Say something positive about this film, I'll start the title is fucking brilliant

Say something positive about this film, I'll start the title is fucking brilliant.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sucker Punch (Extended Cut) was a treatise on the objectification of women as seen through the eyes of various nerd subcultures. The prism by which the movie is shown self reflects to the viewer their own ugliness.

It's a hypnotizing take on psychological trauma. It cleverly turns it into an esoteric, theatrical, fantasy extravaganza. Its own nakedness makes people feel shameful and uncomfortable.

It's a movie that literally hates its own audience and spits on them.

>"“I wanted to rub the human race in its own vomit, and force it to look in the mirror.”" - J.G. Ballard

If that isn't true kino, I don't fucking know what is.


I guess you could say it sucker punched it's audience


lots of fapping material

i would also say that sucker punched the audience

Opening sequence is very effective and done without a single spoken word. Kind of down hill after that, but the first bit still holds up.

Also, girls in hotpants throughout the film. Nice.

did i go back in time

>girls wear whory clothes
yeah right

>Great soundtrack
>Hot girls
>Pure unrestricted Snyder vision

Whats not to love?

Is it supposed to be a pun, like suck her punch, cause they're all girls? That is fucking brilliant.

It's (Extended Cut) kino

Jena Malone was hot


Jena Malone is my love.

Is Kino for me.

I watched it in the movie theatre and I enjoyed it

>shitty covers of popular songs
>this is greatness


Me too.

It has a great soundtrack.


Reminder that this flick is about MK Ultra, wonder why most people "hate" it and why its the less popular one of his career?

All the girls are sex slaves, they show you their handlers,etc.

All the cool action scenes are just escapism from the mental and physicall torture.

In the end they dont get free, they are still there.

Dont believe me? The main girl acted along Jim Carrey (known mason) in Lemony snickets, that movie is also riddled with occult symbols.

Also the short hair blonde acter in the Neon Demon another movie with hidden messages.


>trying to convince SJW rhetoric is deep in Trump's America.


It does a wonderful job as an allegory for MK Ultra Beta Kitten programming.


>Falling for the extended content meme

Didn't leddit committed mass suicide after Trump's victory?


good tone

Chubby, thin, dressed down, dressed up, it doesn't matter. This woman is simply pure and utter sex to me and everything she does just turns me on so damn much.

>Titanfall v Battlefield

Jena Malone.

This slut you keep posting is here hot!!

No, because it's advertising was misleading. You the audience are the the one getting sucker-punched. You thought this was going to be a male fantasy film instead it try to make you feel bad for going in to watch it.

It looked cool.

Seriously man, like I used to smoke with this dude, and he told me about this OTHER guy who knew a other other guy who used to be in the army. And he said like, all that stuff man. He said like, it's all true and stuff. I mean if you don't believe me then hey man, like then you don't believe the truth.

I hate this film but it will never not look cool

The love is a drug sequence is really fun

It still was a male fantasy film
The girls literally can't do anything without approval and help from the father figure. They're powerful, but still controlled by men

The most fucked up part about this post is that in the beginning this is how joe average heard of MK Ultra, through the crazy ramblings of stoners. Makes you wonder what other crazy but completely real and factual things stoners have observed