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Jesus.... This can't be real, can it?


everyone shits on michael bay, but he is good with explosions and using real sets

what the actual fuck

Wait, what the fuck is happening?


>In Bay's movie
>someone drops a pencil
>1billion gigatons nuclear bombs explode

He... Really likes those explosions

you white guys really have an eye for black men dont ya?

God, why the fuck does he reuse that Armageddon track all the time?

Bay must have done too many psychoactives again

>my fictional group of knights with a magic sword in a movie with giant living robots couldnt possibly have had black person

>cultural appropriation is okay so long as it's white culture

>make believe things have a culture

Black Knight

Make believe things are apart of culture

Hawaiians got ass blasted because Disney made their mythical dude fat.


no they didnt, white people did. hawaiians knew it was based off a famouse hawaiian singer. dumb dumb

>that channel
Did you make this video you fuck?

Bay is a pure spectacle director
But he can't pick a script to save his life
Except for Pain and Gain



>doesn't flinch
>doesn't turn around


black knight in medieval times??

plebs give him shit but no other director could replicate his work.

Why does her face looks like it got hit with shovel?

Her lips and nose are WAY too big. Especially her fucking nose, holy shit.

I've always liked his stuff he'd make an hellava commercial for the military

"He's constantly trying to 'surge' the filmmaking experience."

I'm reminded of a line from the Simpsons but I can't remember which one. I think it involves TV execs making up words.

>give me a 3D right here
>and throw in a half dozen cgi's over there


Plenty of other directors could replicate his work. They just have no desire to be that shitty.

In an alternate reality, a less ambitious James Cameron is probably doing exactly that.


No he isn't.

>people acting surprised there are knights

I guess they didn't watch the original cartoon. There's a episode where they go back in time to the middle ages and their laser guns don't work or something and they have to invent gunpowder to fight each other. I don't remember why they went back in time. A coconut fell on Optimus Prime's head or something.

You know, this is one thing I don't think I will ever understand.

Why is it always blacks? Like, it's never an Arab or anything which would make way more sense and still fill the diversity quota.

they didn't even give the nigga a scimitar, are they even trying?

Literally every film school action movie has used that exact same scene before.

What is this?

> anachronistic WE WUZ


Sir Morien was black

>he'd make an hellava commercial for the military

That's basically what he does. The military gives him permission to film their equipment as long as he promises to portray them in a positive light. They've been doing this ever since Top Gun came out and the military saw a slight increase in enlistment numbers.

Skip to 3:35


what do you mean shitty?

he makes movies for the masses and it fucking works. he's not out there making movies to win oscars you pretentious cock gobbler

Revisionist spotted. Keep in mind that at the time the darkest skin a Frenchman saw was a tanned Mediterranean.
Morien was as black as a black Irish, mate. You SJWs just twisting shit around.

>everyone shits on guy fieri but he is good with ranch dressing and using melted cheese

And where is your proofs?

>He was all black, even as I tell ye: his head, his body, and his hands were all black, saving only his teeth.

>Thus went the twain into the chapel, where they found that good man, the hermit, and Morien, who was black of face and of limb.

>Of this did he swiftly repent. Even as the steed was aboard and all was ready for the crossing came Morien riding, blacker than any son of man whom Christian eyes had e'er beheld.

> "The one is a goodly man to look upon and well armed, and so, forsooth, is the other, but his armour and his limbs, so far as I might see, were blacker than soot or pitch. I wot not if ye know aught of them or of their errand. They said that they would fain speak with ye, and they prayed me straitly, the twain of them, that I should come hither and tell ye this."

jesus christ /pol watch the movie before you make inaccurate statements

he makes comfy food though

What's the issue here exactly?
Looks more interesting than any capeshit, god forbid someone uses their imagination or actually adds fantasy elements that aren't just the tropes everyone is used to.

It's science.
Black people can't survive in cold European temperatures. They don't exist in any northern climate.

That text was just literal bantz. Calling a slightly tanned gentleman a nigger, classic banter.