Controversial opinions


Its over man, move on.

Cherry Bomb >

one of the most popular frontrunners for AOTY on this website

actual controversial opinion

Controversial opinion, but it's the correct one.

Best hip-hop album this year



True and its not even close

What does that have to do with my post? I don't listen to your reddit band.



Its my other controversial but correct opinion.

it was good

Who is this controversial with? I always see people with King Gizz shirts when I'm out and I've seen three threads on the new album hit the bump limit.

Its controversial that they be counted together to determine the objective literal AsOTY

Yea i love cherry bomb its so much more unusual and varied. I only like foreward and garden shed on sffb

more like meme gizzard and the meme meme

Not an argument


not even controversial

You get a shoo.

fuck no

i fucking agree hard

cLOUDDEAD is objectively bad

TLOP is one of Kanye's best albums

>ever being AOTY

Man I don't know why I laughed so much at your post