Oh come on, it isn't that bad

Oh come on, it isn't that bad

Its not.

But compared to Aliens, it trash.

>Aliens>Alien>Prometheus>Alien 3>>>>>>>>>>>AVP 2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alien 4

It's pretty bad.

Alien>Aliens>>Prometheus>>>Alien 3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Resurrection

>Alien>Aliens>>Resurrection>>>Prometheus>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Alien 3

Alien>Prometheus>Alien 3>Aliens>Resurrection

>it isn't that bad
True. It's even worse.

>There are kids who actually think Aliens is better than Alien

Just watched this the other night, it wasn't bad at all.

Came for the Noni, stayed for the wheelchair guy.

it's not good

Joss Whedon wrote it, of course it's not that bad. Not that good either..

you are all babies, check this power-ranking

Alien3 > Alien >= Prometheus >= Aliens > all of the video games aside from Colonial Marines > Resurrection > shit > AVP2 > parasite-ridden shit > AVP

Yes it is

avp avp2 and alien isolation (i haven't even finished it) are better than alien 3 desuu

I wanted to like the AVP movies but they're both fucking awful. They're way too dark to tell what the fuck's going on to save on budget or something and the characters are ass. AVP wastes a promising cast on nothing and AVP2 just has a generic slasher-movie cast.

You're right, it's worse. It's like Whedon wanted to make Firefly but was stuck in the Alien universe so he just shat out a quippy stylish cowboys in space script that doesn't fit the fucking tone of Alien and called it a day.

no no no
i meant the avp pc games
both movies are shit

AVP PC games are pretty awesome. I liked the 2010 one too only the marine campaign was boring as hell after the opening couple of levels. Not as good as Alien3 but cool. And I still haven't played Isolation.

oh i meant only the 1999 and the 2001 games
the 2010 i dont remember much

she's a jewish angel. i'd marry her even if she had a black son.

Aliens is a shit film. Resurrection is still markedly worse, but Alien 3 actually improves on it.

Cameron is a hack.

great director, great cinematographer, great practical effects, great cast, and yet...
>script by joss whedon
>a fourth Alien movie after Ripley died in 3

so it was all in service of shit.

Alien = Aliens > Aliens 3 > Prometheus > AvP > AvP 2 = Alien 4 = a steaming bowl of shite

I've seen dog vomit with better structure

Aliens 4: The Quest for Profits

Set Whedon up for Iron Man 4/Avengers: Let's really profit this time

step aside millenial nu-male cuckold MCU dicksucking Sup Forumsedditors

Terminator 2 > Alien = Predator > Terminator > Aliens > Aliens versus Predator versus The Terminator > Prometheus > Predator 2 > Alien 3 > Alien Resurrection > Terminator 3 > AVP > AVP 2

>ywn have a threesome with late 90s Siggy and Winona

Predator was proto-MCU-core. A big memorable cast that quips like crazy and unimpressive action. Predator 2 is the true patricians choice.

Are you even fucking trying?

>Predator = Alien > Terminator 2 > Aliens > Predator 2 = Alien 3 > Prometheus > Predators > Terminator 3 = Terminator Salvation = AVP >>>> AVP 2 > Terminator Genisys > powergap > Alien Resurrection


delicatessen and city of lost children were good.

however the guys who made those were put in movie jail forever after this piece of shit came out

T:SCC was better than all of those


the scene where they found the failed ripley clones room is pure kino

also winona a cute


I want to say that Resurrection is my favorite one because the Alien Baby is so horrifying and appealing to me on multiple levels from a creature design standpoint and his love for Ridley was pretty great and had a great death scene.
And I love Ron Perlman
But to be honest, I haven't watched the movie in a while so it might just be nostalgia.

That said, Alien and Aliens are still both extremely great films to this day