What are some good movies about older men courting young girls? Preferably not pic related because I've already seen it

What are some good movies about older men courting young girls? Preferably not pic related because I've already seen it.

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i don't think humbert was courting anyone though.

Anyway, i'm not aware of any movies in which a middle aged person courts at 13 year old.

How about the opposite? As great as Lolita is as a novel, young guy/older woman is a much more interesting pairing.

Yeah but I mostly want this because I'm a filthy degenerate and I just got done watching all the young Natalie Portman movies.

I wouldn't call anything that happen in Lolita to be 'Courting' OP.

La petite sirène
Marie, the Doll
Beau Pere

Thanks, just what I was looking for.

>young guy/older woman

>tfw you like older men/young girl and older women/young guy.
>though what really gets me going is older women/young girl and its so fucking rare like it doesn't even exist

Just fuck this cruel world.

What movie and is it an example of what you were talking about?

Someone made a nice pedocore infographic at one point.

Leon: The Professional

Real good movie but there wasn't any romance. Child Portman is best Portman though.


Eva green falls in love with her 14 year old student and after that the whole film gets kind of weird buts its a decent slow-pace film.

It's probably one of the few films that focus on older women/young girl though it's really bleak.

If you're still in the mood for Jeremy Irons, try Damage.

>there wasn't any romance

Yes there was. The girl asked him to have sex multiple times.

Also Stealing Beauty too.

Thanks I'm at work right now but I'll check them out when I get home.

JWTies pornokino series.

No problem. Though honestly these threads are always nice.

Also I Walk the Line (1970)
Baby Doll
The Night of the Iguana

based beck

Jeune et jolie

Daddy Long Legs

the little mermaid? that's not how i remember it.

also, Paradies: Liebe (2012) is something about mid aged austrian fatties visiting kenya, not for love, but for the young BBC. pretty realistic

That has nothing to do with the topic of the thread though, unless they are little Kenyan boys but it doesn't seem so by the poster.

There was a french movie with the same name.

It's kind of cute and the acting is great in it.

Pretty much any french movie.

The Lover
Circle Of Two

I had no idea there were so many movies with this dynamic going on.

Paper Moon. It's more father/daughter relationship but it's very enjoyable.

Nice quads

It's because of wish-fulfillment and there are a lot of girls with daddy issues in real life so you see a lot reflection of that in these type of films.

Though I don't like the ones where some young girl is pair with some really old guy whos some wise asshole.

Its because of that is the main reason why I really hate that shit film madrid 1989 or something.

Wait until you see their ratings
most are 3-4/5 and 7-10/10 on almost all sites

why 30 yo man - 15 yo girl is degenerate, but 60 yo woman - 20 yo guy is progressive?

Because a certain religious group controls the media's narrative.



Which one gets scissored by the teach?

more of a good movies about young girl courting older man

The spaniard gets scissored by Eva.

Juno also had a huge crush on Eva character throughout the whole film and pretty much got cuck and reject by Eva.

One is a teen and one is an adult?

Anyway it's one of those things where legality became morality. People think 16 yr age limits are about consent when in reality it was about adults knocking up teens.

What do you mean it's about knocking up teens? Like adults purposefully went around knocking up children so they could have a pure child waifu?

Lifeguard - has a relationship with a 16 year old boy.

Blame on Rio.

Though 'good' is stretching it when it comes to that movie.

Un wed and teen pregnancies used to be a huge issue. Even moreso than now. That's how a lot of those laws started.

In Cali, it's illegal to have sex at 16 period. If two 16 yr olds have sex, they're raping each other.

Makes sense. My grandfather had a kid with three separate 15/16 year old girls.

but seriously, how was necessary a law for avoiding teens getting pregnat by adults, instead of getting pregnat by another teens? it doesn't make sense

Milf moms switch sons ! pretty good.

Young girls like older guys. Especially those with no father relationship.

teacher student movie. also really good.

Adore was godawful desu.

>In Cali, it's illegal to have sex at 16 period. If two 16 yr olds have sex, they're raping each other.
this is true. whats even worse is that if you get arrested for masturbating when youre below 16 you risk getting convicted for child molestation and doing 10+ years in jail.

All of them ever except Harold and Maude.

One kid between three girls?

>young guy/older woman
There isn't even that much porn like this, much less movies. Fuck.

