You realize listening to sad music is probably a big contributing factor to your depression right?

You realize listening to sad music is probably a big contributing factor to your depression right?

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but it's nowhere near as mentally damaging as using smug anime pics OP


I am not depressed because I listen to sad shit.
I listen to sad shit because I'm depressed.


Obviously. A lot of idiots are not intelligent about what they pump into their brain.

It's like MKULTRA-ing yourself to listen to repetitive music while on substances. You are literally imprinting patterns in your neural networks in your brain.

Nah, mate. I blame that on low serotonin

I used to listen to sad music because I was depressed, and wanted shit that fit my mood, but now I mainly listen to sad music to remind me to do my best to not fall back into depression. It's weird, but it's working so far.

I don't have links on me, but there is some evidence that sad music helps with emotional regulation and relieves anxiety in people with depression. Google scholar "sad music", lots of interesting studies there.

There's also a "chicken or the egg" question of whether neurotic people are just naturally attracted to sad music, rather than sad music making them neurotic. From what I've read, neurotic people tend to experience sad music as "beautiful" and "moving" or "meaningful", rather than distressing and unpleasant - it's a positive experience, rather than something that brings them down.

And personally speaking, I find sad music pretty soothing. There's comfort in knowing that you're not alone when you're despairing, and that sadness is just another part of human existence. Much of the pain of depression comes from thinking that you're uniquely fucked, which just isn't true.

I am actually beginning to believe this.
t. Longtime Pink Floyd, Bowie, Joy Division, Radiohead etc. abuser.

I listen to upbeat music with sad undertones and completely suicidal lyrics

thank you based Sup Forums armchair psychologists

I'm depressed and I don't really like sad music that much so idunno

Such as?

Whenever you feel sad or lonely just put on PARTY ROCKERS IN THE HOUSE TONIGHT on max volume it'll make you feel loads better!

I actually listen to the opposite of my emotions. When I'm sad/depressed, I listen to upbeat music and I listen to sad or more heavy music when I'm neutral or content.

I listen to music that fits my mood, not really the other way around

What if I listen to nothing but Death Grips?

Eels-electro shock blues

>yeah its just the sad music bruh

I disagree partially from my own experiences. Going through depression I found that music that was meant to be happy or neutral music (like king crimson or zappa or something) I would feel even more emotionally alienated than normal. Listening to depressive soft music (like red house painters or the microphones) brought solace and allowed me to better 'hone' my emotions if that makes any sense. At the same time some music brings back a depressive mood nowadays, always in moderation is what I recommend

>*no social interaction*
Save for a close friend or two and immediate family, I prefer being alone
>apple product
Now this is the root of your depression

I like it so far

I'm not , but days of wine and roses by dream syndicate

If Drunk hadn't come out right before my cat got eated by a pit bull I would have killed myself

This is me except im not depressed

Literally the only one of these that applies to me is antidepressants and if I didn't take them I know from experience that I'd probably want to kill myself more every day than I already do

Then again I also don't take horrible shit like Prozac, which should be a fucking last resort drug before ECT in my own worthless opinion

I was able to quit drinking and cigarettes cold turkey because they weren't even cathartic anymore. Smoking or drinking, and then realizing that you don't even have the relief you thought that would bring, is worse than how you felt before it.

Also,maybe Sparklehorse-Good morning spider

i know it's edgy and kinda cringe. but when i hit an all time low for my depression, before i got medicated, i was listening to this thing every fuckin day. for like 3 weeks.

i don't know why really. the stories were so interesting to me, and the emotions were so tragically real: it was kinda what i needed i guess. somethin shocking and sad just to stimulate my brain, having felt demotivated lethargic and frustrated 24/7. idk.

meme it all ya want--still convinced it's a profound artistic statement

It can be cathartic in its own way, make it easier to go on in life knowing in a way you aren't alone.
The copious amounts of drugs and alcohol came after my most devastating episode started not before it.
I can understand this sentiment. There's a certain numbing aspect to depression where you lose interest in everything you once liked. It's like you still love it, but there's some loss of expression or something that happens on the inside. My equivalent record was Public Castration Is A Good Idea by Swans because it's really heavy and thus worked with me cathartically on high volumes. Probs still the most listened to record for me ever because it is the only thing I really listened to outside the occasional Giles Corey/Nick Drake/ Elliott Smith in my worst times.

Van Morrison though?

already dead, m8

i dont even frcikin care BODTF has been getting me by these past couple years. great music that is completely misunderstood by the sheeple. BODTF is way ahead of their time i don't even care. maybe it's because my IQ is 195 but I'm able to read behind the lines when it comes to their music. i've had scream for my ice cream on repeat for the past 2 hours and i went from being depressed i caught my wife cheating on me to being happy

What's the story behind it again?

Not the greatest source, but it shows that the idea is around.

During a peak depressive period that was getting on towards the 2 year mark, I was listening to stuff Iceage, Have a Nice Life, The Twilight Sad, Sonic Youth, DSBM, Cult of Luna and Callisto (find these guys genuinely depressive as fuck for some reason).

I made a spur of the moment decision after watching Whiplash to dig up my jazz records and listen to them a lot more, and also got more albums. While doing that, I nudged out the depressing stuff and substituted it for stuff like Hendrix, Rolling Stones, Hiatus Kaiyote, stoner metal, 90s hip-hop and a bit of R&B.

I figured why the hell not, because I'm gonna be moody anyway and I already knew other people feel as low as I did, so it's not like there's new comfort to be found. Black music was good because it has a lot of focus on rhythm rather than being overly cerebral guitar music, which I later came to realise I'd gotten really sick of from overdoing these past few years.

Took a few days, but I ended up feeling a lot better, and now I'd say I have a pretty stable mood, even if my life is still kinda shitty. It's definitely easier to work through.

*compulsively puts fiona apple on*

I'd be depressed too if my only jazz record was The Epic lmao

and it amplifies your depresssssioon

Wrong. Its therapeutic being able to relate and makes your own problems seem smaller.

Similar to the Greeks who used tragic plays to help them get through life.

Its soothing to me. Why would I listen to upbeat shit if i dont feel that way?

this forever

shut yr fuck up

Been listening to giles corey ALOT lately. Guess I am just a sad sack whom loves that sad ass shit!

Sad music is like a drug especially when you are depressed. It's the only thing you want to hear, it's making you more depressed but you can't stop. It's a cage. I listened 80% of slowcore albums in a depressed winter...
Say what you want,im a pussy or something like that I don't care