

Is that a penis?

>another filthy jew with unnecessary food show

Trips make it true



it's called a geoduck
sounds like the crossbreed of geodude and psyduck but is actually just a phallic clam




>sounds like the crossbreed of geodude and psyduck


>*tilts head back*
Every fucking time.

>melts in your mouth

>eats cockroach
>looks to server
>nods head




>2.2% of the population

>eats an egg

Im Anthony Bourdain and I SMOKED CRACK HERE.

I want to be on this camera crew, and eat all those left overs.

Bourdain>this cunt




but nah, Bourdain is top.comfy

>in a good way



I always thought he was gay but apparently he has a wife and kid

Oscar Wilde was married. Just saying.

Why does this guy sound like a teenage valley girl? It's very nauseating and unsettling, considering he's a big greasy potato looking fucker who spits food at people when he talks.


Hes am*rican


The only thing I've seen him try and not be able to take is a Durian.

Meanwhile he's eaten some rancid-meat stew from Morocco.

Durians must be foul as fuck.

I agree, but there are some moments where Bourdain's manner drips with douchebaggery

Duriams are tasty, but the smell is unbearable

I never understood people who got butthurt by Bourdain being arrogant, wtf do they expect?Do they know who he is?

Bourdain looks like a sleazy and slimy bastard, so that's the reason I can't stand him tbf.
The arrogance is lower down the list that fuels my grudge.


I knew a guy who'd eat his hamburgers like that some years back. Had done so for years.

How he had not gotten sick was beyond me. Maybe he's dead now. Haven't spoken in quite some time.

I know he did coke and all that and he comes off as a guy you can drink with, but he has these moments where you feel like you just stared into his inner self and realized he can without any hint of remorse backstab you for his personal profit.

Don't know why, he just gives me that feeling. Still like watching his stuff.

Thats how they do it at taco bell.

only shit you have to cook all the way through is chicken mostly, beef you just get a nice brown on the outside and it doesn't matter how red it is on the inside.


JA/CK/ vs BOURDAIN tv show when???