Bjork-Utopia leaked


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it's 10 gigs of sufjan stevens sucking cock you nerd give me bjork music now!!!!!!!!

holy shit I don't care for bjork but I am dling this

thanks user

It's legit

Btw the tracklist is reversed. Listen starting from Arisen My Senses.

dubs and it's AOTY

noted, danke

not trusting you or OP

It's real but the tracklist is in reverse order

oh fugg

That's on you.
Thanks OP :3 I love you.

it's real senpaitachi. OP is based.


I'm one minute into Arisen My Senses and Hot DAMN this is crazy

>volta pt.2


First thing I did was go through and fix the tags/filenames.
New link with the tracklist in the right order.

Most boring thing I've ever heard

*kisses u*
i'd suck your're penis if i could tbhsemaponiai


cant recall the last decent & listenable bjork album


Let me help you, it was called Vulnicura (2015)

Vespertine, that was the last good one

bjork looks fucking ugly like some fucking alien

Vulnicura was excellent, i'm not feeling this one though.

that's true btw
nice doubles as well

>mfw resisting the urge to just skip Blissing Me/The Gate and get to the new tracks
i can do this guys, i can do it

You're fucking blind

Haha same here, I did it though, on the title track now.

leak it deak

Body Memory though

REEE I'm not there yet

I hadn't listened to Blissing Me when it came out, the music nerds line is pretty jarring.

>tfw you will never send her mp3s

better than utopia desudesudesu

why even live

Bjork's new album got finally leaked and surprise surprise

It's fucking fantastic.

I pity you fools and your mumble rap trash, pretentious indie-rock you only listen to to impress girls and soundcloud tripe. All the density and sustenance of a blade of grass.

Only a mentally deficient buffoon of crass taste would find this album anything other than a work of art.

Those Homogenic beats!

Thanks for saving me the trouble

>having this little in life to think anything bjork releases isn't just for teenage girls and waifu-creeps.

Can we all delete Features Creatures?
This track just sucked all the hype out.

i'm scared
what if it dethrones my aotysf (arca)??

On Utopia right now, absolutely falling in love with this.

So I take it you haven't listened to the ENTIRE thing yet...

How is the sound quality?

Sup Forums listen along when?


I'm Tell me it doesn't dive in quality.


>first two tracks improperly capitalized
>no encode bitrate on folder name
You son of a bitch

Homogenic beats on Loss too

It's 320 apparently, I'm loving the album but it sounds off, I think it's a bad rip

is there a torrent going around anywhere

Apart from the two singles that were already released I haven't heard ANY of it (yet.) I was just pointing out how - going by -
how obvious it was you hadn't yet either...

Please tell me she'll make a video for Body Memory, fuck this is great.



Gonna listen to it in an hour so I can prepare for it, way too hyped and ADD rn to listen.


Thank you for the Claimstaker, Arca.

Sue Me is a fucking mess

Tabula Rasa is the only track so far I've not liked a lot.

Claimstaker sounds very Cristobal Tapia De Veer, ironically like some of his stuff off the Utopia soundtrack.

Future Forever is great

Just finished listening to the whole thing and won't be listening to it again. Arisen my senses is the best track by far and it felt like every other track was filler. I really wanted to like this one.

Arisen My Senses is ruined by those shitty syncopated distorted kick drums that drown out the rest of the sound. Don't know who's bright idea that was.

>Don't know who's bright idea that was
You know.

Yeah I think it's upscaled

arisen my senses really is fuckngen amazing not memeing

who /arca/ here?

Anyone else notice how Arisen My Senses is a remake of Little Now a Lot from Stretch 1?

It’s so good

Does Bjork have any instrumental albums? I can't stand her gimmicky intonation and phrasing

Of course not, but Batabid is a good track. Fuck you also.


Holy shit it's good

Another album that makes me think she's pickled her brain with Vodka.

Would it kill her to match the song's rhythm now and then?

Is Body Memory the BEST thing made this year and ever produced by Björk and her team?

I've only listened once that song and it has already earn the first place in my heart.

That woman can't compose for shit. What a grandiloquent mess this record is (same thing goes for her whole discography).



not from Stretch 1 actually. from Baron Libre, I meant.

Frankly I don't see how it's different or superior to the rest of the album. It's just longer.

more like Fillertopia desu

>when the choir kicks in

you're a stupid faggot and i hope you die soon.

Are you okay user?

arrogant much

fuck you don't listen to leaks respect the artists wishes.


nice quads heh
that'll teach you, stupid girl

>respect the producer and label's wishes

>implying artist's don't get upset by it
drop dead in 5, 4, 3, 2..

fuck head

King Gizzard don't seem to mind

Depends on the artist/situation desu

can you not?

i don't give a FUCK about either of those hacks

did you mean a free self-advertisement situation?


king gizzard probably still care what actual people on forums have to say about them

Not liking this one desu. It's all over the place, like a mashup of all her previous sounds. I loved vespertine, but after that she took a nosedive. Some decent tracks on medulla and Vulnicura, but not this one. Nothing stood out to make me want to listen to it again. Except maybe a bit of blissing me and the opening track