ITT: features we'd like to see in the next Kanye album

ITT: features we'd like to see in the next Kanye album



no features. just kanye

I never thought I'd say this but Jaden Smith

hes dead dude


I hope he makes an anime themed album with every "Lil" meme rapper as features

raw kanye

Either Bieb or Jaden on some hooks, just pls no Chris Brown. Of course Cudi would be good again.

Rapper features I don't care about desu, but depending on the direction he takes the new material in I may be persuaded. Kendrick on NMPILA was pretty good, so were pretty much anyone on MBDTF, but that's honestly not why I listen to Kanye

>Confuses Lil Peep and Lil Pump
Probably a result of being a pleb who thinks that following mainstream music makes you a pleb

a Panda Bear or James Blake feat.

I haven't liked Kanye's work since MBDTF (which I really enjoyed)


Modern trap tracks with Lil Yachty and Lil Uzi where Kanye uses his auto tune from Heartbreak and a finisher that changes the style completely, but transitions well, with Lil Pump

is lil pump white? i unironically can't tell

pretty sure hes florida cuban

Obviously a mutt. Probaby latin

how about NO FUCKIN TRAP
it took too much xanax. shits dead.

It should have been him not Peep.


Nuh-huh, I don't want that faggot to ruin Pump's career.

>falling for such obvious bait
neck yourself, pleb.

is this the one who died? they all look the same

Ah but in the end it was bait that was placed as respose to the bait which you have fallen for

it may appear as though you have checked my mate as a result of my failure to distinguish the placed response to the rudimentary bait as a mere secondary bait; however, it is you who has fallen unto the trap that was my tertiary and most complex of baits.

But a fish can get the bait by snapping the line with its teeth

some nobodies

I hope both of you go back to 2009


why 2009

kung fu kenny
mc ride

Kid Cudi
Kevin Parker
James Blake
Kevin Abstract
Travis Scott


2009 was around the time of rage comics and "le memes." the response to the oversaturation of troll-face memes was poorly drawn recreations of the face and the quote "problem?" with things like "are you experiencing discomfort from my ruses?"
Jesus I regret detailing meme history.

a return to Southern-inspired gospel beats with nuanced trap percussion is my dream.