*muffled humanoid screams*

*muffled humanoid screams*

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what the fuck is this from a film

hosted at BestJUST


It's real. Unfortunately.

>when you try to grab your face that has no skin on it but your hands have been cut off so you just scream but the back of your throat has been stabbed open by a knife so its just a wimper

-two women on the right doing all the stabbing
-guy in flip flops filming
-guy holding him down
-one or two people to the left

that guy really fucked up to get killed by that many people

Was he ok?

thats fucked up man

How bad is this. I've never watched it but I kind of want to. But I'm also thinking seeing these things is bad for my soul.

>all while funky town is playing in the background

makes me really appreciate being white in a (mostly) civilized country

Seriously, his handless arm trying to cover his face because he was so embarrassed was kind of sad.

You should hear the gurgling screams for the video

It's pretty bad. Probably the worst thing I've seen. You should totally check it out



Any story behind this?

I'd love it if the people faced some justice, or if the guy deserved it at least.

Evolution is such a nice thing, naturally eradicating all the filth out of his world.

>no audio to hear the mexican spanish while they do the deed

6/10, really lowers the artistic quality and ignores the decades of heritage that have built up media such as this.

There's blood. That's enough for me, really. Time to report this motherfucker for illegal content and watch the cunt BURN!

>I don't give a fuck about breaking the rule on that one - the shitposting has to STOP

it's one of the worst I've seen
pointless to watch, really, it's not like you learn anything new
humans have acted this way since the beginning of time

>Sup Forums

Without the sound its not that bad

Mexican cartel related.

they're all cartel members, dude that's getting a facial did the same thing to the buddies of the guys filming although he cut their penises and other assorted forms of torture.

something like this, he must have raped and murdered a child or something, nothing else would justify it imo

it's an all-timer imo. like in terms of being the most brutal & horrifying thing on the internet at the time or release, the natural progression is chech clear ---> three guys one hammer ---> this video. it will be a long time before it's topped.

Probably some petty drug dealer or some guys family member just to send a message

not the worst thing I've seen, but still pretty fucked up, especially if you aren't used to this
watch it if you really want, but in the end it's a pointless video that really just makes you lose hope in humanity
best live in ignorance of the shit we do to our brethens

This a gang kill?

What's the worst you've seen? Curious because this is pretty bad

it's just not the same without funkytown in the background

Cartel manages to capture rival cartel member, films this to try to instill fear in other cartels. That or it's the father or son or brother of a rival cartel member. They like to go after each others families.

Stuff involving children is much worse, at least to me.

but yeah

what is chech clear?

I wish there were some cool documentaries about these fellas, they seem brutal as fuck.

all due respect, how naive can you be? they do this to people who they even vaguely suspect of stealing or snitching. he could also just be a rival gang member.


I don't know why that give me so much relief. I guess because no humans were harmed in the making of this film

Trump wants to deport this.


i actually did lol though i'm not even lying

How long until these kind of videos start showing up in 4k full hd stuff?

It's going to be awful.

It's actually probably the worst thing I've ever seen in terms of human gore.Obviously animal abuse is much MUCH fucking higher on the"worst thing I've ever seen list" but in terms of human gore, this is the worst you'll see, ever.

True but in terms of legally post-able gore, this is the worst.

I've seen worst

man, I wouldn't know
the first gore I ever saw was the video of the guy putting some glass bottle in his ass, and then it shatters and he panics

though recently there has been this video of some poor sod who pissed off the cartel, had his face cut off, and he was fed his fingers as disco played in the background, and now that I'm thinking about it it could be the same guy, but I remember the video being darker

also my friend showed me this video of ISIS beheading a kid, I don't remember the details, it was a pretty standard assassination, but because it was a harmless kid, it kind of gets you, you know.

but I find murder to be tame, strangely enough, compared to accidents, shit that happens to people who didn't deserve it, who were just at the wrong place at the wrong time
I'm trying to find an example, but I can't think of anything

Well, now that ISIS is in direct competition against mexican torture videos it's only a matter of time.

ISIS may have the good editing and high res but you just can't beat mexican finesse. The latter have been at it for decades.

