Claims aliens come out of a portal I her backyard

>Claims aliens come out of a portal I her backyard
>Spends all her time digging for them to come out
>Claims to have seen Robin Williams since his death
Bravo, Kubrick!

>women in charge of aging

what went so terribly wrong?

White people age the worst. Especially if you don't take care of yourself.

100% irrefutable and conclusive proof that you literally, figuratively and absolutely CANNOT rube the kube.

/lit/ eternally btfo

aww shit poor shelly, i always liked her

"""Dr."""Phil is such a scumbag.

italians dont count they are honorary shitskins

Maybe you can make her believe your penis has a genie in it

Has Dr. Phil reached new low?

>ugly peoples age well


is that Hot fuzz Police lady?



wish someone would slug him on set. total piece of shit.

do the aliens also force her to eat cheeseburgers

What's with the Phil hate?

He was a trial lpsychiatrist that had absolutely no experience with treating patients before Opera found his "down home no nonsense" approach to advice charming (marketable) and gave him a show where he exploits people personal problems to get ratings. All the while doling out advice that geared towards making middle aged stay at home moms agree with him. The only good he does is setting up treatment locally for the people that get shamed and ridiculed on his show.

How have you not busted a nut to model shoots of Marisa Tomei?

Anyone who's seen the Shining documentary knows that Kubrick broke her

>he believes Robin Williams actually died