What route would you have taken through Middle Earth to Mordor and Mt.Doom?

What route would you have taken through Middle Earth to Mordor and Mt.Doom?

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Get in a boat to Pelargir then ride to the Morgul Vale then follow Frodo's path to Mount Doom

now fuck off back to /lit/ dumb popnerd

We've had this thread a billion times and the answer is always pic related.

>In a sea full of corsairs

lol, no.

I just would have had the big eagles flied me all the way there while I ate pretzels.

Tolkien was such an autistic retarded.


Not just that.

>Enemy is pretty good at tracking your general movements
>Get on a fucking ship where there's barely any if any geographical features to hide you from Sauron's vision, and you're the only thing that stands out in a literal sea of nothing
>This is a great fucking idea when Sauron has Nazgul with flying mounts

>Ocean is easier to hide in than you think
>Sit in the cabin the entire time
>Be a standard trade vessel that trades with the east


>Ocean is easier to hide in than you thin
>From a godlike being who can see everywhere in the known world at will
>One who will not bat an eye at sinking every ship in the Ocean one by one with his Nazgul the moment he figures out you're on a ship
>One who has pirates fleets at his back

They act like mountains contain invisible barriers. Mountains are easy to traverse. They could have gone straight east, then southeast, looped around the back of Mordor and finished within like 3 months.

You're fags, he should have taken the eagles to Mt Doom.


>Approach Mount Doom from the East
>Straight past Barad dúr, A.K.A. Sauron Central


>along the shore

Pray tell, where on this map do the Fellowship get separated?

>bane eh?

where the fuck do you think pirates are?

at open sea?

>On a very obvious path with a demi-god that can see everywhere and has pirates at his back and call
Yes, pirates.

Also It's not like Gondor does a lot of trading with the Elven afterlife. Where do you think their trading ships are?

The river somewhere east of Fangorn after fighting the uruk hai

along the Great River just south of Lorien

>Completely and utterly misses Mount Doom

All I know is that Gandalf is a rank 1 asshole. He has all this magic and can't charm a fucking crow to just take the ring and drop it into the volcano.

why didnt they just fly on the eagles to mordor?

South Gondor is too predictable, they needed to travel hidden

Not his job

just before the place where meat returned to the daily specials board

i would have just taken the pass over caradhras myself.

i wonder what would have happened had the entire fellowship made it to rohan and/or gondor

Send the eagles to get some lava and bring it back


going through arnor that is like new york mordor

so they need 1 movie for half of the way and need 2 movies for the other half

stupid hobbits

he can only advise, he cannot directly interfere. Also, wizards have limited magic.

It's a lighthouse, as long as you can avoid the light your are fine

It's almost like more shit happened in the other half


only real answer

>Uh uh you see they're going to shift their line all the way down here Michael
>you see these orcs are blocking down and you just got to get around that line
>uh uh and here they're going to cutback towards mordor
*squiggles some more random x's for no reason*
>and then boom, they take it all the way

It was a decision because he wanted the visual of Sauron being powerless without the ring instead of sitting in a tower for three movies watching people with his mind


I invent a fighter plane and shoot those Nazgul fucks out of the air and just kamikaze into Mount Doom.

Wait, that's it? I thought they went through Moria because underground Sauron's light couldn't reach them

If Gandalf, or any other higher who can cast being starts throwing fireballs at people all bets will be off and whole middle-earth will be a battlefield.

It's like starting a nuclear war but with magic.

This. Why didn't Frodo just build a tank or a jet?


>Middle earths civilization is thousands of years old
>still have dirt roads and no one working electricity

>everyone who suggested going along the coast/by sea

top jej

There are savage monsters in the sea that would be drawn to the Ring

Think Watcher in the Water on a grander scale

You go through the Brown Lands you get mugged by niggas then you have to deal with a real "dark" lord, by like

>One for the dark lord on his dark throne
>He's big an' he's black an' his name be Tyrone

This one

More interesting: if the Fellowship somehow had managed to keep itself united and without losing Gandalf nor Boromir, how would the journey through Mordod had gone like?


I would just summon Bombadil, do some joking around, would ask for a trip to meet Fingolfin.

They would have failed because Rohan and Gondor fall without them.
Then they have the combined forces of Man and Mordor in their way.

Map posting is fucking hilarious

Feanor invented the light bulb

They fought a rather large war over them

God Fucking Damn Jackson

Please tell me these weren't actually in the movie.

They were.

They dig some holes for the Orcs to use and then are never seen again

Why does the map say "Rivendeli"?

I see the name "Hackson" was well earned.

They were

Where were the Worms in LOTR?????

They're in the 3rd Hobbit

Why was their original plan to go through the Black Gate? This seems impossible.

Why didn't the worms keep on going and come up behind or in the middle of the Dwarves to really screw them?

Yeah I never got how that was going to work