/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Left-Handed Player Edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Suggested Practice Routine:
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Hal Leonard's Bass Method:
Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2
Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene
Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

Previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



I clearly don't invest in cameras

>use my right hand for literally everything I do
>am a fucking lefty

What causes this/ what is the fucking issue?

Jimi Hendrix playing some left-handed bass with Johnny Winter.

>tfw only a Gibson™ is god enough

I had a buddy like this. Ended up calling himself ambidexterous. I think it slowed his guitar progress. I passed him even though he had a few years head start.

Best strat colours thats not over played coming through


tips? feedback?

tfw lefty Jaguars and Jazzmasters are rare and expensive as fuck

Good, or will i regret not buying a fender amp in the same price category? I like to be loud and i use alot of bit reduction and fuzz pedals.

The best guitar player I know personally is a lefty that plays right. The more I think about it the more I like the idea of using your dominant hand for fretting/bending/vibrate. I mean it worked for BB King and Mark Knopfler as well.

I like to think that this is what Jimi did too unironically.

There is literally no reason to buy 100w of tube amp unless you plan on playing stadiums without a PA.

Left handed guitars a meme. There's no reason everyone shouldn't play righty.


if you dont want to hear ever again, sure, go for it.

Hearing high frequencies is overrated.

This righty "looks" like a good idea but that upper fret access makes it more like something to hang on the wall to show off to your lawyer friends.

a lot of great righty guitarists were left handed; duane allman for instance. nothing says you can't excel with that predicament

Greg Allman, Tony Iommi, Mark Knopfler...
Genius possibly? No pressure user.

What's the closest modern wah pedal to match Clapton?

Clapton didn't use a wah, he just plugged his guitar into Jim Dunlop's anus and gas pedaled his balls to change the tone.

Want to buy my first acoustic guitar, what are some okay low budget brands?

What's your budget?

I know good pedals are expensive and theres a lot of variable thatll make it good, but what is the best pedal under $40? I

Something up to 300 usd.

Not form usa, so the prices might vary.
Also, I should probably look into used ones, but I have not idea which ones are good.

Just saw Brian May playing. Holy fuck what is his secret?
I don't think he even uses a pick.

He uses coins. Specifically British sixpence coins. Billy Gibbons uses pesos, so maybe coin picks is all you need for quality tone.

Sonic blue with mint guard

Muh nigga

Further to the picks thing, he just seems legitimately dedicated to and passionate about guitar playing. Have you seen him get into Extreme's 'get the funk outta here'?(m.youtube.com/watch?v=fqkKFhFMaIw) I'm not sure I care that much about anything.

>use my left hand for literally everything I do
>I'm a fucking righty

Funny how that works.

I mean, that's what I realized coming home from the concert. He's 70 years old. He's been playing with Queen since his twenties. I don't think he does it for the money, since I'm pretty sure Queen still makes a killing from selling albums and licensing songs.

He seems to actually want to be there, on the stage, rocking out and playing music. That's fucking amazing.

So I'm selling my custom chink LP (it has 3 humbuckers and a floyd rose) and I want to replace it with either a Telecaster or a V. Anyone got some suggestions for 600 - 700 dollarydoos?

>quality tone

Well memed, sir. You got them meme arrows and everything.

Your tone is bad because your left hand is lazy and your right hand doesn't know where to pick for the right overtones.

and do you invest in guitar lessons?

Thoughts on sig models?

that picture gave autism.

i have a friend who's like this. he plays righty guitars and he's a very good guitarist.

Look into used guitars.
My first acoustic guitar was a 150€ 98's Ibanez. Made in Korea, basically new, and it's pretty solid. Very good tuning machines, solid sitka spruce top., it sounds big and bright.
For 300€you could get a lot of good stuff

i usually prefer non sigs bc they look more ""serious"" but i've owned sigs because sometimes they sell for cheap and they're good instruments.

also there are some that i think look good like the J Mascis JM or the Geddy Lee jazz bass

>pedals are expensive
not really. as far as guitar gear goes, you'll probably spend a lot more on the amp and the guitar.

