Why did he say nigger?

Why did he say nigger?

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he's austrailian, its ok

Probably because "nigger" is used frequently in the novel and the word isn't hugely controversial to an Australian

Fun fact: Asians (in their home countries) throw around nigger when they see a black person and laugh about it

because he isnt a soyboy

Next time say "why did he say the "N" word". We all know the word. There is no need to get explicit, what if an African man saw this post? Can you imagine how this would make him feel?

And yes it is wrong of Nick Cave to use this word as well, but two wrongs don't make a right.

t. bitch-titted soyboy bugman

Bob Dylan said it too

Aborignals gave him the "Nigger Pass"

Don't be a nigger, you nigger.

Get fucked, not everyone around the world has to tread carefully with their language just because of American sensitivities

yeah pretty much this, you'll often see both white people and aboriginals using the word amongst each other, besides, the word technically only relates to american black people and there ain't none of them here in Australia

If feel like this is bait but the fucked up part about this is that there are people who post here that think this unironically

He's also an honorary negro at this point anyway. At heart, Nick was always a bluesman


>what if an African man saw this post?

It's bait. Too obvious.


Legit people from Africa don't give a shit about that word, its only Americans

>ITT: 16 Year old white boys discuss race (poorly)

because he's a shitposting Australian

shut up you fucking nigger faggot

I am black. Idiot.

I've just been going through his discography and I'm really digging Your Funeral... My Trial.

It's pronounced "nee-zer," and it's a country in Africa.

>le taboo words

you realize you're superstitious savages, right?

>term representing the dehumanization of African Americans based on a nefarious system of work is taboo
Back to Sup Forums you go, faggot.

Why did she say nigger?

Jimi Hendrix was a nigger
Jesus Christ and Grandma, too
Jackson Pollock was a nigger
nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger

>proving my point with every one of your cringy posts

>every one
I only posted once, ditz.


t. retards

nice bait

The fact that we're even having a thread about this tells you why he said "nigger."

Says nigger and it's still not censored on classic rock radio

Oddly enough, in 1984 this wasn't a big deal. I doubt he'd say it in an album now. Besides, context is king, user.

Beat me to it.

The American libtards who constantly decry US dominance of smaller countries are the same ones calling for everyone else to obey their retarded speech codes

I'm going to say nigger because it means nothing to me or my people, deal with it

god she sounds so awkward and white too

burgers btfo

The chad Costello
Also the definitive end to the argument that there is no context in which using the word is acceptable

because he thought it was /lit/

why did we start prioritising politics over art

why did he say nigger?