Rapper compares themselves to a rock star

>Rapper compares themselves to a rock star.


if rock is dead then why does every rapper want to be a rock star?
checkmate rapists

there are no rockstars anymore
that lifestyle died in the 90s

no, you don't get it, rappers are the new rockstars

What's needed to bring rock back to life? What does a band need to do/have?

>talentless hacks
tell me when any modern day rapper makes anything as culturally relevant as any rock in the 60s and 70s

play something more interesting than power chords but don't sound like something from the past

Everything rappers have
Glamour, danger, wealth, women, fun, memes.

Play a genre of music that isn't shit

Kendrick Lamar? Kanye? Dead Grips?

You can't just pretend they aren't relevant.

Should've stopped at kanye

A group like Migos is easily as culturally relevant as even the biggest acts of that generation. You're simply not paying attention to what's hip you square

It's hip to be square.

Kendrick and Kanye sure, Death Grips not so much
how relevant are they going to be in the 20s? name me 5 rappers from the mid 2000s not named Andre 3000 and Big Boi that still matter

>Outkast still matters

death grips are pretty much a punk rock band for my money.

rappers are the new rock stars. I guess more accurately: "rap stars are the new rock stars"

Some nice classical harmony and/or counterpoint.

Bonus: Fugal bridge sections

>he cant refute my argument
>says Outkast doesn't matter
if Outkast doesn't matter anymore how the hell is Migos going to m8?

I literally have no idea who migos is.
None of them matter, rap is a meme.

Relevant in what way? They have already defined the style and flow that is bring used by just about every popular rapper right now, I'm not sure what else they can do.

I actually unironically agree with this, and I can't stand mainstream rap

The biggest difference is that normies and poptimists will shriek about racism the second you bring up disliking mainstream rap

>Le death grips xD

You're right tho, rap is much more relevant today than rock nowadays

It's like saying you're a fire fighter when you've only put out a small stove fire in your kitchen.

What aspects of the "rockstar lifestyle" do you feel are lacking in the lives of modern day rap stars?

Lil Peep was bigger than any rock star of any year


Talent and charisma.

The fact that it isn't any form of rock, for one. For two, the fact that rap is 95% vanity and only 5% skill, if even that.

Tell me why rap artist have attempted to do cringy guitar solos on stage.

>I literally have no idea who migos is.
That just means you're a social outcast, sweetie.

A label like "rockstar" is itself just vanity. Independent of the music itself modern rappers put for the same sort of sex/drug/partying lifestyle of rock artists in the 70s. You're just denying a label because you think it somehow taints the music of a genre you like, which is stupid

This. And look how these plebs are incapable of naming one single genuine rockstar that emerged this decade.

The greatest rap group of all time.

>Migos are as culturally relevant as The Beatles
Jesus fucking christ just nuke this place already

rappers don't even make fucking music