ITT: Overrated

ITT: Overrated

All of their stuff's overrated though, and of their "big three," this is the one that deserves the hype the most imo. Even though I've never liked Welcome to the Machine and I doubt I ever will, this might be my favorite by them.

Should be dark side or the wall, people don't rate this entire album outside of the hits.

Best Floyd 3






What I like about this album is how it has this whimsical dreamy aesthetic but when you get into it's it's actually really crushing and bleak. That's what I really like about Pink Floyd really, they sound soothing on a surface level, but at the same time make you feel really powerless.



Other than OP, everyone in this thread is correct

wait how is DAMN. not overrated? Especially compared to his last three albums



The Wall is pretty shitty in a lot of places (with a fucking retarded concept), DSOTM has its head shoved deep in its own ass compared to WYWH. (although Have a Cigar is one of the worst, most soulless pieces they ever created).
desu the only Pink Floyd albums I can listen to entirely are Animals and Piper.

Just like Tame Impala

To be fair I think "soulless" is the emotion that that track is trying to give off. The album is built in such a way where it hits you with emotion and then bombards you with tracks that are increasingly cold and withdrawn.

two good tracks

It doesn't feel like it's intentional, though. It just feels like a really bad attempt at funk or something

It's not a bad comeback album, especially compared to other comeback albums by musicians who've spent several years not releasing anything, but it is definitely weaker than their previous releases.

Compared to nevermind, it isn't really overrated.

I agree.

I don't know, for me everything about that record works. If it doesn't for other people then there's nothing I can really do about it, but the overall experience I get from that record is basically perfect.

Soulless in the way you're talking about would be anything from the last three Pink Floyd records, where they pretend to be mad about things they don't give a fuck about so that they can sound like Roger Waters, at the same time only doing all that to show they're better than him. It's actually creepy. But it's also ironic how this band completely embodied all the soullessness that the lyrics on this record targeted after Waters left.

Soulless might be the wrong word. Lifeless is much more apt. It's just such an unenergetic attempt at a song that should be energetic.

The song is about people pretending to give a fuck about things when they really just want to fuck you over and drain you. The slight apathy in the way it's played totally matches that. Any more energy would have felt like exertion in that context.


I'm not talking about the lyrics, but the music and the production. it sounds like a midi recording. the solo at the end is one of gilmour's most boring

I get that, I'm just saying, for me the way it's downplayed feeds into the coldness and detachment of the track, which is what I feel makes it so effective. There's absolutely nothing comforting or inviting about it, it just sounds really void. I like that about the track.

What a shitty opinion.

>What a shitty opinion.

eh, it just doesn't work for me

Anything by these queers tbqh


re run home is great

the rest of the album i didnt get into much


Just seeing that cover made me want to say "this," then I remembered the subject of the thread and was like oh wait.



Led Zeppelin



I'm not mad, just asking - how? The normies who don't give their records the time of day act like they're the most important band in the world to them when they've heard maybe Stairway to Heaven. So they're actually kind of underrated. Just to be honest, their whole discography is essentially a flawless eight record streak. I don't think most people who act like they're this important band to them really understand how good they were. The other side is that people who seriously listen to music write them off for sounding generic, but really there's nothing generic about them. They're on a higher musical plane than you might think given the type of rock they did. It's intelligent rock and roll. Not in some didactic "intellectual" way, it's intelligent in that it knows how the genre works and how to get the absolute best out of that genre, only occasionally dabbling in elements of prog and psychedelia. And when it does lean on those genres, it does so with a level of subtly that makes them beat other artists who are more prominent in those genres at their own game. I'm sorry, but Led Zeppelin are a fucking good band.


>my favorite album

over the line friend

Literal trash




Switch Piper for Obscured and I'd agree

they're a good band, just overrated. Robert Plant is a garbage singer.





all their albums are overrated




t. contrarian shithead

I agree, what a snoozefest




Nevermind is the only album I've heard of where the demos were better than the final product.

Stop sucking your mothers dong.


Piper is comfy but not Top 3, Saucerful is definetely better. Obscured is their most underrated album next to Ummagumma, so it should replace WYWH.

>But half of Ummagumma is shi-
No, the Live album is great and the studio album only has 3 bad "songs".


just noticed the burn mark on the cover. That just ruins the whole thing

>Lift Yr. Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
>Unknown Pleasures
>Pink Moon
>Remain in Light
>The Queen is Dead
>Enter the Wu-Tang

Radiohead's entire discography sucks. Only boys who like weiner in their mouth enjoy radiohead.

>Robert Plant is a garbage singer
Wow... How does it feel to have the worst opinion of all time?

He isn't wrong though. He can't sing for shit during concerts.


just stop. stop talking now. listen to How The West Was Won

never been a huge fan of wywh though I do like Dark Side, Animals, The Wall, Meddle, don't know why

That's not Animals
Nirvana's true masterpiece
This goes for most YouTube-core
It's a fun listen, but yeah, probably a bit overblown
there it is



>Lift Yr Skinny Fists...
>Pink Moon
>Remain in Light
>The Queen is Dead

Are you kidding me or are you just a contrarian?


Anything by AnCo. The Glow, pt. 2, In the Aeroplane over the Sea, and Twin Fantasy as well. Really most Sup Forumscore inhales dong save for Loveless, Untrue, and Kid A, along with a few other exceptions like Spiderland.
Remain in Light is overrated as fuck. TQID is by a bit but it's more or less as good as people say, the rest deserves its praise.




Yeah, if we could switch out BABY BABY BABY BABY that'd be fine





The trick is to be listening to it while doing extrovert-y things.



definitely overrated but also not as bad as /jazz/ posters would lead you to believe

kys faggot

think you got Kid A confused with this

kys faggot

Why the homophobia?

wtf you ass, it hardly ever gets posted and it's fantastic



