American Horror Story Season Finale Watch/HYPE Thread

The time has finally come to bit AHS farewell fro another season. What crazy hijinks will unfold? LETS FIND OUT AT 10 PM EST

>How have you liked this season? Did it live up to the hype campaign?
>Is Lee still possessed by the spoop witch?
>Have the public/police not seen the tapes confirming that Lee is a killer?
>Past S2 Lana showing up, will we see ore connections between seasons?
>How can Shelby fuck things up this week, weeks/months after her death?
>What theme is ideal for S7?

bump for one hour mark

>What theme is ideal for S7
Ryan Murphy said the "all seasons are connected" shit was really gonna be apparent and addressed in season 7

Wasn't there a myth that there are 7 other people in the world who look exactly like you? I see him trying to pull some doppelganger shit or past/present/future lives or so.

>Lana Banana.

Isn't she also like Lee where she a killer too. She killed Bloody face & his son.

The doppelganger/Cloud Atlas gimmick is really interesting to me and I would love a season based on that, but I think that would be getting REALLY meta, and a lot of the normy "die hard AHS fans" are complaining that S6 is too confusing. I could only imagine their heads spinning if your idea came true.

Yeah but it's a big difference. Lana killed out of self defense. Lee, though you could make the argument that she was possessed and didn't know what she was doing, killed innocent people.

Get ready for the bomb! Lana have the tape.

It looks like she was already on trial in the preview, but maybe they didn't have the tapes?

What kind of shitty police outfit doesn't find the literal video proof attached to everyone's bodies? The teens were livestreaming the whole time, which is what made the cops go out in the firs place. Didn't the cops/all of the viewers see Lee in the video?

Has Ryan Murphy outdone himself?

Any high-def non laggy FX streams for international anons?

use vpngate, bro


Needs updated with S6 Lana and S6 Taissa

Isn't Lee an immortal ghost now that's bound to the property like The Butcher?

She was all worried about her confession to those hillbillie's cam than the whole fucking area being cam the fuck up.

Lee isn't dead though.

The Butcher wasn't dead yet either when she did the ritual.

If they kill Lana I'm gonna flip a shit

I guess all three time lines are going to link up tonight.

The first five episode seem like a long time ago.

u cheeky boy

Last week was ass hopefully this week is fine



No opening credit sequence.

>having hope

So Return to Roanoke confirmed real, right?

Wtf is this crap

>Reddit threads
Sup Forums BTFO

last week was the best episode yet

Nah too many new characters and literally no reason for lee to be the butcher all of a sudden

aw shit nigga I thought last weeks episode was the finale.

Eh, that Scottish (?) chick made it sound like it was still up in the air, only she thinks they are dead. IIRC the director of Cannibal Holocaust was arrested at the premier of the movie, and he had told the actors whose characters died to go hide off in the mountains or something, out of reach from people without phones. Police couldn't find the actors, so they assumed the director had them killed in a snuff film. Murphy could be mirroring hat gimmick

Place your bets: Are the other Reals! and Fakes! still alive?

They put rotten tomatoes rating in commercials now?

This season was a mess.

>10 episodes
>35 minute episodes
>No opening sequence

It had the horror elements it's been missing for a long time, but holy fuck unless there's a massive twist in the next 30 minutes the only reason this last episode exists is for a S2 character to show up.

I don't think so, but it would be fun.

Kind of weird that a television station would air the brutal, real life deaths of 10+ people though.

Before Arrival came out nation-wide it was boasting "100% fresh on Rotteb Tomatoes" on its ad.

I miss da boocher

It would be really funny if, even after cutting out 3 episodes this season, it still suffered the AHS curse of not ending 1 or 2 episodes earlier.

This is so boring

Normies will eat it up because they really only care about the drama

How did this literal shit show last six seasons?

Isn't Lana posessed? Or i didn' get the ending of Asylum?

Lana was in her 20s or 30s in the early 1960s. She should be in her 70s or 80s now.

Yeah. Here's my prediction: Lee kidnaps Flora and brings her back to Roanoke in the last 20 minutes



>It's a Lee gets saved by bad writing again episode

Wow that went absolutely nowhere and had no consequences

Seriously wtf is the point of ANY of this

Considering Lana almost died I'd say this episode almost shouldn't have existed.

Looks like Flora went to be with Priscilla on her own.

My stream froze after the "aasault weapon" what happened?

He got shot by police

he died and nothing of worth mattered

Holy shit fucking stop


Jesus Christ. Is this the fourth or fifth meta thing of the episode? At least we get some more Cricket


that guy better go full zak baggans

Flora is still missing

Leave it to Ryan Murphy to stick you with an AHS finale filled to the brim with character we don't know or care about.

Croatoan doesn't work during the blood moon, retard.

fuck, now the moon is shooting arrows? what is going on?

>mfw this entire episode

18 minutes left. 10 minutes after commercials.

We're not going to have a satisfactory ending are we?

Native Americans. They were shown in the reenactment.

First time watcher of this show here
Saw hype about it online for years but it has Lady Gaga in it so i assumed it was exclusive for the queers but hey its 2016 I checked it out finally what could go wrong?

This BORING fucking shit show was retard af and sucked fat cock. If you like this show, ANY season then kys now

>satisfying ending

Murphy has never crafted a good ending in his life.

Is there any Gaga ass this season?

she got BLACKED

Sure. I'll get right on that.

Any good? Blacked or not, I enjoy fapping to Gaga when i can.

Murder House and Asylum were much better seasons.

Has any final episode of any AHS season been good?
The second to last ones are usually the best, then the final one is just garbage. I almost didn't watch this season after the shit slinging that was Hotel.

They should do a body horror season.

There isn't enough body horror.

Last episode was 36 minutes long. Why is this allowed?

There isn't enough horror period. This entire episode, save for 5 minutes, has been shitty drama.

Wow. They really shit the bed this episode.

It's honestly incredible how Murphy can make consistently garbage season finales

Retard as fuck

ended four minutes under the full time slot. fucking great

Episodes 1-5 bretty gud

Episodes 6-9 garbage

Episode 10 double garage

Plastic surgery. It's why her face barely moved.

what thy fuck was that?

>that one Youtube bitch who was still going on last week about this all being fake

haha bitch

Well this season was terrible. Also why wasn't Lana Banana like 80 since she was maybe 30+ in 1964?



Meh. Overall a forgettable season.


Why didn't people like the finale?

wow, it's fucking nothing. but I only have myself to blame for giving this show the benefit of the doubt over and over again

There wasn't enough story to show why there was such a deep bond between Flora and Priscilla. It just seems kind of random.

It was all over the place and didn't really settle anything.

Asylum>Freakshow>Coven>>>>>>Murder House>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>dogshit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hotel

Haven't seen this season's yet but not expecting it to be better

She's 82 in 2013 in Asylum. I'm not autistic, I have the wiki pulled up. So yeah, she should be mid 80s if this is present day.

it made whole season look pointless

Damn, they're all fucking garbage. Aside from season one.

rom the shittiest to the less shittiest

>Coven better than Murder House


Did anyone actually care about Lee? That's where the finale failed me. She was my least favorite character and I didn't give a fuck about Flora.

Girls browse Sup Forums.
Thread confirms this.

youre supposed to rank them by shittiness, asylum is objectively not shit

to rank by shittiness its


shit end to a shit season.

can't decide which season was the worst, this or Freak Show…probably Freak Show