
Best softsynth edition

Talk about music production, composition, songwriting and audio engineering.

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DO NOT post Soundcloud, YouTube or any other links where you are not anonymous (unless somebody asks you for it). That is considered self promotion and will usually result in a bad feedback.

YouTube channels that you should subscribe to:

>Point Blank Music School

>Pensado's Place

>SeamlessR (in-depth music production and sound design tutorials, based on FL Studio)

>BusyWorksBeats (same as above, a lot of good new content coming)

>ADSR Music Production Tutorials

>Justin Omoi


>Samori Coles (not many videos, but a few good ones on compression and EQ)

>Modern Mixing

>Image Line Tutorials (for FL Studio users)

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Why aren't you using the DAW with the best piano roll?

My CPU begs to differ

here's a breakcore/glitch thing I'm working on. it's missing some stuff but I'm not sure what

here's an ambient thing I did about two weeks ago. I'm still looking for more loops so I can release an EP of ambient in this style, I'm actually still quite proud of this and I usually hate the music I make a few days after I finish it

I like using serum for leads, I'm still learning how to use it. what makes diva better than serum? I'm always interested in finding new VSTs

Can anyone recommend me some good free VSTs?

They're both great, you can do practically anything on either. Diva is just the vst I've found that sounds closest to what my hardware gear sounds like.

glaceverb is a good one for reverb
I use dsk synthdrums to make simple kicks then use ohmicide (not free) to distort them


Hey prod, should I make a suondcloud account?

Magical 8-bit plugin
IZotope vinyl
Audio imperfections
Mda plugins
DBlue Tapestop and crusher

nice thread

What do you guys do here, just make 7 second hiphop beat loops or what?

Most of them do ambient experimental wank.

I mostly write fugues these days. Some film and game soundtrack work as well.

Did a complete MIDI soundtrack for an upcoming Doom mod/mapset (~30 tracks) and about halfway through doing a complete soundtrack for a quake mapset (~10 tracks done so far)
Also the odd film soundtracks or random work like podcast intros/outros.
Non-prod I've also started doing the score for my symphony which I've put off for a few years (its mostly all written in the DAW but score needs to be done)

That's cool. How did you get into doing that kind of work?

Is it sensible to split mid and side channelsnto mono aux sends and have duplicates in pre fader to put shit like reverb echo and eq but as their own tracks to adjust with faders? I end up having 50 tracks in reaper for one bass guitar kek. But it feels way more flexible.

Mostly from meeting people who need music - directors, student film makers, could be anyone. Recently got a job from my dentist doing his podcast intro and outro music, purely because he knows I'm a composer and can produce music.

I did a new soundtrack of Dali's/Brunuel's 'Un Chien Andalou' because I wanted to and showed it at my 21st birthday, one of my relatives who was there works with film makers and student film makers so I often get random jobs from him or his students.

Eventually word gets around that you're a composer and can do stuff. Keep showing your family members videos of pieces you had performed, or invite them to performances, or post music you're made or films you've worked on and eventually people start to think of you when they need a composer.

As for the game soundtracks, I got into those by being part of the doom and quake community (making maps and mods myself). Saw a cool upcoming TC (Total Conversion) and offered to write some music for it, that was a year or so ago and I've written almost a complete replacement for all the music of Doom.
Same with the quake project soundtrack - worked with a guy on a quake project and shared some of my music with him. Then he decided to get me on board for his upcoming project.

Why not just double the bass up, slap a wet echo on the duplicate layer and sit it lower in the mix?

Because the mids get too muddy. Doing it on the side channel is a little more viable.

Should I waste any more time on this idea?


That's what an EQ is for, and how much fidelity are you expecting to get out of a bass echo anyways?

No it isn't sensible. Considering you want most of your bass to be mono anyhow, its a waste of time to get this crazy about it

I am going crazy here. I have Massive, Serum, Diva, Lush-101 and many others but I fucking hate using my mouse for every control.

I need a knob only controller for that shit. At least 16 knobs and as compact as possible. Does anybody have a recommendation? I would like the midi fighter twister but it is too fucking expensive. Behringer bcr2000 is nice but too big imo.

Was thinking about building one but I have no clue how.

Do you have a keyboard , what kind?

Diva is a fake analog synth. Serum is an honest digital synth.

I'd rather play a Minimoog than Diva. Serum is the best thing at doing what it does.

We make all kinds of music friend.
Yes it is.
Any of the Behringer stuff is good.

Jesus is it really an argument? Does it even matter

Oxygen 3rd 49

Yeah I know its just too fucking big Id like to have something compact.

You just need a bunch of knobs like knobee32

That Knobbee 32 looks fantastic. Exactly what I need. Preferably with a few pages for mapping.

