With the fallout from all the examples of sexual misconduct in the music scene, triggered by Jesse Lacey's situation...

With the fallout from all the examples of sexual misconduct in the music scene, triggered by Jesse Lacey's situation, it's pretty clear that something needs to change.
So many women and girls have come forward to share their experiences of being groped, threatened, assaulted, groomed, and worse at shows or by band members they look up to.

The affects that these actions have on vulnerable young people, or anyone, for that matter, are devestating and lifelong. What's almost even worse however, is when these girls and women try to come forward and are attacked by hordes of fanboys and random men/women.

And then we wonder why no one speaks up sooner.
It's time to start looking out for others, stop demeaning or taking advantage of young girls or women at shows, and stop further abuse towards victims brave enough to come forward.
And it's time to hold people accountable for their actions.

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I'm sure this Sup Forums post will get people to do what you say.

Just want to point out that apparently Alice Glass has been outed as a liar.

I agree with your post, but please, let's not thoughtlessly trust women right away just because they are women.


Add to the "has to change" part that women must be educated to speak up sooner, ideally right after the assault when there might still be proofs of assault.

That, and that regretting a sexual encounter does not equal rape. In the professional world, if they had a sexual encounter or were assaulted by they boss and they did not speak up, it seems like they got some reward or advancement for it, they are complicit in it and the event might have not even been assault at all.

t. Crazium

Maybe they shouldn't come forward 15 years after the fact

Let's be real here for a second. Asking a fan for nudes isn't fucking rape. Maybe if the fan is like 14 then it's kind of messed up but it's not a sexual assault. This whole idea that someone admiring you and you asking them to do things is the same thing as raping them is borderline retarded.

Kinda irrelevant to mention in this case. Jesse Lacey openly acknowledged these allegations and his behavior apart from the part that he had sex with a minor.

I agree that allegations are merely allegations and that no one is guilty unless proven so (unless they just outright say so them self), but in a number of cases, the lyrics are there and pretty fucking clear and with people like Weinstein or Louis CK, these allegations have already been known for years.

What a fucked up post
He's taken advantage of multiple minors
I never said it was rape

I assume several of Weinstein's accusers are people who slept with him for professional gain and are now jumping onto the bandwagon for professional gain too

two wins in their situation as I see it

>What a fucked up post
Why fucked up? You believe women are angels or what? Are women not capable of such things while men are capable of forcing themselves into people? Why are you so sexist?

not Sup Forums but

>all he did was asking for nudes, skyping and stuff liek
>the girls kept contact for several years

What the hell is wrong with women?
Just don't do it.

Women don't sexually abuse boys or men and aren't taught to abuse them in the same way men are or as often as men do

Are you fucking retarded?

Point granted that men commit most sexual offenses. My point is, taking into account that men can commit these dark acts, is it unthinkable that women of the same species can manipulate and lie?
>he honestly believes men are taught to abuse

They are.
>getting girls drunk is a good way to get laid
>talk about women like they're sex dolls
>take advantage of vulnerable women or young girls to get laid
>objectify women like on this very forum with waifu posting and creepy obsessions and stalking

Not an argument

>Women don't sexually abuse boys or men

>two examples means women are abusers just as often
Wow I'm convinced

Ever watch to catch a predator? Or you know, look at statistics? Or you know, talk to women? Or you know, use basic logic? Outliers like those don't mean women are just as likely to be predators, you fucking mongoloid

And stay there