Ate raw meat

>ate raw meat
>went into a winter river
>growled and groaned for 30 minutes
>wrestled bear
So acting like a dumbshit in a movie nets you an Oscar?

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The Revenant is such a joke of a movie. It's handy because if somebody tells you it's a "great" film you know you can dismiss every opinion about film they will ever have then and there.

Everyone knows the oscar was for the aviator

A ways in the future, wasn't it?

He perfectly portrayed the average Canadian.

We all know he really eon because he started cucking and jiving hard for ZOG.

I don't know if Leo deserved an oscar for the Revenant. I mean, he definitely deserved an oscar for his previous performances.

But anyway, FUCK YOU I LIKED IT.

I like Leo but this was not his best performance. I unironically believe that the little boy in Room was better than all of the nominees except Fassbender in Steve Jobs

he was better than any of the other nominees

It's actually a good movie, if you hate it you are literally engaging on pseudo intellectual criticism



This guy gets it



He didn't earn it. It was more of an "atta-boy!" type thing, like a lifetime achievement award. Same when Scorsese won for The Departed. He should've won years ago but they just gave it to him for all his years of work.

>>wrestled bear

Wait that wasn't cgi?

wow really makes your think...

No, they got Nicolas Cage for that part.

>It's handy because if somebody tells you it's a "great" film you know you can dismiss every opinion about film they will ever have then and there.

Your post is that opinion.
To dismiss the amazing framing and composition, the sound editing, the set design, the blocking of actors, hardy and gleeson characters and call the movie "a joke" just because Dicaprio and the script was sub par is retarded.

I bet you liked Fury Road/Sicario, but you didn't call those movies a joke for having a sub par script did you.

>ate raw meat
You do realize that eating raw meat is only bad nowadays because of industrial farming right? Our ancestors (including anatomically modern humans before the use of fire) ate raw meat for millions of years before we mastered fire...

Our ancestors had stomachs of monkey, we are now with stomachs of human being.

This. We are much weaker now.

>Leo was ancestor all along
Why does he need an oscar if he's already immortal



>I bet you liked Fury Road/Sicario, but you didn't call those movies a joke for having a sub par script did you.
I thought they were mediocre at best too. There wasn't a single film I liked released in 2015. There is a lot of technical skill and acting talent (not from Dicaprio) display in The Revenant but to what end? It exists only as a monument to the great talents of everybody involved. It was a film made to purely to garner prestige. I have zero time for that any more. At a certain point I've seen enough "great acting" and "amazing cinematography". I don't need it in my life for its own sake. This film was frankly dull. It's just another disposable "event" film like Gravity where a lot of time and talent went into making something that is completely uninteresting awards fodder.

It looks beautiful, but I thought it was pretty weak.

the revenant was your average tv movie

you know, like an old forgotten movie with some less famous/unknown actors you catch on tv by accident and watch it because there is nothing else on?

this movie was that except with famous hollywood actors

it's not bad, but it's nothing mindblowing

Please, in Thailand when they butcher a cow they'll take strips of raw meat and dip it into the joints to flavor it then eat it raw. We can eat raw fish. Steaks that have only been lightly seared (blue rare) don't hurt us. The healthfulness of raw meat has more to do with the healthfulness of the source of it.

Then why over exaggerate with calling the movie "a joke" just to try to emphasize your argument if you think it was mediocre?

Why does everything has to be a masterpiece or utter dogshit on this board, no middle ground whatsoever christ.

Because it is a complete joke of a film to me. Honestly a film like The Revenant represents everything worthless about Hollywood to me just as much capeshit. It's a phony film made by cynical people who know exactly how to hit the bullet points for a "masterpiece". I'm cynical too but I'm not trying to sell snake oil to retards and get a nice statue at the end of the day. I'm not calling it incompetent. In many ways it is immaculately produced but that doesn't do much to fill the void at the center.

Revenant was such hit garbage
Ex machinations was much better

>Implying basketball diaries wasn't his best performance

I also didn't get it.
Like, the moment the bear scene started and he wasn't instantly dead, I couldn't even the rest of the movie.
Deadman did same thing better.

Name 38 movies better than the revenant

You're supposed to be so in awe of the incredibly cinema achievement that has been sold to you that you don't think about things like that. You're supposed to sit in respectful silence and worship solemnly at the altar of Inarritu as you're watching DeCaprio jump off cliffs into trees and brush it off like a capeshit hero.

Wasn't Thailand the one with the most ladylike men?

>best "actor"
>features no acting