It seems like it is not on sale or anything. Any plans/resources so I can build it myself? Arduino based sounds quite easy desu.

does anyone else listen to iglooghost and literally want to kill themselves? like how can anyone be so good at producing wtf

If you have the skills I guess you could make it, yeah the knobee is a kickstarter, I didn't realise, but there are others already out there, I've seen ten knobs, and if you two of those you could go far. It will take a while to map diva, and be confusing as hell using it, particualrly with the multi layouts / different emulations


Really all you have to do is get some potentiometers, convert the voltage you get from your pot into a digital number between 1 and 128, and then send that to any MIDI CC via your arduino. I believe there are arduino libraries to handle the MIDI part, and they might even do that number conversion for you ;)

Hard part for me has always been building a good case for these things

>Hard part for me has always been building a good case for these things
I could do that easily as I have a 3D-Printer here.
Fuck I cant be bothered to look into arduino shit. I might have to search for a proper solution. I have an arduino mega 2560 here.

The other option is to download the billions of diva presets of third parties and cycle through those

>The other option is to download the billions of diva presets of third parties and cycle through those
is there a proper source for those?

Well they cost money but some are free just google

Boy I would give my left nut for a 3d printer, but I just keep spending my shekels on gear instead

There'll be a local metalwork place you could wrangle a case just tell them what you're after

>Best softsynth edition
That's not Falcon

Can I use FL 12 on linux without any problems and especially not crashing randomly?

thoughts on the mixing and mastering of this absolute fucking island banger?



It's almost Black Friday and Christmas, and since I have massive guilt about pirating, are there good deals on plug-ins that could pop up? In particular I'm looking for something good for drums.

Join EDMP Discord, the admins there constantly post discounts and deals.

sounds like royalty free music


i feel like parts of this are still a mess, wat do

>3 osc´s, sample daw stuff

if it crashes randomly even on windows, fucking up whatever you didnt save - how you think some freeware linux is gonna be any better?

whats better program than reason? i have a midikeyboard and reason is not working for me

Stick with LMMS, pleb

Ableton/FL Studio

Get the nova you won't regret it for the Learn button


do you happen to have a minimoog laying around?

I'm almost finished making my first 4 bar breakbeat that has that kind of older school vibe this does. What was your process for making this and getting it streamlined?

I use Logic (don't ask), and I'm a beginner at it, so I don't have a very informed workflow. I've just been taking a couple of break samples and chopping/arranging, which is a little tedious. I have Breaktweaker, but I feel like it's only good for making quick 32nds/64ths, so I haven't used it much.

I dig the glitch thing, man. It bothered me at first that it has a steady beat while the snare goes crazy on top of it, but I'm starting to think that's part of its charm. The only thing I can say is that I don't think at the 1:00 mark it should go back to the basic beat after that freakout, it should probably either go crazier or change the tempo/mood. But that's just imo.

Yep this is sweet.

I feel that way when I listen to Jaar. Like I want to get into this kind of sound design shit but I hear him and I'm like, it'll take me decade(s) to get that good...

I feel that way about most electronic producers I listen to. Even stuff as seemingly simple as Drexciya fucks with me.

Early Arca and Squarepusher obliterates my self-esteem.

is this too annoying?

im thinking one track will end into that first piano-ish half (actually a casio) and then it will drop right in to it like this. so a 30 sec prelude, you could say.

im not too worried about the lo fi-ness but still

I have no idea what I'm doing and have never done any music production or anything, but I want to splice the last few seconds of a .wav onto a .flac file

So I use like, Audacity or some shit?

sweet chords, i think the ep could use some more vibrato or chorus or what have you. that one drum hit feels a litte out of place, otherwise it's good.
i think you should continue, maybe a B chord progression or so, take a stroll through sixteen different a bit more hopeful chords maybe that lead perfectly back to where you starteddd

needs sawtooth bass and distorted drums. also drench it in reverb

yes, it's easy as select, ctrl+c, new file, ctrl+v, export

i have a novation launch control and its cheap and not very big

nobody commented on mine so im not gonna comment to this either.

>automate VSTi preset change
>takes some time to load new settings, but once it caches them it's fine
>render project
>you can hear where the preset change is, because it didn't load all the samples and whatnot in time and only does gradually

Is this normal? Isn't the point of rendering that it can take its time and just make everything sound how it's supposed to? What am I doing wrong?

I want to get an Octatrack. The money isn't really an issue but I know I'll get bored of it on a week and feel super guilty about putting it on the unused gear pile.

I like Helm.

Well, there's no saving your track, so I think the silence speaks for itself.

