So in the light of all the whining about GiTS I decided to re-watch the original; I think I've watched it more than 10...

So in the light of all the whining about GiTS I decided to re-watch the original; I think I've watched it more than 10 years ago.
I haven't read the manga, but I gotta say, well, the movie isn't that good, I mean it's good, but it feels like a shit ton of stuff was omitted, that somewhat ruined it.
That being said, I feel better now about the upcoming movie, I just hope it'll be good.
Gonna re-watch GiTS 2 now

whop de fucking do
we already have like 6 threads

Nice blogpost but those go on

I rewatched it recently and found it lacklustre. Do tell me what you think of 2.


I don't often post, but just gotta say that you're a painful disappointment.

Come down dude.
How good is the manga?

Light years ahead of the film I can tell you. The Major, Batou and Togusa have actual personalities; they have fun and crack jokes. The art style effortlessly switches from comedic super-deformed to razor-sharp cyberpunk style and everything in between. The story is engrossing and has a human side lacking in the movie. Only towards the end of the book does the Major become distant and inscrutable, due to encountering the "puppeteer". It makes me rage at youngfags who are too lazy to even read a static image and consider GITS movie the height of sophistication and consider themselves the authority on what the major should or shouldn't be, when the movie is a horribly simplified and pompous interpretation of a really great story

It feels like a two-part series episode
Innocence was better

Sorry but the manga is pretty shit. The only reason it got poplar is because of the movie.

No, it got a movie BECAUSE it was popular

The original GITS is a fucking 10/10 masterpiece and I've watched it the past 4 nights in a row now.

Get at me fag.

I've heard that and even more about Akira, while I'm an oldfag myself I've never read GiTS or Akira; I've downloaded them but haven't got the time to start reading

With the GitS movie, people who haven't read the manga usually underestimate how much Mamoru Oshii is in the film, whose movies all have kinda the same "thought-masturbatory" atmosphere, dropping a lot of the lighter tones in the respective source material. Same thing happened with his Patlabor movies. They're decent movies, though kinda ignore the human side of the source material.

It's too short, story is thin, there's no character development. It should've been a 2 hour movie not an 80 min one.

That's why ive watched it so often recently though. I can throw it on while I shitpost for a bit, then when it is over I can watch whatever show I'm in the middle of or nothing at all before going to bed.

Go back to /fag/

Quality animation cost a lot you comic books autist.

Patlabor movies were pretty disappointing imho.
Back in late 90's early 00's when I was in high school, a friend of mine had several anime on VHS, good ones, like Ninja Scroll, and I remember there were trailers before the movie.
I really remembered Patlabor and Wings of Honneamise.
15 years later I remembered those and downloaded them finally to watch them. Wings I liked, Patlabor didn't.

First off, I practically never read comics, at least not super hero shit.
Secondly, I know hand drawn animation is expensive and excruciating process but studio Ghibli, Madhouse and others have longer, better animated movies than GiTS.
GiTS is well animated but it's also overrated

The Patlabor movies could have used more of the lighthearted ensemble dynamics from the manga and less "hardcore dreary political thriller" atmosphere that Oshii injects into his movies. GitS took better to that format change than Patlabor did.

>from the manga
From the OVA that was also directed by Oshii. The manga was a tie-in, not the source material.

It was nicely animated, and the action sequences, as few as they were, had a nice tension to them that made them interesting to watch, but the actual plot is a lackluster political thriller involving actors the audience is never properly introduced to, and as a result most of the narrative involves someone monologuing about what's happening to who and why, while slow panning shots show off futuristic scenery and equipment. The fact that it comes with the same lightweight, pseudo-philosophical nonsense that all anime movies seem to have doesn't do it any favors either, as whatever message about humanity or it's evolution the movie has to say only comes in vague uncertain statements that ultimately lend nothing to the story being told

I can't say anything about GitS, but as someone who has both read and seen Akira, I can say that it's definitely worth your time, as the movie is essentially just the first half of the manga with one or two concepts and characters taken from the back half and inserted events of the first half. The movie doesn't lose much, as most of it's strengths are in the animation, but the manga is a legitimately different story that also explains a few non-essential aspects that the movie doesn't half time for

I stand corrected. Well, both started at the same time, so I guess calling the manga the source isn't quite right. Still think the movies could have profited from the lighter tone the other media incorporated.