Is something wrong with me if I don't think The Eric Andre Show is funny?

Is something wrong with me if I don't think The Eric Andre Show is funny?


S4 sucked

Nah, his humor isn't for everyone. Don't force yourself to like something.


yes, u belong on reddit


He's not funny and his show isn't funny but I like when he breaks things

The entire [as] catalog is non-sequiters

eric andre is one ugly motherfucker

he's a disowned son of robert deniro

eric andre show is fucking gay and retarded

Eric Andre is Walmart Sam Hyde. only gutter trash likes / laughs at his show

Not at all. I thought it would be very clever, but there's only one or two mildly funny jokes, the rest is just trite weirdness. Same thing with CBB. That's not to say that the show is shit, but it doesn't match with my taste.

dude so random xd lmao

It's getting very repetitive. Some interviews are still good. The random rap battles have been funny.

no, you're normal

Sup Forums isn't normal

if you didn't realize that maybe you're not normal

I like this person

we should hang out sometime. you seem cool

I personally think the format of the show is funny as fuck, and also Eric himself doesn't give a shit about how others perceive him. Like he pretends to be a faggot in public, his DUDE RANCH LMAO is stupid as fuck but funny. I dunno man most people in life are fucking boring and dreary and he's at least lolxdso randum. It's funny.

Also I think the interviews with celebrities are brilliant. He brings them on, and basically disrespects them by asking them a meme question. Like he asked Jeanette McCurdy "so you dated a basketball player?" like the most canned and half assed, not even being polite question. It's a thinly veiled fuck you to them. When he brought on Seth Rogan he was like "HES IN MOVIES...SETH ROGAN" implying that the movies are totally shit (which they are). I dunno compared to the other late night talk shows where they actually fellate and worship the celebrity its a refreshing change of pace. Even when the guests are in on it its still hillarious.

I also like the asian "director" guy who like faps when he sees wierd shit. And the band is just a bunch of homeless people, or that wierd asian lady. It's just funny man, fuck it.

I dunno how people cannot find it funny cause I personally laugh my ass off

I can see how some people wouldn't like muh absurdist humor


Your post reeks of marijuana, gross!

Anyone want to shoot some hoops?

Of course not. Humor ir very subjective. I find some of his skits funny but not all. It's okay, no one is saying he's top-tier comedians