How come everyone loves the 90's Disney animated movies, but no one remembers this?

How come everyone loves the 90's Disney animated movies, but no one remembers this?

It was filthy trash.

underwater is for pussies

I remember Escape from Witch Mountain.

Daily reminder

I remember it because we always saw a disney movie on my brothers birthday when we were kids (his bday is june 20).

I remember being interested but not blown away

I'm watching it atm, it's alright. Sound design aint too good and the character relations are abit predictable, but it's keeping my attention and looks great.

What's so bad about it?

Treasure Planet is the better forgotten Disney animated movie.

Going to watch that next, because I pirated a couple of movies under the theme of "Early 2000s Disney movies that nobody saw.

Everyone remembers the Emperor's new groove though.

>but no one remembers this?

It wasn't a particularly memorable movie. The art design is fantastic (Mike Mignola IIRC) but the characters are one dimensional planks or walking one note jokes and the plot is complete nonsense that never goes anywhere meaningful or interesting.

Because it was forgettable?

What the fuck is this?

Has Sup Forums's frog-god retroactively changed the past again?

It was released two months after shrek.

How come no one remembers this?

I remember that sexy catgirl in the Napoleonic uniform. The rest, meh.


And how come NO ONE remembers this masterpiece?

Unlike the other bomb Treasure Planet, this movie just doesn't even feel like a Disney movie. The budget is high and the animation is great but it has no magic and the characters are complete shit. An entire character devoted to the SNL Father Sarducci guy doing his shtick is Dreamworks-tier.

Released 4 months after Lilo and stitch.

At least he isn't the mole character.

This movie was actually great though. Nobody remembers Atlantis because it sucked. They should not have strayed away from making musicals.