Change your rendering settings away from "full-speed offline" and it might allow more time for the preset to change in your VSTi - the issue is that the VSTi is not informing Reaper of its status so Reaper just assumes that it is ready to render even though the VSTi is busy loading new content.

why would you convert a wav to a flac

I occasionally post experiments I'm working on, focused on pop music and for the moment, nothing else

Smaller fileseize

Synth1, modelled after the Clavia Nord Lead 2 Red Synth. It's a fairly simple synthesizer with lots of possibilities, containing subtractive + FM + sync possibilities with several filters, effects, and modulation options. Many preset banks available online but I recommend learning what it does so you can make your own, which is pretty fun on this. Little thing to be aware of, 65 is the value used for the middle position of a knob, not 64. Set the tone knob to 65 to have it unadjusted and have all the high frequency content. geocities.jp/daichi1969/softsynth/

Dexed, a very faithful recreation of the famous Yamaha DX7. If you have any interest in the 80s, ranging from cheesy synths to beautiful tones, check it out. It'll also load genuine DX7 banks which you can find online, including factory banks. asb2m10.github.io/dexed/ bobbyblues.recup.ch/yamaha_dx7/dx7_patches.html

Mono/Fury, a simulated Korg Mono/Poly analog synth. It's a subtractive synth with crossmodulation and sync, very simple and very hearty. fullbucket.de/music/monofury.html Check out their other synths too, they're all low CPU and high quality.

Cobalt, an 80s hybrid synth inspired wavetable synth with PWM. It will sound like old digital hybrid synths and not like something bright and clean, keep that in mind. lesliesanford.com/vst/plugins/

Look at the One Synth Challenge website for a list of free synthesizers and music made exclusively with the one synth. sites.google.com/site/kvrosc/ You can get an idea of what they're all capable of.

For free effects, check out Variety of Sound, Togu Audio Line, and AirWindows.

your music is shit too and i dont even listen to it coz nothing you say or no noice you make would ever interest me. have some silence back, shitter not-gonna-make-it non-producer.

think im just gonna stop buying anyone whos not top 40 so that theres no chance in hell you´ll ever get any of my dimes

>send beats to a rapper
>doesn't pick the good ones
>picks the loudest/fanciest ones

one of my favorite softsynths is the plain ol 3xOsc that comes with fls. its simultaneously powerful and restrictive, I like that.

Any tips for microtonal in FL Studio? Or maybe any DAW really.

I'm using xen-arts.net/ivor2/ which is a neat subtractive synth with microtuning options and I'm using Wendy Carlos' Beta scale, which has a ~19 note octave. I'm having a hard time with transposing an octave and various intervals because I have to count them out and can't just ctrl+arrow key or visually recognize distances I'm used to in typical scales.

Interesting. Do they even have dimes in your country?

Why'd you make some of them louder dummy

I used to use it a lot but aliasing in the oscillators kept muddying up the bass when playing higher notes, now I just use Sytrus if I ever get the itch for 3xOsc or just need a simple osc thing done.

Thanks for the tip.

everytime 10 000 couples wanna go some place exotic to have adventurous experiences and make babies there is, meaning every fucking month :^)

>Make a strange yet incredibly groovable rhythm
>Can't stop wiggling along
>Pause it and do something else
>Listen again
>Completely inaccessible rhythm

Best I can figure is some earlier incarnation of the rhythm prepped me for it and eased me into the current version, and without that it can't be picked up on?

Anyone have experience with this?

Don't have an example, just thinking of memories.

Can anyone help me decide which mic should I buy between the Shure PGA48 and the Shure SV200?
I need a cheap mic for vocal stuff but I don't understand which are the differences between both of them...

I would limit the number of different sounds you used, but use those same melodies. At times it's a little disorienting, but the level of detail is amazing and well thought out.

thanks for the input guys!


youre not entitled to an answer dude, and these threads are slow. anyway your microphones are basically the same. the sv200 has a lower freq response but not by much and it wont matter for vocals. both are cardoid which is the "pickup pattern", meaning what directions they listen in. neither needs phantom either which means you dont need to give them power which not all soundcards/mixers can do.

i'd like to know too desu

shit squarepusher makes me want to throw both my piano and my computer out the window, how the hell is he so talented

fuck i need some feedback on this piece here

it started off a lot quicker as a garage beat but i changed bpm and turned into a little hip hop thing



Thanks m8, taking your advice, here's a slightly updated version


Anyone else want to make "music" but can't find the motivation or direction to go in?

Part of me wants to explore music or DJing techno, but I just can't muster the commitment to do so. It seems interesting and I enjoy music, but there's something off about my desire. Its like on surface level I am excited about it, but when I get into it, I get bored.

Does this mean I don't really like making music, I just like the idea and lifestyle of being a musician? I think that's what I'm starting to realize.

Also, I'm 24 and I've had some experience with music, but far more with academic/fiction writing. I'm realizing I'm getting older and the window of opportunity is closing rapidly. I read the book Mastery by Robert Greene and think that I would be better off pursuing mastery in a subject that I've already started instead of trying to change directions this late in the game.

Just stop overthinking it and do it for fun

i want to do so much, but i suck at most of it, so whenever i start its like "meh" and i turn to what i feel i know how to do - but its not as interesting to me personally anymore. i think you have to power through a bit in the direction you wanna go before it gets "fun"

ive quit at least twice after listening to afx

Kind of... like when songs start with a beat and you can't tell if it's the beat or off-beat that's being accented and then eventually more and more parts are added until it's obvious how you're supposed to groove to it. Perhaps your earlier groove gave you a sense of where the downbeat was but somewhere along the line you lost it and now you're not able to get back into the groove.