Why does she stand like this?

why does she stand like this?

it looks so uncomfortable

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it's so i can see that glorious gap where i want to play slip and slide

It's called the jew hunch.

Because she hates herself

literally who

I've wondered that too. Why doesn't she just get a chair like everyone else? What, does she think she's too good to sit down, cause she's not, fuck her.


she sways about like an invisible bully is giving her a wedgie

duck footed

>3 kids

why is this so hard for me to believe?

those pants are so tight I bet they stink like smelly pussy/asshole at the end of the day.

I actually really like that background pic, does anyone have a good quality version of it?

Fuck this cunt

no, have this one though

>implying she's wrong

imagine how intolerant, diverse, and great america would be without white people

>making fun of good god fearing christians and putting tem with the rest

It would literally look like Africa and Mexico were smashed together you god damn idiot

>imagine how intolerant, diverse, and great america would be without white people

What are South America and Africa?

>expecting anything else from the SJW propaganda brigade


Why do out of shape fortysomething always try to dress like 20 year olds?

Nobody wants to fuck your dried up old pussy. Stop being so desperate.

She's the sexiest woman alive

>Thinking America would exist without fucking white people.

Go steal some blunt wrappers from the local corner store Jamal.

Samantha Bee BTFO