by sharks, and that's not because they're the only area where thousands of people congregate near sharks!
You get the point.

TrumpCucks BTFO

>Because not talking to your neighbors or loved ones has such a great historical track record. What a dick, it's like he's suddenly realized the world isn't all puppy dogs and sunshine and is having an extreme counter-reaction.

They just need to remember that any actions we take, no matter how violent or how cruel, are for the greater good of our people.

because trump is literally hitler

>General Zod.
More like general ZOG.

I heard they started counting denying people in at the border under that number, but I'm not sure.


citation needed