What are the top five Kozelek songs?

What are the top five Kozelek songs?

>I can't live without my mother's love
>lord kill the pain
>medicine bottle
>katy song
>carry me ohio

1. Down Colorful Hill
2. Mother
3. Brown Eyes
4. Strawberry Hill
5. Funhouse

1. War on Drugs: Suck my Cock
2. He's Bad

This is what actual depression looks like.

>Ceiling Gazing

This song fucks my shit up every time.

1. Japanese To English
2. Duk Koo Kim
3. Medicine Bottle
4. Salvador Sanchez
5. Lord Kill The Pain


y jte @ #1?

Duk Koo Kim
Strawberry Hill
Japanese to English
Medicine Bottle
Carry Me Ohio

why does mark kozelek have dead cold serial killer eyes

I can't trust anyone that doesn't have Katy Song in their top 5

Bergen to Trondheim
I Love Portugal
Ben's My Friend
Birds of Flims

i love portugal...really

1 Medicine bottle
2 Carissa
3 Mother
4 Mistress
5 Lost verses

1. Duk Koo Kim
2. Duk Koo Kim
3. Duk Koo Kim
4. Duk Koo Kim
5. Duk Koo Kim

y mother?

The five tracks on DCH that aren’t Lord Kill the Pain.

1) Medicine Bottle
2) Strawberry Hill
3) Katy Song
4) Duk Koo Kim
5) Carry Me Ohio

>medicine bottle
>carry me ohio
>katy song

we all know whats his best songs no thread needed.

have you heard his music?

>no strawberry hill
>no mother

1. Duk Koo Kim
2. Medicine Bottle
3. Things Mean A Lot
4. Moments
5. Have You Forgotten?

>medicine bottle

never understood the love for this song. It just sounds poorly produced with sub-zeppelin tier riffs to fill in the monotony

you might understand it if you've ever been in a relationship and have had depression/anxiety before

Surprised nobody said headsore


Why would he throw the chance to perform for the largest audience he'll surely ever have? The fact that Jimmy went out of his way to show love to him (annoying as jimmy is). And he just acts like a dead through the whole un-special performance

Very personal connection to it. It's my most listened to song by any artist.

y? cuz u hav japan waifu?


what user said, the lyrics hit home incredibly hard as someone who struggles with anxiety, also just am a fan of the chorusy guitars and drums

New Jersey (bridge edition) is my favourite.

Katy Song
Medicine Bottle
Down Colorful Hill
Mothers Love
Song Remains the Same





katy song
down through
butch lullaby

people who actually have depression/anxiety dont get into relationships

well yeah that's kind of what the song is about

Can't speak to the depression/anxiety thing because I'm not 16 anymore thinking my problems or feelings matter, but the song-writing of it is top notch. The lyrics and cadence is incredible.

The only thing that stops DCH from being 10/10 is the title-track. Not that I don't like it, i just think it disrupts the flow of the album. Would have rather seen uncle joe or strawberry hill in its place, which were both fully written by the time of DCH.

>Can't speak to the depression/anxiety thing because I'm not 16 anymore thinking my problems or feelings matter

lol what an edgelord

Nah. I'm not invalidating other people's feelings of anxiety/depression.

I'm saying that when I was 16ish I felt like I had problems I suffered from, but with actual hindsight you realize you didn't have any fucking problems at all. I've had a pretty good life, really.

That doesn't really mean anything with anxiety/depression though. It's a chemical thing with that. You don't have to have had a shit life to suffer from it. It's like, science or something.


so it's about fantasizing about a relationship?

>muh sexual disposition

>no Between Days
Most underrated Kozelek song, then, and one of his absolute best.

>likes between days cause it has a guitar riff
>14 yrs old

1. Down Colorful Hill
2. Lost Verses
3. Strawberry Hill
4. Priest Alley Song/Revelation Big Sur(too hard to decide which)
5. Moments

prayers for success

I’ve been meaning to get into his music for a while, can anyone recommend the way to start? Red House Painters stuff or solo? Or other stuff?

He has such an awkward face

Ian, pls. And stop fucking girls, you're supposed to be incarcerated.


Oh shit i forgot moments and Drop. They might be up there on my list here

Duk Koo Kim
Grace Cathedral Park
Katy Song
San Geronimo

Just listen to all his albums in chronological order.

Mark was a pretty attractive tall motherfucker, which was amplified by his success singing sad boy songs in a beta voice, so he could probably get girls without even trying, or ever leaving his dark apartment

>you realize you didn't have any fucking problems at all. I've had a pretty good life

This is a pleb filter "realization"

You may not like it but that is what peak depression looks like.
Birds of Flims is so good bro damn