

>browsing Sup Forums in public
>frogposting in public
>specially after Pepe was declared a hate symbol


Browsing on my phone is fine, 99.9% of people can't recognize the site on mobile anyway

>Pepe was declared a hate symbol

I think this is part of what drove people away from Hillary.
Complaining about a cartoon frog.

Also blaming Russia for shit.

Made her look like a doddering fool.

>implying anyone cares about Hillary's boogeymen after she lost in a landslide

I agree, and I also think the way Sup Forums meme'd Trump into the presidency was by being so edgy and loud that Hillary and her team thought it was representative of the average Trump supporter. So she went and called everyone a deplorable racist and there was backslash. That coupled with her thinking the other side's loud minorities (SJWs) had more weight ruined her campaign. She was talking almost only to the minorities, and for the average working class American her message didn't make sense. For example, she talked about bringing back jobs but at the same time she talked in favor of free trade and raising taxes. People aren't that dumb and knew her jobs talk were empty words because her policies would cause even more outsourcing. Also people are still mourning their sons from the recent wars and Hillary wanted more intervention. I'm actually surprised she managed to secure so many votes despite her shitty policies, must have been the "blue team" mentality. Dumb sheeple.

Except he lost the popular vote in a landslide, Drumpfcuck.

>99.9% of people can't recognize the site on mobile anyway
>implying the can recognize the desktop site
>implying that's the problem

Nigger, if they recognize it they're one of us. The problem with public browsing is the amount of fetish pics around.

>in a landslide

Not even close to that.

The edge was so slight that it was probably due to fucking voter-fraud.

Putting the ball in the basket don't win you the football game, dumbass.

>popular vote


Actually, the main problem is the huge faggy Japanese advertisements on the top of ever page on mobile. Seriously, fuck that Kikeanese fuck Jewro

>popular vote
>implying meeting the victory conditions for checkers makes you win in 4D chess

>. The problem with public browsing is the amount of fetish pics around.

Not as much of a problem on mobile. All the BLACKED stuff is usually pixelated WebM thumbnails you can quickly scroll past

You mean J-list?
I agree, fuck that shit.
>sex pillows
>sexual toys

I'm autistic so I don't have to care about what people think. I can simply be myself, enjoy the things I enjoy and tell truth as I see it. Must suck being a normie and constantly have to worry about your social capital.

>tfw you're on mobile and accidentally click the ad while trying to delete it

Not just blacked, all the cunnyfags, footfags and other stuff are insufferable. Sometimes I end up disabling the thumbnails.

Every fucking time

I hate when that happens too. Sucks to have sausage fingers.
>tfw no stylus