Didn't you see the hd isis videos?


nah anything with cats or dogs is impossible to watch

humans I don't give a fuck about

Wow. That's great, then. It hasn't even affected my life or well-being in the slightest. I'll be able to go to work and live my happy life tomorrow, totally unchanged and totally unaffected. How great for me!

meant execution

In fact, I'm pretty sure this shit is the exclusive reason that Trump won.

Same, guy getting the treatment might have been a Narco himself, the fucking kitten in the video that one nigger has been spamming literally did nothing wrong but be born to be picked up by some subhuman.

This. If it gives off even a whiff of it involving an animal, I can't turn it on.

Well, there's always Cartel Land which is pretty good or the TV show Narcos. Nothing to my mind where some incredibly brutal corpse is seen in HD or anything like that. If there was then I would probably watch it.

>terrorists groups working indirectly or directly for israel in ME start making execution videos
>cartels trained by mossad suddenly adopt this tactic

really makes you think..

Lady begging in the woods
Kid being shot
Rapist being killed
Three men screaming


>you will never get super powers and brutally murder scum like in the OP webm

>with this playing in the background

>Lady begging in the woods

I personally know people who are responsible for this (I'm looking at you, druggies)

The worst i've seen is those fucking muslims injecting dogs with acid, even little puppies.

Muslims shouldn't exist they are bad for other humans they are bad for animals they should be rounded up on a deserted island and burned to death with scalding pork grease.

tell us about lady begging in the woods

The Iran video, right? I didn't watch that shit, I just don't want to.

>that feel when you will never magically teleport the Mexican drug cartels to Iraq and watch them duke it out with ISIS

it would be breathtaking

>muslims injecting dogs with acid
I didn't even want to know this happened anywhere, ever. Please erase my brain, somebody.


>not even spoilered gore thread up for an hour
thanks mods, really earning your pay


what is it? reminder this board is full of mentally fucked up men

Good don't, the screams of the dogs fucking stayed in my head for weeks.

>injecting dogs with acid

For what purpose?

I am not a fan of it either, but just use the "hide" button and the thread will be gone just as well as if a janny deleted it.

This world is fucked

I give no fucks about gunshots, the only one that might bother me is a gnarly Mossberg point blank shot where theres hanging bits of face and eyes and shit though but I can literally watch headshots all day.

Not trying to brag, sorry. Just saying because they generally just pass out. Its kind of eerie actually. We are all just animated fleshbags until the end when the strings are cut.

Fuck sorry again that was way too edgy but thats the feeling I get.

I have an honest fear of Mexicans and it makes me sad that they a) want to take over this country and feel some right to it b) even though I need to know Spanish I feel like I don't want too so maybe I can have a chance at plausible deniability to a Cartel member.

they were probably gay dogs

they deserved it

What happens in the video?


Because in their backwards ideology it's a way of cleaning a filthy animal.

you can't talk about gore and not be edgy, user, not even a pastor can

A guy with the face of his sking peeled off and his hand cut off getting his neck sliced with a boxcutter

What you think famm?

Why are Latinos such animals?

it's not that bad, pussy just watch it
>filthy animal
so... if your dog rolls in mud... you should acidify its veins to clean it?

>tfw have been on this shithole long enough that webm got zero reaction out of me

I'm not even edgy, I want people to be good to eachother and not to hurt one another, I've just seen so much shit on here and in real life that it's like watching a youtube video of someone reviewing a movie at this point. Sad shit.

>Latinos are animals
you answered your own question


Shit people are selling acid to developing children-people and they do fucked up things with it.

Dogs are seen as unclean and unhygienic in Islam. Ironically the Prophet Mohammad loved all animals except snakes, and never actually said to kill or hurt dogs, in fact he sent like two of his soldiers to guard a female dog giving birth. Most of the Anti-Dog KILL DOGS sentiment comes from dumb mullahs.

t. islam pro

No i mean dogs and pigs are considered disgusting in the muslim world like unclean i don't know how to describe it because i'm not a towelhead.

Yea if you want to kill him

that first scream catches you off guard

t. edgelord

>t. islam pro

Found the sociopaths

Trump wants to deport this.

>Waah stop hurting the animals
>But fuck people XD

Jesus Christ

had to watch this thing with browser scrolled all the way up so I could only see 1/4 of whats going on

Made me laugh for some reason