3x3, 4x4, 5x5 weekly last.fm chart thread

you know the drill

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+Alvvays, Radiohead, Miles Davis, Cocteau Twins, Bjork, Bowie, Black Sabbath
~Tame Impala

I'mma guess shit

You are bisexual/gay and if not, you're very open about things

+++++The Dreaming
++BoC, Alvvays
Has a lot of friends that attract artsy boys to hang out with them


Forgot chart

Forgot to ask, favorite song off The Dreaming

3x3 cause work has eaten up almost all of my free time, and the rest I spent getting burnt

+Cocteau Twins

~Kanye West, Crystal Castles (III)
-Gaslamp Killer

+Geogaddi, Take me to your leader, Music Has the Right to Children, MM...Food, &&&&, RtJ2, Ceres & Calupso In The Deep Time
~Black Up

do me
do me (sexually)


>do me
Sorry, I don't really know any of these artists

>do me (sexually)
oh my

giga drill breaker
haven't heard that name in a long time...

What kind of burnt?

Thinks in riddles, talks in puzzles


was gonna make a sodomy joke but that'd be a lame copout even for the likes of me

>Sorry, I don't really know any of these artists
tell me what you think

Wait, I gotta finish this album first

I was a fan of MIA's first two albums but I never got around to Matangi or MAYA.
>What kind of burnt?
High, toasted, zooted, baked, inebriated, etc.
Sometimes I like to listen to music during it, but for the most part I don't feel like digging through my music collection for a song/EP/LP that fits the mood.

good stuff, i should try tame impala again

been ages since i last listened to amy, is frank good

hey you

>is frank good
It's pretty good, kinda underwhelming at times but solid, try it out

this makes me seem pretty gay huh

++The Beatles
+Kanye, Dabid Bowie
- Boards of Canada
++Bjork, Alvvays
+Joy Division
-Boards of Canada, Taylor, Grimes
++Bjork, Radiohead, Alvvays
+Bowie, Death Grips

Been going through a lot of 2011 releases and binging on LCD to prepare for last night's show

++bork, cocteau twins, objekt
+alvvays, new fleet foxes, steely dan, roxy music, bowie, dg
++bork, boc, cure, cocteau twins
+alvvays, kate bush, jd, ramleh
+bortishead, crystal castles, steely dan, beach house
~frank, arca, ye, mac, big black
++boc, candy claws
+shabazz, wire, bowie, smiths, alvvays
~arca, rtj
+laurel halo, pil, after dinner
~japanese breakfast

+ajj, dg, smiths, jd
~dre, sonic youth
+danny, dg

Fuck you Sabaton is good

Very interesting taste, I love the David Bowie and NiN you've included.
Great taste in pop and rock!
Haven't heard some of this, but I do love Yeezus and I don't really like Xiu Xiu. Good taste overall cus of Arca and Big Black.
Relapse? I don't really like Eminem or Doom, honestly don't get the appeal.
Ayy, magical mystery tour and Disraeli gears, pretty awesome.
First chart I've seen that rightfully puts 808's above most of Kanye's catalogue, well done.
Bottomless Pit and Iron & Wine, very cool.
I don't get the appeal behind James Blake's self titled. his voice annoys me and the 4 or 5 times I listened through the album I hated every
second. Other than that, great taste.
Isn't reputation not out yet? Other than that pretty great taste!
Carolus rex is great.

>Relapse? I don't really like Eminem
I don't listen to Eminem often but I listened to Relapse for fun after hearing about it, I actually liked it, some of the songs were so crazy they were entertaining

>or Doom
What have you listened from him?


Reputation came out on the 10th, desu senpai.

Mm... Food and part of madvillainy. It was just kind of bland.

Finally The Beach Boys take up more than half of my chart. Took long enough.
+Late Registration, Talking Heads, MBV, The Pop Group, bottom row, ~Iggy Pop, Quebec, -Jeff Rosenstock, Yeezus
What's that album to the left of Quebec?
+Age of Adz, NotM, Atrocity Exhibition, Aphex Twin, Demarco, Acidrap, NIN, ~Grimes, AnCo and side projects, Blur, -TLOP
+Actress, FlyLo, -Deerhunter

+ Pet Sounds
- Jeff Rosenstock


Contribute cunt, King Krule is for faggots

- you

the album next to Quebec is a little known album called The Pet Sounds, you should actually check it out I think you'd like it! :)

+++Mars Volta (frances the mute has to be one of my favorite albums), MF DOOM
++Shabazz Palaces
+David Bowie, Boards of Canada
Used to listen to Relapse a lot too. pretty awesome chart overall, I'll check out some of those I don't know yet

Maybe try dangerdoom? Not one of his best IMO but the beats are a different style, you might like it better

++ AJJ, Sufjan
+ Neil Young, The Smiths

++ Kanye, Joni

++ Talking Heads, Ween

Also, feeling folk as fuck this week.

Very Feminine. Maybe a trap.

Edgy goth girl

24+ yo whos "losing his edge"

Sad sack of shit whos fucked his life up

Props for the Leonard Cohen and Violent Femmes, though.

lil bump

nice taste
