Last one got melted so we need a new topsters2 thread don't mind me

last one got melted so we need a new topsters2 thread don't mind me

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not posting "chart" in title
You done fucked up

If anyone actually sees this thread pls recommend music and rate taste thanks

Nice, and topsters refuses to render my chart right, off to a great start

be careful what you wish for by ramleh
crushed velvet apocalypse by the legendary pink dots

Aceyalone, book of human language
Listen to field recordings of scaruffi talking

Rec stuff

If you don't have push the sky away in your faves, listen to Higgs Boson Blues one more time and rethink your decision

early busdriver
peanut butter wolf
casino versus japan

has weird ass fetishes
good prog on here
Exuma - s/t
Amon Duul II - Yeti

dude in his mid 30s, content with his job but wishes he had more friends
20, owns a fender jazzmaster and hasn't had a relationship last longer than 3 months

i am too new to rec but i like everyones stuff so far

it's good but in the bottom 5 nick cave albums. In atmosphere Skeleton Tree has it beat and Jubilee Street and Higgs Boson Blues aren't enough to redeem it.
tarot sport by fuck buttons
you're living all over me by dinosaur jr
grand prix by teenage fan club
i'll take that as a compliment, also thanks for putting the album titles with the cover.
the centre cannot hold by ben frost

b u m p



wow, I bump and all I get are two lazyposters

Bumping is lazyposting too

townes van zandt by townes van zandt
raj by derek piotr

Shinsei Kamattechan - Tsumanne

Andy Stott - Faith in Strangers

true, I've done my recs though


>all this lazyposting
Come on, guys, at least like, comment or rate on others' charts if you can't rec.

Anyway, here's some favorites of mine from 2017.

Disco Inferno - 5 EPs
Labradford - Mi Media Naranja
Anthony Davis - Variations In Dream Time
Third Ear Band - Elements
Is this chart intentionally very...reddish?
Perturbator - The New Model

I can't seem to find the album art for Forest-s/t that came out in 1969 on topster

Need reccs that will make me more of a schizo

>the power electronics on your chart
holy shit
synchromysticism by yowie

Try Propergol

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds - The Firstborn is Dead
Fever Ray - Plunge...don't know why that's not on your chart, seems like you'd like it. I think it sucks but whatever.
Lift to Experience - The Texas Jerusalem Crossroads

these are my most listened to records of the past week. I'll take any recs, don't care if you think i've heard it.

I Could Live in Hope by Low

>glorifying mental illness

Big pleb incoming

fire of love by the gun club

I tried so hard to get into Nowa Aleksandria, just couldn't do it.
We have a lot of stuff in common though. I strongly suggest going deeper into Yes' discography. If you like the more synth-heavy parts, go for Topographical Oceans, and maybe Relayer. Otherwise, You can't really go wrong with Fragile or The Yes Album.

10/10 chart bro

Just bought Inner Mounting Flame, I've listened to Birds of Fire and was pretty impressed. I have not gotten into your little corner of insanity, though, so not much to rec.


Pleb here, don't mind me


Thanks for the rec, but idk why you would wanna be more of a schizo. I have seen schizo fuck up some really good people, making them do things they never would under more sane circumstances. Hurts to watch that. Anyway, check out:
Electric Masada - At The Mountains Of Madness
Anthony Braxton - 3 Compositions (EEMHM) 2011
Wasn't too big on Plunge honestly. The other day some dude suggested I check out the s/t, and I liked that far more. Thanks for the rec I appreciate it. Check out:
Arab Strap - Philophobia
Bedhead - WhatFunLifeWas

id update my chart but i cba figuring out new topsters

Feed Me...there's an artist i've never seen on Sup Forums before. Check out Oneohtrix Point Never - Garden of Delete

yeah ive been a long time feed me fan. also if you like 2814 another good ambient album to check out is how to disappear completely - mer de revs ii
