Marvel BTFO

dude cinematography

Other urls found in this thread:

>majority of movies are actually good

Annddddd I stopped the video right there.

Actually, why does Marvel do this? Aren't comic books a visual media? Why can't they do visual well?


> Dude cinematography
> Video is all about color grading

>it's a nasally nerd rambles about dumb shit for 10 minutes episode


Meanwhile at DC

wow, why do people delude themselves into thinking this?

>Marvelfags will defend this

i feel pity for this guy that he thinks marvel movies are >good to great

must be a pathetic existance

His technical know-how is on point, but why do people who make video essays always have the blandest taste in movies?

Wow a complete amateur has to teach a multi-billion dollar company how to grade their colors. What monkeys are even in charge of these movies?

men in suits

>most movies are good, some even great
What is this faggot? Does anyone who takes a shit on these awful movies need to kiss Disney as first as per contract?

>implying he doesn't do it for free

this guy likes some really shitty movies.

go play a fucking video game if you're into all that shit

How can the masses give this shit a pass

Feige really likes his safe space.

>most movies are good
the MCU has an equal amount of bad and good films



I've played videogames prettier than this. And probably with better stories too.

Id say its leaning more to the bad on the quality scale.

IM1, WS, GotG thats it on the good

Digital was a mistake.


Totally unbiased DC babby


>a fucking airport

Digital in general is meh, I liked it when Mann for example used it in collateral.
But I really, really, hate color grading, it has made directors and cinematographers lazy, it's a nightmare for my eyes and I'm colorblind so I can't even see all the unnatural shit they're pumping in the movie.

a CGI airport nonetheless

Why is he so kawaii bros?

(No homo)

Civil War, Doctor Strange, Ant-Man, both other Iron Man movies were also good.

They are also a fun medium, and DC seems incapable of producing that.


I'll give you antman

Only Iron Man was mildly entertaining. Dr Strange was an Iron Man copypaste with shittier jokes.

Where else would you suggest they fight when one of the groups is trying to board a plane?

The Sahara desert?

There is that word again. Something being intentionally retarded and watered-down doesn't make it fun. It just makes it stupid.

>linking to a youtuber


DCuck ladies and gentleman

Its capeshit you miserable turd

why are comic book fans so defensive? when you shit on these terrible marvel movies they start ranting about DC

The Sahara desert would require a fraction of effort and imagination from Marvel. So of course we get a stale boring airport in the middle of the day instead. No effort or imagination required. Just outsource the CGI plans to Shanghai and they'll make something watchable out of it while the Americans swim in shekels.

It's a comic book, not Shakespeare. Marvel movies resemble the source material. DC movies resemble slash fiction written by an edgy thirteen year old who cuts herself and has an Invader Zim keychain.

Its the eternal buttmad DCuck thats making these threads

>I-It's supposed to be shit and look shit
MCUcks everyone

because the "marvel is bad" bait threads are all started by angry DCucks mad that their universe is absolute shit. So they want to convince others that the MCU is shit too.
But they always fail.

Case in point. Do you lack any self-awareness whatsoever?

I would rather enjoy something without visual appeal rather than watch something visual and be bored senseless

Im not butthurt nor do I make bait threads. Wanna try again?

The Disney shill brigade is ever present. They're in every Disney-related thread shilling. A company that spends 200 million dollars on a movie can spend a few thousand on a dozen Internet shills.

he should've complicated the issue.
I'd like to know the reasons they have for doing this
I don't like dc or marvel but instinctively I'd rather sit down and watch a marvel one for a short period if I caught a glimpse of it on the tv

let me give it a go. the movies are often shot almost as if a camera crew was following the hero around and are documenting his every move. it feels more improvised, there's an urgency to it. it's not eye candy but it's so conceptually "out there" that it almost feels like the movie is asking you to meet it half-way


kill yourself

Damn, this actually looks good. The actors are legit getting physical compared to marvel actors who just sit around all day.

Simply put, you have a low cinematic IQ, or some sort of Stockholm Syndrome, from overexposure to bland, safe, PC and soulless mass-produced blockbusters, which has conditioned you into accepting the absolute lowest common denominator standards in filmmaking, writing and cinematography as somehow acceptable, when you should in fact feel nothing but contempt or disgust for any Kevin Feige-conceived product.

Even strictly in the field of capeshit entertainment, where the bar has always been pretty low, since they're primarly a children media, the level of genuine quality and creative abilities (which comes from studios giving freedom to an auteur with a strong personality and vision towards the material) has kept dropping since the 90's.

When Raimi's Darkman/Spider-Man, Del Toro's Blade 2/Hellboy, Burton's Batman 2 or Bird's The Incredibles offered innovative and playful set pieces, meaningful and relevant themes, each with a very distinct, appropriate tone and truly cinematic aesthetics (simply compare the lighting or editing to today's equivalents), none of these qualities are to be found in Avengers or any of the previous MCU entries. This is why Edgar Wright got fired from Ant-Man. This is why Feige keeps hiring visionless point-and-shoot directors who come from TV or comedy, colorblind cinematographers and art/set design teams who seem to be in love with grey, sterile hangars for some unexplainable reason. Action scenes are now being conceived by CGI teams months before the movie begins shooting and all follow the exact same formula.

Even as a child, I couldn't imagine being dazzled or amused by those turds, as they're utterly devoid of any charm, colors, magic or imagination.

This line of thinking is very sad because you automatically assume it's going to be stupid because of its origins. The Dark Knight proved that you can take the concept and put a darker twist to and still pull it off as authentic comic-book movie. Ang Lee's Hulk showed that you can push the audiovisual experience to the next stage by utilizing comic-book colors and vibrancy. Snyder proved that these characters can be used in a world without a cause to carry it.

