Serial killer thread

>Yang Xinhai was a Chinese serial killer who confessed to committing 65 murders and 23 rapes between 1999 and 2003, and was sentenced to death and executed for 67. He was dubbed the "Monster Killer" by the media. He is the most prolific known serial killer China has seen.

>"When I killed people I had a desire. This inspired me to kill more. I don't care whether they deserve to live or not. It is none of my concern...I have no desire to be part of society. Society is not my concern."

Movie when?

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Who was that Ruskie the butcher of something

So a guy who kills people for no reason turns out to be a total edgelord all along? shit man that's compelling drama right there

Black comedy on the life of Pedro Alonso Lopez when?

>Pedro Alonso López is a Colombian serial killer, who was sentenced for killing 80 girls, but claims to have raped and killed more than 300 girls across his native country, then Peru and Ecuador, and possibly other countries.
This guy was released for good behavior and it's unknown where he is.

You mean the one that killed boys? Yeah that one was good because he managed to fool the town for so long.

We already have a chink serial killer/rapist movie called I Saw The Devil and nothing out of creatively bankrupt China is going to top it.

edgy tryhard

take your pick

wasnt that turned into "child 44"

theres a movie called "child 44" thats exactly that

watch it, its called "child 44"

>top three with kill counts over a hundred are all from Colombia


Not with a name like that

Ching chong did nothing wrong

>it's a psychopath has to have a sympathetic motive so we can humanize him episode

Thanks Hollywood, for normalizing psychopaths so we think they all are secret super genius's that understand humanity more than the rest of us.

>Child-murderer and rapist, known as "The Monster of the Andes". Targeted young girls, between the ages of 8 and 12. Arrested in 1980 and convicted in 1983 of killing 110 young girls but confessed to killing 300, exact total unknown. Despite being one of the most prolific serial killers of the 20th century, he was released in 1998. Current whereabouts unknown.[4]

And one of the top guys was freed not once, but twice

its a legit movie

and for the sequel

>Luis Garavito was arrested on 22 April 1999. He confessed to murdering 140 children, and was charged with killing 172 altogether throughout Colombia.[4] He was found guilty on 138 of the 172 accounts; the others are ongoing. Although the maximum sentence for murder in Colombia multiplied by 138 comes to 1,853 years and 9 days, Colombian law limits imprisonment to 30 years. Because he helped police find some bodies, as well as to his confessions, his sentence was further reduced to 22 years.[5] He may possibly qualify for even earlier release for further cooperation and good behavior.[6]

In the hypothetical situation where someone wanted to kill and sodomize hundreds of young girls, what would be the easiest place that combines shitty police, low chance of getting caught and short sentences? Colombia?

cute girls never get multi-kills for some reason. except for aileen wuornos but she was close to being a man.

And end the trilogy with Daniel Camargo Barbosa
>Camargo was arrested on 3 May 1974 in Barranquilla, Colombia when he returned to the scene of the crime to recover the television screens that he had forgotten beside the victim. Even though it is believed that he raped and killed more than 80 girls in Colombia, Camargo was imprisoned in Colombia after being convicted of raping and killing a nine-year-old girl. He was initially sentenced to 30 years in prison, but this sentence was reduced to 25 years, and he was interned in the prison on the island of Gorgona, Colombia on 24 December 1977.
>In November 1984 Camargo escaped from Gorgona prison (known as the Colombian Alcatraz) in a primitive boat after having carefully studied the ocean currents. The authorities assumed that he died at sea and the press reported that he had been eaten by sharks. He eventually arrived in Quito, Ecuador. He then traveled by bus to Guayaquil on 5 or 6 December 1984. On 18 December he abducted a nine-year-old girl from the city of Quevedo, in the province of Los Ríos, Ecuador. The next day a 10-year-old girl also disappeared.

>From 1984 to 1986 Carmago committed a series of at least 54 rapes and murders in Guayaquil. The police at first believed that all the deaths were the work of a gang, not understanding that one man could have killed so many.

Well women are fucking pathetic in any competitive sport.

And it bombed

Is there a green river killer movie

What was it called though, user?

i dont remember it being in theaters desu

i see it on hbo every so often

I just like to imagine her chowing down on prison pussy.

This guy is pretty underrated.

iirc he was aiming for high score towards the end

have you ever check out suicide stat?
they tried as 3 times more than men but the death number is the opposite, fucking embarrassing

Reminds me of Vengeance is Mine.

Benefits Slumbernap

men just tend to use more violent methods

Still bombed

she recently got in trouble for forcing another inmate to eat her ass and pussy

first time i ever heard about this shit, and it got both tom hardy and gary oldman


she made some young new underage girl in prison go down on her and made her lick her ass hole and she said she would protect her from a gang but the girl went to some guard the next day and found out there was no gang

>movie didnt make money
>that means its bad

spoken like a true pleb

idk what the point of your posts are

where do you even follow news like that? is there a prison blogspot or some shit?

taking the banter a bit too far

Statistically women are more likely to do something dramatic like pills and slit wrists, which when found can be saved.
Men, statistically, go for gunshot and I can't remember if hanging or jumping.

it was never in theaters

its one of those indie type deals

you responded to the wrong post i think

>According to Onoprienko, he shot and killed the father and the son, mauled the mother to death with a hammer, and demanded money from the daughter before mauling her to death as well when she refused.

kek what a smart girl

deserved to die desu

this was mean for

>people without souls committing soulless acts of violence
It's really only interesting when white people do it

its called being a badass you beta, he was going to kill her anyway

>It's really only interesting when white people do it
Well that goes for pretty much anything.

what a shame, i guess serial killer in soviet flick is not really some easy sell
gonna grab a torrent regardless, thanks for the rec man

link so I can fap to it please

i learned this from Sup Forums

but there are websites that talk about killers

Serial killer

Gee, I'm sure glad I don't live in China.

There's a fuckton of Chinese people, there must obviously be a fuckton of guys like that.
India must also be full.

no problem, glad to give the heads up

So is law enforcement and laws so weak or are Colombians like some type of super rapists?

Yes, that's exactky it. Makes me wonder how many people go missing in China every year tbqfh

Build the fucking wall.

how bout some black serial killer kino

Looks like a gay moive anyway it better have this man in it you kike

fuck man i laughed

hes not in it tho, sorry

country is completely fucked from the drug war, police are overworked with all the regular murders and the systems been corrupted as fuck anyway so there's a sentence length limit so all the law makers drug cartel boss friends dont have to spend too long in prison

Andrei Chikatilo, the butcher of Rostov



The minority of serial killers are psychopaths.

Mind, that was back in the 90s and before, when Colombia was doing really really bad, things have gotten better now than they used to.

Does the Chinese government even notice disappearances, It's a gigantic country with an equally big population, who knows what goes on every day.

usually if it involved a lot of people and there are bodies, they have to get involved at the minimum local level

This guy used to wear this mask, sneak into children's orphanages and molest boys at night. It'd make a terrifying movie.

It's getting cold, isn't it?

I'm sure they do notice it on the more urbanized area. But I heard that there is a good portions of the Chinese that are born without papers, making them virtually non-existent in the eyes of the officials. A lot of them are also children that gets abandoned by their parents.
So rural China could be a pretty good ground for a child killer, just saying.

nigga already looks like he is wearing a mask

look like one of those fat fuck from RLM
could be the love child between rich, mike and beardfat

Is there any point if I haven't seen the first 43?

those are just sequels cash grab man, 44 is the real deal

Wasn't it called "child 44"


this guy went from province to province and town to town. im surprised the police let him do this for so long

Should have been