Two best hip-hop albums of the year are by Jaden Smith and Tyler, the Creator

>Two best hip-hop albums of the year are by Jaden Smith and Tyler, the Creator
What the fuck happened? How did literal memes turn into legitimately stunning artists?

Jadens been low-key good for a while already

nice bait

>best hip-hop albums of the year
>not Saturation II or All the Beauty of This Whole Life

I say it in every thread but please listen to Gucci Mane's Drop Top Wop. It is unironically very good.

Are they the only two albums you listened to?

Whoa people actually show props to Jaden now? He was pretty fucking bad at some point. Makes me feel better about all the bad decisions I've made. Only thing is I'm 28 and bald and should have seen this coming and known better by now. I mean... I've done some things, man. Some very childish things. What's next? Respect, that's what. I just need to edit my genome first so I can play this game properly. And fix my dicklet thing to boot. Whooey.

trash compared to Jaden's new joint, please fuck off to r/hiphopheads

Not him but I heard the song, it's damn near as cryptic as his old tweets were. Lots of rappers are, it's just that most of the good ones have substance behind all the bullshit. That takes a level of cleverness I don't believe Jaden possesses. And I just don't see it. It's not really hard to string rhymes together randomly. I mean:

All your verses sound like dirty dishes (Gross)
I'm about to clean 'em in the kitchen (Woo)
And we making money by the minute (Woo)
I'm about to do it way different

This part I understand and it's not really that great.

>tell people new jaden is fucking incredible
>they don't fucking believe you

the jaden album is absolute trash you have horrible taste.

Mind borrowing some of that bait

saturation I is better

>not DAMN and 4:44

not bait at all. jaden is unironically trash. it is reddit teir hiphop.

i cat believe people were actually saying how that track icon is good. it is pure shit.

I still don't know how to feel about SYRE, but Flower Boy is genuinely great. 4:44 and the new Milo album are definitely up there, too.

>not Miami Garden Club

>best hip hop album of the year
>not imperius rex
kys faggots

kill me Pete

Kill me, Pete

this. the youth has been following him for a while. cant expect Sup Forums to catch onto actually relevant things until theyre mainstream though