It's really shame that people who defend Marvel do it simply by saying it's supposed to be dumb and safe and fun. It can be more. But you're holding the genre back. Think to yourself why Ang Lee's Hulk is so much more memorable than the Marvel version.

wonder wedges

What's about the DCucks and their MCU smear campaign with their bait threads?

Haven't seen a more asshurt group of retards than DCucks kek

Well atleast I'M WITH HER, shitlords.

Yeah I'm pretty sure the guy who made the OP video is actually just a undercover DC agent, you paranoid sad fuck. Kill yourself and rid us your presence.

The only one using the word "stupid" is you. I assume it's going to be enjoyable, and it almost always is. And I LIKE the source material.

Nothing is more pathetic that praising comic book movies but thinking yourself too erudite for the actual comics.

Remember that time a movie from 2001 looked better than all of the Marvel capeshit from recent years? Aren't we supposed to improve with the passage of time?

Everything Marvel touches turns to cancer. Kevin Feige needs to be brought to the guillotine.

>video essay
>7 minutes

I didn't realize cancer was so profitable.

>Not enough Blacks

Fucking Marvel Cucks. .

Look at this. Just take one second look at this. See how natural everything looks? See how well Hulk blends into the scenery? See how open and vast it seems? The scope seems massive.

Now compare that to a modern Marvel movie where they battle it out in a CGI airport. We had comic-book movies nailed a decade ago. Then Marvel came and perverted the concept and turned it into a cheap money-milking machine as dictated by their focus-tests.

it's one of the most profitable things in the US you dumb fuck, really shit attempt at wit

What game is this?

Iron Man and Ant-Man are the only ones that at least put some effort in the composition

I guess it helps that they're the only good ones.

That was the joke.

wtf are you on about? Only scenes they put any effort in Ant-Man was when he himself was mini.

Otherwise it was painfully generic.

Ang Lee's Hulk was a visual masterpiece. Marvel Hulk looks like a videogame in comparison.

The 2003 hulk is so good that i saw people sleeping in the cinema during its exhibition.

holy shit i was wondering why the trailer to guardians of the galaxy 2 looked way better than the rest of the MCU

a simple camera change


>inb4 nerdrage

Both Marvel and DC make shit movies and that's because they're products designed by greedy suits in boardrooms, not art. But if you genuinely believe that DC makes higher quality films you're severely deluded.



>paid for by disney

This the effect of xenoestrogens on the nu-male

Do you shill Marvel for free? Because I hope you're getting paid for your efforts.

Only cool part was Cap, everything else was pure cancer.

I think he is afraid of the critical reception

He doesn't want to destroy plebs liked movies or he might get flamed in comment

He even put the derogatory comment on DC movies after saying that their esthetic actually looked good

He is afraid to leave the zeitgeist many men are Weak men. Cowards

Yeah it's one thing to say a DC movie is weak but coming from someone who doesn't seem to mind consuming Marvel trash, that's awfully rich.

>Hey guys, both Marvel and DC make turds but DC's turds are a little runnier
Never change, Sup Forums.

It's the exact same thing with sports.
No, it's not "your" team. You have nothing to gain by supporting "your" team, but some teams are better than others. The power to stop the big two from making shit movies lies within your wallets. Stop giving them your money.

What's funny is that nobody even mentioned DC before you did. It's not even the subject of the thread. The thread is about the dull visuals present in Marvel movies. What does DC have to do with this? You're just sidelining the thread so you can have your Sup Forums console wars instead.

I get your point though and I generally just pirate capeshit.

Doesn't look like anything to me

Then the source material is also trash. I don't know how that would be a redeemable quality

> See my movie is a litteral shit film in an hour long sequence

> Yeah but do you see how much it ressemble real human crap ? Look at the consistency, the color, you could almost smell it

Yeah thanks guys

These elections made me realize how shitty celebrities really are. Out of all the Avengers I save only Chris Hemsworth.

Fuck Manlet Jr.

Typical marvel shill

> but he is talking down about marvel films too...

No user as evidenced by this thread Marvel film are widely accepted as bad and ugly looking film but they are """"" fun """"" an it's all that matters

While DC have redeeming qualities but aren't deemed """"" fun """"""

It's like saying hand made cuisine is as shitty as factory produced one

Everybody know that the factory conditionned foods sucks ass so you only bring down the home made

lol, calm down numan

My bad, it was a knee-jerk reaction. I have friends who actually believe Snyder is a filmmaking genius. Piracy is wrong any way you cut it, though. Just because Hollywoodfolk wipe their asses with hundreds doesn't mean it's ok to steal from them. If I think the movie is shit, I won't pay to see it on the big screen And if I wanna see it that badly I might rent it.

>as evidenced by this thread
Your sample might be a bit biased, buddy. That's all I'm saying.


thanks loser

My pleasure, winrar.

>Never change, Sup Forums.
these people are reddit shills though
they're not Sup Forums and its been confirmed time after time

the biggest proof is quite literally this thread
(we) have saying the shit about these movies in ops links since captain american 1 here yet this nerd thinks its something new

>Marvel movies look bad
>Marvel movies sound bad
>All Marvel characters are the same


>that nu-male voice

X-Men is the better Marvel franchise anyway.


At least even their shittiest movies are still entertaining.

Even normalfags are finally waking up. Took them long enough to see through Disney's scam game. But we're still in this shit for a couple of more years.

>that image