What's he listening to?

what's he listening to?

Other urls found in this thread:









Autechre in FLAC

>nobody said aja

Lil Pump

do you really gain anything even from lossless with this kind of gear? I can understand an amp for some quality headphones, but that seems like a little much just to plug it into your AppleĀ® laptop

mbps used to have an optical spdif out, they got rid of that with the 2015 model
that's the 'thin' cable going to the dac on the left, so the macbook isn't actually doing anything in the analog domain

beats by dre

made my day, thanks



ah, nice

brazilian covers of beatles songs in 144p on youtube

This dude passed away in August

Hes deaf

Something from this small list
Whateaver is or was mainstream at some point of time, at uk, usa, his own country and maybe japan, including cartoon soundtrack, movie soundtrack and game soundtrack

>This dude passed away in August

What each one of those things do?

Mac to by usb cable to big equipament
equipament use big cable to go to second equipament
second equipament use two blue cables to go to third equipament
that use a cable to go to fourth equipament
that goes to headphone

binaural beats that promise you 1 hour long orgasm



Digital guru Dan Lavry (Lavry Engineering) listening to the rig I brought, which included a MacBook Pro with lossless files optically feeding the Lavry DA11 (as DAC), which, via Cardas Clear interconnects, was feeding the Ray Samuels Audio Raptor which was driving the Sennheiser HD 800. Power cables were Cardas Golden Reference AC and TARA Labs RSC Air AC. Perfect power was courtesy of PS Audio's PowerPlant Premier. This rather simple rig produced some of the best sound I heard at the show.

>This rather simple rig produced some of the best sound
>This rather simple rig
>This rather simple rig
>This rather simple rig
>This rather simple rig
>This rather simple rig


Pure sine wave.

256 kbps karma police

well there's nothing complicating in plugging three boxes with cables, therefore it is rather simple

garden hoses*


is this one good
not sure how to get into kpop since the threads are shit

Lol I found some info he plays accordeon and piano

(his samplerate / X) squarewave

with X being 2^ Y where Y is a integer higher than 1



just start with twice discography
if you don't like it you're not gonna like kpop

His father is
marc lavry

John Cage - 4'33

will do, thanks a million

Beatles, thinking how this 452nd reissue of the White Album really brings out the 16 800-17 150 Hz range but still misses the 15 650-15 680 Hz range that the 389th reissue had but is assured that buying a bit thicker cables and finally drawing his power directly from the turbines at the power plant to the transformer that is rest of his house will solve that. Except for the absolutely golden characteristic 15 995-15 998 Hz range that the 141st reissue of the White Album master tapes but that's just a given.

Wtf this means

only correct answer

Don't. Twice has good singles but their albums are nothing but filler.