>best pedal for X$
decide which effect you want before, don't you think?

Is it better to have several mediocre guitars or one really good guitar?

better for what?

>Play in a band with a leftie guitarist
>both use 8 strings
>literally can't find a decent upgrade for him that's below 1.5k euro

Leftie players should play right handed insturments


just lie like everyone

>use 8 strings
stopped reading

planning on buying an ovation preacher soon

anything neat i can do with the stereo output? I'm thinking of using both outputs to split channels and combine different effects for some real experimentation

>why are guitars so expensive?


I love guitars with nagel artwork. shame only BC rich and jackson made them

Get a guitar skin and shoot laquer over it

Hate all you want.

Does a beefy neck contribute to a thicker tone?

Love 80s shredders

>not a single player under 45
kek long live 'lil peep, but dad doesn't know what that means

He makes a good point. Even entry level violins cost at least $15,000

Guitar players are cheap and broke

How's the QC coming out of American made Fender guitars these days?

>tfw fresh strings and everything is setup just right

I have a 1977 mustang bass, cost me £1200.
One of the few benefits of being a lefty is that most people can't mess/play with your gear

RIP malcolm young

Nice m8

Dont listen to the soyboys. Get it. Then get an attenuator. The people telling you not to get it are the same ones who can only afford 5 watt amps


>steve vai twice

Yes my west coast california shack.


>mfw this is all it takes to trigger shackshitter

>sperg out for 4 threads
>hahahahha i made you triggered
Lmao sure m8.
I get to you too easily now.

>Not Jackson

>tfw shackshitter loses all composure before 9:30am
today's going to be fun

I dont like fender jacksons. And i didnt want a licensed floyd. Got a deal on the dean. Neck is thicker than jacksons. I like it.

Its 615 am bud.
>tfw just woke up for work and already triggering NEETs

I got an Adrian Smith SDX from Jackson, and they're pretty good. If you ever get the chance to try one, do it.

>shackshitter corrects you to let you know he lost all composure before 6:30am
my sides

his guitars are way overpriced. Check french luthiers.

Nice. What color? 24 frets was a must for me though. And is that a non recessed floyd on the adrian smith? If it is thats stupid.

Everything over $500 for a guitar is overpriced

Educated yourself on the law of diminishing returns


Educate yourself in lutherie? Nice projection.

Its b8 m8. Dont respond to him. He will eventually leave to a pro lgbt thread.

Archtops and acoustic instruments, ok

Solid body electrics, no

White body, black pickguard and maple neck. The Floyd is mounted on, not in the body. It's really not that bad, once you get used to it. First Floyd I've ever really used, anyways.

I agree with that.

>Dont respond to him

Ha ha haa, this is my always my favorite post in /gg/. You know they can't help themselves senpaitachi.

Should I get a G&L? How do they compare to Fender?

Wow, i have a semi boner and i think im puking at the same time.

is that you, Tom Hess?

If you are sure you are going to keep it, buy it. They are good instruments. The S500 is really good. Their resale value is crap, though.

>Think I'm puking

Is this possible?

>mfw Gay & Lame

Thanks, finally someone that has his head right and likes the feeling of power responding. I'm definately getting it.

Yeah your mom has that effect on people

>Not signing up for a free rehearsal room from government funded culture authorities.

Do you live in fucking Africa?

My mom is a nice and beautiful lady.

Call your mom, she misses you.

>that next stage after losing composure

I guess it's nice if you wanna play with multiple tunings

If they are just a nice configuration without too much aesthetic shit that makes it look like you're in a cover band (like say, EVH guitars) they aren't a bad deal imo. I have one, and other than the name of the model being part of the inlay work, it looks standard and people like it since it's not an extreme design.

For example, I can see myself playing a Satriani without the surfin the alien paint, but with it on it just feels like a hard rock display guitar.