The perfect rap duo does not ex-

the perfect rap duo does not ex-

Has there ever been a person more deserving of death?

GBC is a poormans GothMoneyRecords. They stole their entire sound from the underground.

mfw no qt commie bi bf to overdose with

-ist anymore.

Feels bad.

They already broke up before Peep died, they would've never reunited just like The Beatles.


Yup, he deserved it. Commies arent human

You have to be over 18 to browse here

>le emo white guy and token black guy combo

honestly tracy would have kept peep alive instead of bexey

Truly the most iconic duo

Oops, you seem to be posting on the wrong board, an honest mistake though :)

Let me help you find the way back to your home board:


For sure, he is way more street smart than Peep and Bexley

How much shit do you think I'd catch if I uploaded a parody of a lil peep song to soundcloud about his xanax abuse and death?


None because nobody knows your SoundCloud

Why would I upload it to my SoundCloud? That'd be stupid.
It'd be on a throwaway.

upset another degenerate dies you stupid soy boy?

His brother claimed Lil Peep didnt do as much drugs as it seemed and that it was mostly an image. That would make sense considering he couldnt tell apart fake xanax

>he hasn't taken the peep pill yet

Or he was still high from his last dose that he couldn't tell them apart.

oopsy doopsy. I think you should go back to Tumblr! Sorry about your feely weelys but this isn't your safe space yet


nigga dead, so this shit don't exist


Are you implying that peep was a communist because his grandfather is? Lmao

is his nigger friend any good? worth checking out?

Oh, so this explains that....

find out for yourself

Tracy ruined every song he did with peep.

damn, you're a lame

tracy was a nice contrast to his songs, but yeah, obviously Peep was a superstar