At what age did you grow out of metal, Sup Forums?

at what age did you grow out of metal, Sup Forums?

Never because I'm not a low test soyboy

> be 35
Probably in my mid to late 20's.
And it's not that I really grew completely out of it, I just don't listen to it nearly as often. I had my fill, now I'm listening to other things.

I want this meme to die

same age I grew out of rap

it's older than you, so...

i'm 41 and grew out of metal around age 25 or so

I'll never grow out of Sabbath though, Sabbath is something else

Doubt this.

Around the age I started listening to white indie.

sabboth is shit m8 what the fuk ultimate pleb musik dont be retarded

I got into metal again around 25, these things come and go. You will probably get eventually bored of any music you like right now, at least for some time. It's not really that serious.

You're right m8, what was I thinking, what do you like?.. I'll like that instead

I got my metal autism at the age of 13 i'm 23 now and the autism has only got stronger over the years

Milkboys have lower T.

I've only moved on to different and more mature metal subgenres, as well expanded into psychedelic and prog rock.

I was never in it

>not expanding into other genres but also listening to the stuff you started out with
>having a narrow musical palette

I didn't outgrow it,I just don't listen to it nearly as often as I did. Also ignoring an entire genre makes you pleb

People don't grow out of metal. They grow out of normie alt-rock like Smashing Pumpkins, Weezer and Nirvana

What type of metal are we talking about? Because I still listen to it. Currently living in Otsuka, Japan for school and surprised at how many people here love metal and how mainstream it is. I thought all they listened to was Jpop and anime music.

I still listen to metal occasionally.
>hurr durr I'm so mature I can't listen to my childhood favorites anymore

Trips confirm, metal autism is incurable.

Apart from the 70s bands, every metal band out there is super cringy... No wonder nobody outside of that sad world cares about metal

>unironically using the word "cringe"


at what age did you grow out of rap and pop?

13 and 11

well godflesh released a new album yesterday

so -1 day.

grew out of it at 15
grew into into at 21

brothers i am calling, from the valley of the kings...

never touched the stuff. i actually like music

Around my last year of High School

I was still listening to it but I was secretly getting more and more bored, then I moved out for university and stopped completely

It's incredible for me that people can still enjoy metal after their early 20s, had a quippy quip to quip you with and you ruined it.