
embarassing joke or great music?

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Unironically great music, as kitschy as they are

Who actively dislikes Manowar other than low-test nu male soyboys on /m/ and black metal neckbeards? Most normies have never even heard of them

Shame, they are better than Iron Maiden.


>how many buzzwords one can shove into a reply

Their most popular songs are great but the albums as a whole are pretty meh

who not both?

great music -

how could you not love that song?

How is manowar an embarassing joke? That's like calling Immortal an "embarassing joke".

if you don't get it then thats fine, youre just a poser.

i mean, their aesthetics is retarded
their music its just ok

>dude aesthetics lmao

fuck off die poser

what the fuck are you talking about?
their shirtless leather underpants and long hair is a big part why they are famous
if they were a bunch of fat neckbeards you would never like them

No it isn't you stupid fuck. How many fat neckbeard bands can you name? Exactly, zero, you stupid shit stain.

>How many fat neckbeard bands can you name? Exactly, zero,
yes, they dont get famous, you are contradicting yourself,
nice swearing kid

no im contradicting you you fucking triple nigger

>no im contradicting

>likes manowar
you might be actually retarded

this conversation is over.

>gets assblasted
>this conversation is over!!1 :(

They would have been good for 2 good albums.

Album 1 (oldschool, Black Sabbath style):
Battle Hymn
Dark Avenger
Gates of Valhalla
Gloves of Metal
Secrets of Steel
March for Revenge
Blood of my Enemies
Kill with Power
Army of Immortals
Bridge of Death
Thor the Powerhead
Sign of the Hammer

Album 2 (modern, cheesy style):
Carry On
Black Wind Fire and Steel
Kings of Metal
Heart of Steel
Hail and Kill
Blood of the Kings
Metal Warriors
Power of the Sword
Master of the Wind
The Power
Call to Arms
Warriors of the World United
Hand of Doom
House of Death


That whisper singing a has got to go?
Also sent they from New York?
West’s with all that euro- style nortic chant shit they do?
Leave that for the smelly euro-trash that still think metal is alive

metal as a whole is an embarassing joke


Not him, but you got to be kidding, right? I don't give a fuck how they look, I like them because they make great fucking music. Hell, I honestly have no idea how the members of half of bands I love listening to look like. Why would I ever give a fuck about that?

They are now selling tickets for 1.800€ for some special VIP stuff for their coming shows. Money horny cunts they have become.