Good Lord.

No one kid each.

I just listed 2

Like I said, it's illegal to have sex with someone under 18 in Cali, period. The penalties actually increase with the age difference.

No, it doesn't make sense. Over the years it's gotten distorted into being about how someone of that age can't consent.

Glad I've always dug older chicks.

Adore is godawful though. And 2 is not a lot.

My horrible taboo fetish will forever be contained in my 30 year old movies. It's kind of shitty feeling.

You might find something in this list.


didn't see pic related in this thread, really enjoyable movie

>Harold and Maude.
Thats a good movie though.

One Wild Moment
Mini's First Time

h-how old was she when they filmed it?

I wonder if watching that entire list back to back will leave me permanently damaged.

that's kind of reasonable: people under 30, and over 35, shouldn't be allowed to have kids.

no need for any age of consent whatsoever.

The Door in the Floor is a nice one, has kim bassinger

most certainly.

I'll report back in a week. Hopefully I don't turn into Humbert Humbert.


>tfw there was a time where Dominque swain was a star for playing a slut so well.

I agree. I don't even disagree there should be a law about it.

However calling the offender a rapist is a bit much.

So whats with Moore always banging people much younger then her in her movies?

was demi moore the young chick in that one?


Also daily reminder that alpha kid was 15 and she was 19.

What's the context here? I always see this webm but never with an explanation.


Didn't even remember how hot she was. Even plastic is no match for real youth.

So Sad

me on the left

Honestly she looks OK there.

Also No Small Affair is a movie where Demi Moore is in a older women/younger men relationship.

No, she was already 17 when the film was released.
So, she was likely 16 at the time of filming.

The reason why the film came out when she was 17 was because no one wanted to disturbed it because of the subject.

She was 14-15 during the filming of it. Heres a video of Irons talking about it.

Am I the only person who liked the Kubrick version? Obviously it wasn't as good as the book, it would be almost impossible to match that even if his hands weren't tied by the censors. Still, I thought it was able to get across the dark humor of the book pretty well. Also this is a great song:


The Graduate is the obvious choice

>The Graduate

I really like that film. Though Mrs Robinson cause all the crap in the film by not being clear with Hoffman character.

Kids (1995)

Fish Tank
My First Mister
Baby Love(1968)

I heard the best movies about this topic can only be found on late 90's napster or early 00's kazaa

trips confirm

the lover is true kino, just re watched last month and was awesome

I haven't watch it in a long awhile but I remember it being lewd.

This was so boring, very dissapointing

Have you seen the Russian one?

yeah, I watched when I was very young and remember that at that time there was a lot of erotic good dramas (90's) so I wasn't that impressed but for this time is a jewel.
for the thread : The beguiled, I love eastwood in this, school girls, older man, suspense,really good atmosphere

I need to watch the Beguiled I heard it good.

How do you feel about Sofia Coppola remaking it?

You think she will fucked it up?

The 15 Year Old Girl (1989)

I'm a girl so, as much I wish I didn't like Sofia I love it, it's in the xy cromosomes, I don't know why. I wish that the remake it's made in the virgin suicides tone more than the bling ring one. I think she will be great at portraying the younger girls not sure about the darked parts of the plot.

>I'm a girl

What are you doing in this shithole and do you like older man/young girl?

Also I feel like Sofia is just 'eh' as a director and LIT was a fluke though I need to watch Somewhere I think I will like that.

I'm recalling a movie with 2 teens and an older man, and they all fuck. It was trashy 80's-90's? Shit.

Oh. Rita, Sue and Bob too.

I like this shit hole and I absolutely love Adrien Lyne movies. I'm not sure if I like older man/younger girl movies per se, I just like really unconfortable romance movies.
Sofia most remarcable positive aspect comes with portrait bourgeois women really truly, I see a lot of Barry lyndon in most of her movies, it's captivating

It's just weird I guess talking to another girl in this shithole.

I also really uncomfortable romance movies.

Also if you like movies that have I guess a dreamlike fantasy check out Sally Potter films or Heavenly Creatures, Cracks.


this is nice.
I saw Cracks and Heavenly creatures, love both.
Orlando is one of my faves, I enjoy Ginger and Rosa but I the relationship with Rosa and the father disgust me.
Also, An education have a younger girl/olderguy relationship and it's a really good movie.