How did he get so fat?

exercise isn't mandatory in prison and there's nowhere for him to go, so he probably just eats and then sits down all day.

ive never watched this, dont have access to netflix or torrents at the moment, somebody give me a tl,dw please

>if no new evidence then release him
>no new evidence, release him
>court says he can't be released
am I missing something here?

He looks like Podrick in that pic

It's just about a literal retard being wrongfully acused of murder.

Good. Fuck "documentaries". There isn't a single one that isn't complete and total editorialized bullshit.

He in a max and locked down most of the day eating shit food loaded with soy.

He could use all that free time to get shredded. There is literally no excuse to sit around all day and fap.

He is doubled up in a cell with another person with very little room to move about. Odds are the other inmate does not want to watch/listen to him working out. He is probably locked up with some shit bag from Milwaukee that Alphas him all day.

I had hope. I thought he was going to make it this time, boys.

How did people get so hyped about that series anyway? It was boring and drawn out af. So many better crime documentaries out there.

But the food is shit tho

The system does things because it has the power to do so.

Idgi why he didn't get released either, as far as I know he can't drive. He will be shadowed by his mom and famity 24/7 and he has zero prior incidents.

His first lawyer really fucked him over, multiple solo interrogations, letting the defense investigator who was working with the police frame him.

Hope something bad eventually happens to that guy, he had zero concern or care for his mentally retarded 16yo client facing murder.

truly a classic

Name them please.

That sick fuck deserves to die in prison.

its always marketing.

Frankly I'm amazed anyone continued watching it once they dropped the whole bit about "IQs around 60."

His first lawyer deserves a bullet in the neck

Have you even once looked at the evidence/the interrogation tapes?

He can still get commissary and eat honey buns and doritos all day

>He trusted the (((lawyer)))

If this "murderer" was a woman things would fly entirely differently. You faggots told me Trump would BTFO SJWs. Somehow I don't see the courts getting any better.

The Jinx was infinitely more interesting.

Into The Abyss

>he's innocent because a heavily cherrypicked entertainment show on Jewflix says so
>fuck having laws and trials and shit

>whats wrong with aunt diane
>the jinx
>just melvin, just evil
>capturing the friedmans
>into the abyss
>dear Zachary
>who took johnny
>west memphis 3
>the impostor
>conspiracy of silence
>the chesire murders
>an open secret
and thats not even counting the dozens of half hour crime case docs on ID

Good list. Dear Zachary made me cry.

who fucking cares, both of these mouth breathers are legally retarded. instead of jailing them we should just put them and anyone like them down.

its a story about a county full of bumbling idiots doing dumb shit