Tay-Tay a cute; her hair so silky I could floss my butthole with it

Tay-Tay a cute; her hair so silky I could floss my butthole with it.

If she had shilled for hill, that would have been 10 million more votes and the good gals (not guys) would have won

Fuck this racist bitch

keep dreaming nignog.
you're just jealous you're too fuggo and unwashed to get a gig on blacked.


Put your trip back on krigger

Is she into black guys?

(asking for a friend)

Was she groped in this picture?

to lick her pusy must be heven

> Taylor has alleged in a deposition DJ David Mueller "reached up under my skirt and grabbed my ass right when I was having to pose for a photo."


why wouldn't you slip your finger in her perpetually moist pussy, omfg


That wouldn't happen.

omg she looks adorable, and then randy fucking marsh comes in the frame, scary

>image board
>images won't load

I swear to god, all pretty people have to do in life is be hot and sexy and hang out. Damn it must be a sweet gig.

It's only the ones hosted on is.Sup Forums.org. Pisses me off.

Hover of the images its "i.4cdn.org" then it'll be fine but "is.Sup Forums.org" means it was sent somewhere else aka f** server to collect (confirmed by Sup Forums)


The mustache says it all


seriously, wtf is going on



She might be the most overrated person on this planet when it comes to attractiveness.

holy shit that's hot

I used to think that but she actually seems to be getting hotter as she ages, which is odd for a girl

It loads well with me. Just activate your pass.

Where are the lads?

What's the female equivalent of a sausage party? A bun party?