
Is he ruined ?

Also, Gotham thread

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Why would he be ruined?

The love story with Nygma.

What purpose does it serve ?

It's probably going to lead to them as enemies by the end. What purpose does the Bruce/Selina love story serve?

They're teens and i guess that's what the audience expected.

Nygma is a mastermind and Penguin a mob boss. Okay for Nygma since he had Kristen but Penguin ?

Meh. He was great as fuck until that.

This faggot ruined dishonored 2 by replacing The Outsiders original VA/Appearance.

How much of this issue you have revolves around the fact that they both are men? Cos it's screaming that right now.

>Is he ruined ?
no, just homoed

So cute

I stopped watching when they mad him gay

last couple episodes worth watching?

Nothing could ruin him.

I love the gay love triangle they got going on

>I stopped watching when they mad him gay

Yes, they are.

Why are British people so fucking ugly?

>Penguin is supposed to be seen as a freak by normal people
>make him gay


Well, that's just too SJW for me. I thought Gotham was spared by that.

I wouldn't have any problem with Gordon, Barnes, Galavan, whoever the fuck you want being gay, even Nygma, it's actually fits him.

But Penguin ? Trash.

Yeah we're done.

fucking idiot liberals, its bad because in the comics penguin and riddler arent fags thats why

I didn't read the comics, i wouldn't know

What bothers me is how they sexualize Penguin so easily. That just doesn't fit his character. The gay part is just a "plus", a cheap trick to lead to a clash between Nygma and him.

No more fag shit

How do you goons even function?

>multiple lesbians since season 1
>penguin turns out to be gay in season 3

Why did he start acting like such a little bitch all of a sudden, the Penguin they've built wouldn't be a whiny faggot over a crush he'd have killed that bitch the second she showed up and then locked Ed in a rape dungeon forever.

And why do we care about all these romantic plots? Gordon? Okay he's the main character. Bruce? Alright. Nygma and Kring;e who gave a fuck? Butch and Nigress 10,000 times out of his league fuck off? Ed and Penguin no one cares?

Is it not supposed to be a crime show not a soap opera?

Just because it doesn't fit the character.

Uh huh. Ok.

I don't like it when they make established characters gay and that episode was boring as shit

Probably the best post of this thread.

When has he shown interest in women in this show?

Nice argumentation

Never. That's why it was stupid to sexualize him.

same for Barbara being a lesbian crazy bitch

>we want the tumblr audience

Mh maybe. Since she's a minor boring character, it does not suck as much i guess

Are you aware that the penguin has been a character since world war 2? He has never been gay before, all of a sudden it's 2016 so we have to throw away decades of history for the sake of diversity?

It's just an alternate interpretation, it happens all the time with comicbook stuff

When best girl dies again, please help me fellas I don't think I can go on

>he's never shown any interest in women, therefore it's wrong for him to not interested in women

Were you this mad in 1992 when Batman Returns made the penguin into a crazy sewer mutant?

Let's be honest here, the only reason you are mad about this is because he's homosexual and you're like "eww gays". You would not give a shit otherwise. You'll deny it to save face but it's true.

tokenism for it's own sake is not an alternative interpretation, they didn't read a lot of cmimcs and go "You know what, I think this character could be an interesting gay character" they said "I bet if we make this character gay we'll get more gays and teenage girls interested in the show"

It's lazy and weak anti-writing

but we don't get to tell Tim Burton how to make a movie, and the difference that's not tokenism or pandering which is what the Gotham is doing.

Why is it automatically tokenism? Are gays just not allowed to ever exist in shows or else "it's token"?

No if Penguin got this way over his female assistant it would also be out of character.

The problem isn't that he's gay it's that he's being such a faggot about it.

because it was done for the sake of pandering to the gay/Tumblr audience

>I don't like them pandering to these people, they should pander to ME

>I am SILLY arguments

ok child

who cares

Homosexuality is unnatural and deserves scorn, nothing wrong with criticizing it.

I do, you wouldn't care if they made Bruce Wayne gay?


Not really, no.

>you wouldn't care if they made Bruce Wayne gay?

Bruce has always been gay.

I don't have a problem with him being gay. The problem with him at the moment is the scenes he's in are all about him being in love with Ed. No doing mob shit or no doing mayor shit. Penguin was always cool to watch because he had crazy schemes and now he's just lovesick.

I see, you're a fan of homosexuality who happens to like Gotham

I'm a fan of Batman who happened to like Gotham

naturally we're looking for different things when we watch the show, I enjoy to parts of it that are Batman, and you enjoy the parts of it that are buttfucking, we're different, but that's ok.

user you have issues.

Undoubtedly. However, none of these issues include a mad craving for dick, praise the Prophet (PBUH).

No, I don't care one way or the other. It's you who seems to be obsessive about homosexual activity.

Looks too Jewish.

well Batman's mom is jewish

To prove that he can't really love someone. Did you even watched the last 2 episodes? He killed his girlfriend to gain him back, withoout even considering his own feelings,and now that Nygma is after the murderer, he only wants to avoid it.


He's my jewfu, so I guess it fits

I just figured it was a nod to the comics, I mean bruce and selina have always been love interests.

post Selina

>make Barbara a dyke
>no one cares

>make Penguin gay
>people throw a fit

Well he has a penis, see.

How do you know Barbara doesn't?

I don't


It doesn't matter, she's only a lesbian and that's hot.

Why is a interracial lesbian couple hot and not two of the sexiest men in gotham?

Who hyped for Babs and Tabs?

Because I'm a bigot.

fuck liberalcunts. Stop imposing your twisted shit into characters that arent faggs.
Would you like us to turn your shit into straight shit?

no one complained for Constantine being hetero instead of a fag

Who team Nygma here?

Is this the same person over and over are you really all that homogeneous?

Yes. The way they did it was dumb as fuck too. Would've been just as subtle if there was writing at the beginning saying that penguin is gay for nygma

it was obvious he didn't like women
he got a chance to massage Fish's feet and he looked disgusted

penguin has always been gay as fuck for jim

>it's a barbara feet episode

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