

i dont know what an adverb is


not everyone is shakespeare

most adverbs end in ly.

the adverb here is deliciously.

Make America greatily again

relationship words

Grammar nerds are the absolute worst

I legit only know because someone asked me the other day.

It still doesn't make sense.

i remember what an adjective is thanks to chris chan

Any word that describes a verb, like an adjective describes a noun.

Delisciously is the (improper) adverb. If it ends in -ly it's probably an adverb

Thanks professor

An adjective verb.

Ad - verb

now what's a verb adjective and noun thanks

This explains half the opinions and discussions on this board, really.

why donlt they call it a verbly then?

>entire thread is people trying to explain to retards 3rd grade grammar

Too confusing with verbally.

i went to the 3rd grade but they skipped all this stuff


I thought that was what he meant.

>knowing basic grade school literary terms is somehow arcane knowledge
Oh I forgot they don't actually teach anything in schools these days.

What are adverbs that dont end in ly?

completely mediocre garbage, even the prequels were better. shocker tv praised it

I've been arguing with these kind of morons for years now.
Guess I'm no better than them.

The boy ran fast.

Fast = adverb.

On the topic of grammar, why do chains have an 's in their name? McDonald's? Carl's Jr.? Carl is Jr? What the fuck am I supposed to read it as

>the vvitch

Why do black people always write like this? Anyway, a fucking W is "double U". Shouldn't it be "The UUitch" if you wanted to write like a dumbass?

Carl owns a junior boy that he keeps in his basement. He named his chain after him. He calls him junior. Therefore it is Carl's Jr.

Because it's a brand name and typical rules don't apply.

It's an adjective for a verb instead of a noun


Ronald McDonald owns McDonald's.

McDonald's hambugers

>Carl's Jr.? Carl is Jr?
>They were so named because they were smaller versions of Carl's original drive-in restaurant.

Fair enough, but I've seen this shit on other tweets from black people

I learned to accept it years ago and just post pics of anime with greentext instead of getting too serious.

Hardee's? Wendy's?

Fucking nerds lmao

They're fucking names, you dumbass!


Didn't old typefaces not have the letter U? It's supposed to be take on that. I think. I'm probably not remembering things right, but don't care enough to google.

I dont know anybody named Wendy's you hippy

pls be bait

Pretty sure you're right.

Couldn't find anything on Google but I remember reading old texts in college that didn't have U character and just used Vs for everything.

Think it's a latin thing, V and U were the same back then and were written as V

>hurr durr why don't you know grammar
Because you can learn a language without that bullshit? because that's how you learn your first language? because teaching grammar is considered an archaic and inefficient way to teach a language in 2016?
You people get triggered by one guy who doesnt know what an adverb is and you don't even know how your hands work.
Being elitist about the stupidest shit you can think of, jesus.

i learned english as a second language just fine without ever understanding that shit.

Bigly is best adverb

"The user faggotly posted his illiteracy."

Faggotly is the adverb. It's a descriptor for action words.

Call me Jesus again and i'll cut your fucking throat.

That's incorrect. Should be "the boy ran quickly". You can say "the boy is fast" because fast is an adjective.