There are people out there that don't think Thief is Michael Mann's best film

>There are people out there that don't think Thief is Michael Mann's best film.

Mann Thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

>first half

>second half

>first 10 minutes

>rest of the movie

>whole movie

>whole movie with soundtrack replaced with jazz

I've always wanted to watch The Keep just out of curiosity (the thing just sounds like an interesting mess) but are there any half-way decent quality versions of it out there? I've heard that most transfers are shit.

>implying the thematic obsessions that run through Mann's entire career did not reach their apotheosis in Heat and The Insider

at least you didn't say Collateral

But Tangerine Dream's score is like 30% of what makes the movie so great.

>tfw Miami Vice could've been his best movie until Linkin Park and In the Air Tonight start playing...

I said it once and I'love say it again: Blackhat is breddy gud

I liked Blackhat in the theater but I'm steadfastly holding out on rewatching it until the Director's Cut that was screened gets an actual release.

the one on itunes is decent

i liked the keep, but you can really tell it was severely cut down

id like to see the full version

>In the Air Tonight start playing...

Only in the inferior unrated version.

Miami Vice is GOAT. Even with all that music.

>id like to see the full version

Mann has said he'll never do it, sadly. He hates the movie.

user I think Mann said he was just doing that for himself, and there were no plans to release it to the public.

I haven't seen all of his movies, but thief is one of my favorite movies of all time.

>whole movie with soundtrack replaced with jazz

>dismissing tangerine dream

max pleb desu

The Insider is my favorite Mann film

And the soundtrack is GOAT desu

>you got a gook kid
>you got a nigger kid
>we'll take it
It's not his best film. It's not even a good film.

> best
Last of the Mohicans
> worst
Public Enemies
> underrated
Miami Vice

The Insider is his best film

Miami Vice his most underrated

I think Last of the Mohicans is great but Daniel Day Lewis did a suprisingly bad acting job, probably the only one we've seen him do. It's clear that he couldn't do much with the material and that a more conventional leading man should've been cast.

Somewhat true but still a great film. The climax is GOAT