Jazz is one of my favorite genres. I am a fan of Miles and Coltrane...

Jazz is one of my favorite genres. I am a fan of Miles and Coltrane, and still can't get into one of the greatest Jazz albums ever recorded (no bullies plz).

I appreciate the innovation in this album, but it just sounds to me like boring, endless noodling over a single mode.

What am I missing? Can I ever get into this album? Thoughts?

why dont you tell us about its innovation?

Relax. Stop listening. Someday come back to it when you've got a lazy afternoon. That's how it worked for me

What a jewish way of thinking.

what a disappointingly racist way of thinking.


I don't care for it either. In fact, to me it's one of those albums that's held in such high regard people automatically go to it when trying to get into jazz and leave in disappointment half the time. Too subtle, maybe.

Not OP, But it's modal jazz, the use of modes in a composition instead of constantly changing chords

1. Jews aren't a race
2. Chill on the R word bud thats pretty offensive


Please get out of my thread or something

I'd actually say it's not nearly as good for getting into jazz, though it's a very relaxing album. The issue is how subtle it is - it's something you need to come back and understand the finer details of it. That said, it's ok to not like stuff.

>Jews aren't a race

Also OP, this one took me a few years to digest. Don't kick yourself. I always preferred Bitches Brew anyway.

Bebop is fun
Modal is lame

You don't have to like something just because it's popular or influential. Just because most Sup Forumstants follow the hivemind way of thinking where they base their listenings on what is considered "good" or "patrician" doesn't mean that you have to do the same. I personally think Kind of Blue is a good album but it still doesn't reach the list of my top 5 Miles Davis albums (those would probably be Birth of the Cool, Bitches Brew, In a Silent Way, Miles Ahead and Sketches of Spain). Like what you like, you're listening to music for your own enjoyment and not because you want some sort of patrician credits from anonymous shitposters (or at least I hope so).

Judaism is a religion, not a race. How can you not know this?
>Bitches Brew better than KoB
What a surprise, it's a rockist.

listen to pat metheny

get into fusion instead

I'm fine, I didn't post the thread out of insecurity but rather for enlarging my horizons. But you are right anyway of course.

It is a solid record but I think people tend to fawn over the personnel and the fact the songs are easy to learn and usually a part of jazz curiculim. Kinda like how this Bach piece or this Beethoven piece is a part of classical reputiar this albums ingrained in jazz learning.

Pat Metheney? What are you a menoposal woman. GTFO

Its a blues album not a jazz album. Its called kind of blue. If you studied music you would understand why these solos are significant. Also as a side note Miles Davis rode on Coltranes and every other great's coat tails. He isn't even mentioned at jazz school.

Listen to Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Sunset mission to ease your way into some dark Jazz then try listening to it again

so what entry level albums would you recommend?

Dave Brubeck Take 5 is good for square like you

Haha bitch i dont know what school you go too but you all are some jive motherfuckers. Everyone at my uni has to write a 15 page paper with transcriptions about miles just to finish freshmen theory. Miles was a genius and you cant swing.

I studied somewhere that didnt require writing 15 page papers on entertainers. You must be doing some run of the mill B.A. thats going to lead you right back at school in 4 years doing some course on Human Resource management ormaybe you will get your real estate license. You aren't going to be making a living playing I'll tell you that much is for sure... chump. Miles was a genius the same way the beatles, david bowie and other "icons" are genius. Marketing faggotry.

That is simply sounds wonderful isn't enough of a reason to listen to it?

Tell me, have you ever heard of someone's hair being described as a "Buddhist-fro"? Have you ever heard someone's nose described as "Catholic looking"? Have you ever heard of a last name described as Presbyterian? Don't you find it odd how all of those things can be described as Jewish? How can Jewish last names exist without Jewish being a race?

Why did my DNA test results say I'm 2% Jewish if that isn't a a race?

How can you not know this?

>rode on coal trains

why didn't he just take the subway

Hey fuck you, why are you saying Dave Brubeck is for squares