We can all agree on this, right?

We can all agree on this, right?

Nothing screams "sheltered, ignorant exceedingly normal underage" than implying there's such a category as "normal people".

If we're gonna go off basic popularity, then star trek would go under "normal people" anyway.

i'd pick star trek over those t b h. i thought space odyssey was shit

i love the slowmo part in star trek when they go through the warp hole or whatever, that scene is awesome
moon is good though, where does that stand?

>Star Trek
>Not basement tier
Top kek lad

The first Star Trek is pure spacekino and generally disliked by plebs for being too "boring".

Absolutely this, I love shitposting as much as the next user but if you actually have this mentality then you need to go back.

Pro-tip. It's disliked because it's called Star Trek. The most autistic series ever created.

>The most autistic series ever created.
That's easily Dr. Who to be honest user. Especially back before it got revived. Holy fuck there's nothing better than being dressed as a klingon warrior at a sci fi convention and being able to look down your nose at someone.
Hey faggot! Cute scarf!

You do realize every le quirky nerd in high school loves both of these, right? its normie tier.

t. virgin

t. Millennial

No, it's disliked because it's slow. The Wrath of Khan is a generally liked movie and it's also Star Trek.


ffs dude. The only thing even remotely pleb in that list is Interstellar and I wouldn't even take it that far.

Kubrick films

A Clockwork Orange
>Normal people
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
2001: A Space Odyssey
Eyes Wide Shut
Dr. Strangelove


Dr. Strangelove

Star Trek 1 uniforms held up better over time. Should have stuck with them for the remaining movies, but the cast probably got too fat anyways.

you arent as special as you think you are. its cringe-tier now in terms of how snowflake-status its become- and even was back in the day, there was a specific demographic like there always was for shit like this

fuck interstellar and fuck white people

>Implyng FMJ isn't the best Kubrick film

Denial isn't just a river in africa.

>Paths of Glory
>Not even on the list
Ladies and gentlemen, the king of the plebs.

>looking for consensus on Sup Forums

Nothing special about that movie. A standard 6/10 war flick.

Suit yourself. I just graduated high school in mississippi last year, every single fucking self proclaimed nerd wouldnt shut the fuck up about supernatural, doctor who, and star trek. theyre snowflake normie tier from here on out.

What did the costume designer mean by this?

He meant it was time to molest children

>I just graduated high school in mississippi last year
Your children must have been be so proud of you.

i enjoyed the first two

I love Star Trek the Motion Picture, but goddamn, that split lens they use on the bridge scenes makes me want to throw up

Starfleet, you talk and you talk, but you have no Gramba

It was used so poorly used that it makes me groan even when I see it in other films.

Say that to my face and not over the dom-jot table, ptaq.

First act good
Second act Kino
Third act hipster dogshit

Fight me on this

Why even have focus on that literally who in the background?


Poo poo pee pee

>talking shit about the Tos'saladians from Scrambel-Egz

I didn't care for the monkeys. Other than that, this is pretty accurate.

The correct one

My theory is that the DP convinced some producer that "dude, a split-diopter lens would be totally fuckin rad, I can totally think of like 100 reasons to use it!!1" and ran out of legitimate scenarios halfway through, but had to justify the cost to the producers.

>solaris 2002>>>>>>>russian hack

2001 is the best scifi ever made tho


why is the left side out of focus?

It was another example reiterating my point. They used the split diopter lens for shots when it wasn't necessary.