/bb/ Big Brother OTT

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Morgan
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: TBD
America Nom: TBD

Safety Ceremony 1: TBD

Safety Ceremony 2: TBD

Care Package winner: Shrimpman

Most Likely Going Home: TBD

Other urls found in this thread:





meme picture from last thread

rest in piss shitty waifu


Everyone give your ideas for the Final 4

I'm thinking a tournament where #2 advances and #1 gets to pick between #3 and #4 on who they want in the Final 3




14 minutes til the care package

Cross your fingers the Final 4 task somehow involves answering questions

thats tomorrow

morgan doing an f3 with krispy and justin is only increasing krispys chances of winning

i know its big brother and not big baby and all that and if she takes shelby to the end its the same thing krispy is doing with jason but she could still get second place. with justin and krispy she is playing for 3rd

>10k morgan

she could win this veto and another hoh. that would be better record than shelby and she doesn't know that shelby is liked outside.

I'm redarted

absolutely but if she goes to the end with krispy her record wont matter, america will vote krispy out of spite. under your newly proposed scenario she might have a chance for first even taking shelby


wew lads

I see you production

Details please

It'll be like a normal final 4 where 3 compete for HoH and then whoever wins puts 2 up and they compete for veto.

veto holder decides who the final 3 will be

>hue refuses another bubble bath
>mfw she rejected both /ourguy/ and Morgan

its waifu-tv™

kino as fuck

cute hair

I'm in love.

morgans tiny bumps though

this must be killing twitter


In addition to the above changes, it's also worth mentioning a slew of must-see events and ceremonies you won't want to miss, including:

- Part one of the final HOH competition kicks off after the full weekly episode on Wednesday, Nov. 23 at 8 PM ET / 5 PM PT.

- The BB:OTT Houseguests will celebrate Thanksgiving in the house on Thursday, Nov. 24.

- On Saturday, Nov. 26, tune in to the special game-changing ceremony you won’t want to miss.

- Part two of the final HOH competition will occur after the penultimate full weekly episode on Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 8 PM ET / 5 PM PT.

- The Final 3 Houseguests will offer Live Pleas on Wednesday, Nov. 30.

>game changing ceremony that late in the game

The order confuses the shit out of me

What's this mystery ceremony?

She's amazing!

Something super retarded for sure


I loved the
>oh shit oh yeah I'm on camera moment


>I don't care. I'm gonna keep blowing these suds

>Winner of Part 1 decides who to take with them
>Last two battle it out in Part 2

in other words, give jason more outs so he can get to the F3

Interesting twist...

There are people in this thread who would choose Natalies FTs over those


where have you been all season cbsinsiderbro?

Yep, super retarded

I've been here just not always posting under the name yo

i sometimes post under the name too

this better not be true


Really that makes the most sense

Only 2 comps
Limited options

3 comps who's winner chose the 3rd person would be most "fair" I guess

mount vesuvius on jasons right cheek

1st winner advances

remaining 3 play in the last comp, 3rd place is out

would be the most fair


>Shelby wins
>Takes Morgan
>chimp and krispy kreme fight for 3rd place


>shelby morgan justin final 3

>justin wins the money

the only person who beats shelby f3 is jason, who are you trying to kid

i wont be mad if that happened. his social game is pretty good.

justin gets all the black vote and the misfit vote who happen to be running america's choice

>cooking and baking to the end
>but no strategy
>much worse jun song

jason/danielle fans hate justin for snaking them

hes the whitney of the lnj

yeah but how dark is justin's skin compared to the other two?

why is jason being such a sour little bitch? its the same scenario as ever week all season long. WIN THE FUCKING VETO

laying in bed talking shit under your breath isnt a veto comp, you are disrespecting the game

>still thinking america actually has a vote

grodner and CBS are deciding. if jason blows the comp, shelby wins

because he's about to get evicted in the first week that america cant save him, proving he's a shit player

she's perfect

>Thu 2:29 PM BBT Jason is still in bed. He mumbles about "wounded dog" being a strategy and that Morgan/Shelby are dumb. Lists all the ways.

>Says he going to drag their social security numbers.

>Says he's gonna make them eat dirt and he won't roll over and die. Sums everything up, by if the girls don't realize this, they're dumb.

jason roy playing big brother

man the fake final 5 deal really damaged everyone

whitney evicted
danielle evicted
justin doesnt trust jason anymore
jason might get evicted

its crazy boo

apparently the smart decision is to take him to the end and let him win

krispy is smart!

how does one even get a zit that big

He has Cystic Acne.

really dont know why jason never wanted to work with shelby

jelby alliance could have been amazing and control both of the house

he is an idiot

he might need to name it doug

any new shelbz feet photos?

Becaus he's an easily angered sassy man who makes bad decisions, like the fake final 5, because he values being a cunt over making a game move.

Damn you guys weren't kidding. It looks like it's ready to blow.

Same reason girls alliances usually never work. Jealous bitches hate each other

Pretty funny that in OTT the cattiest bitch on the cast was a dude desu

you stupid faggots put the power gap in 4th place and I hate you

>blows up all over krispy's face
>she gets aids

watch the f-bombs

lmao literally the exact same placement

Gayson needs some Accutane. He's probably going to kill himself when he finds out Hue is a lawyer anyway, may as well help along the process

funny how alex always thought shelby had an alliance with jason and shelby had to keep telling her that she doesnt.

post it yo

what the gross is that fat one eating?

They cut away from Melby to this on 4 cams.



you do need protein for gains

she aint eating clean by any stretch

w....w....what is it

Here are last week's results and the new poll for this week. please vote!



i blame bridgefags for the misplaced power gap

pretty accurate

I'm a bridgebro tho

you guys cant do anything right

your jealousy is showing

chimp should be below the power gap you fucking mongoloid

chimpman wasnt so bad in that week


theyre making a peanut butter, jelly and bacon turkey burger

I think if I ever have a daughter I'm going to name her Bridgette what do you think /bb/


well its not another generic name and its sounds cute

so yes, go for it

I think you won't ever have a chance to have kids