Half in the Bag Episode 119: Shut in and Arrival

Other urls found in this thread: arrival

I was the first dislike :)

>they liked arrival

Reddit as fuck as usual


Why is Mike slowly killing himself?

>42 minutes of pretending i have friends!

Jay is getting fatter and fatter, and hair is getting less perfect every episode.

Who the fuck cares about Jay's weight? Who the fuck cares about Mike's weight? What the fuck is wrong with you losers?

Clearly I care. Can't you read?

hair grows you pleb. most successful people get theirs re-cut once a week.

But why? It's creepy.

What's creepy about not wanting my movies reviewed by fat people?

if this ends in 5 i'll put myself through 40 minutes of this lame shit

I guarantee you Jay doesn't have his hair cut once a week.

guess he got a bf

Oh it shows

Dennis Villeneuve is arguably the best director working in Hollywood right now.

>commenting on someone's physical appearance and health is (((creepy)))

Honest question. Are you a woman?

Aside from his hair being a bit shorter, he looks the same as he always does.

which is what he implied.

Yay! New vid! Guess I'm not going to sleep yet then! DAMMIT I WAS JUST ABOUT TO GO TO BED



Who else thought their video stopped at 3:45 ? XD

>Mike enunciates the word "benzodiazepines"

We now know what Mike's addiction is.

I'm gunna smoke a lot of weed before watching. Seems like wasting it otherwise.


You know they can do multiple takes if they need to because these videos are edited right?

But, why did Mike lick his lips as he said it though?

>Couple of 30-something year old guys shitting on movies and talking about memes

no wonder Sup Forums likes this shit so much

I'm 19 though.



where my beer, what the fuck what the fuck, huuuuuuuh

>>Couple of 30-something year old guys shitting on movies and talking about memes

>Dennis Villeneuve is arguably the best director working in Hollywood right now.
You're right. Enemy is garbage, Sicario is fine on a surface level, but there's nothing else happening. He makes by-the-books "good" movies, which in the current cape-shit climate means he's a visionary.

What director do you like?

Their humor is full blown reddit.

Fuck movies.

Is Mike basically a shitty, less-talented version of Dan Harmon who is slightly more accessible to Sup Forums posters?

4th :)

>What director do you like?
Coens, Raimi, Spielberg, Wes Anderson. I'm old (36) though. I like Villeneuve, I just think the whole medium has been retarded, so it makes him look more intelligent than he is.

>Dan Harmon

Who is the best director working in Hollywood right now?

>a neet is merely pretending to be retarded in order to get attention from his hot stepmom

did Sup Forums write this movie?

same sunken, dead gaze

Dan Harmon is already a shitty untalented version of Dan Harmon.

>that fake movie script
Thats why i watch those fuckers

"The Inside" is one of my favorite HitB moments maybe ever


Mike the Reich still friends with Jay (((Bauman))) after the election?

Truly, there's hope for all us.

I only had to refresh four thousand eight hundred and sixty two times until my friends came back.

>more than one person enjoying the same thing is a hive mind
You're a fucking retard

You should listen to Tom Scharpling's podcast.

Every now and then, he spits out movie pitches for the most disgusting Hollywood moneygrab shit movies based on caller suggestions.

video starts at 26:45

that was nice...

>still no grand tour torrent. how much more time do i need to waste?!

>You should listen to Tom Scharpling's podcast.
I can't believe there's finally another Scharpling fan in this wasteland

that fake movie script was great, and it certainly was better than a lot of actual movies.

Fresh out the oven.

ha ha ha ha whose wrong now you shills

>November 7th - Half in the Bag: Dr. Strange
>November 9th - Land of the Dead and the Social Commentary of George Romero – re:View EXTRAS
>November 17th - Half in the Bag: Shut In and Arrival
>November 18th - Best of the Worst: Plinketto #3 (Mike, Jay, Rich, Max Landis)
>November 22nd - re:View: Black Narcissus (Jack & Mike)
>November 25th - Half in the Bag: Bad Santa 2
>November 28th - Previously Recorded: Super Metroid—Is it the worst game of all time?
>November 30th - Fletch Commentary
>December 1st - re:View: The Dekalog (Rich & Jack)
>December 5th - Half in the Bag: Jackie/Planetarium *Rich as guest*
>December 7th - re:View: Saving Private Ryan (Mike & Jay)
>December 10th - Jack on the sublime beauty of The Double Life of Veronique – re:View EXTRAS
>December 11th - Best of the Worst: Mike's Christmas Package (Mike, Jay, Rich, Jessi)
>December 13th - PG the 13th
>December 15th - RLM Diversity University with Mike & Rich
>December 17th - Previously Recorded: Super Star Wars feat. Mr. Plinkett
>December 18th - Half in the Bag: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story *Rich as guest*
>December 19th - Clickbait Hellscape
>December 20th - Gremlins Commentary/Gremlins 2 Commentary
>December 21st - re:View: The Silent Night Deadly Night Saga (Jay & Josh)
>December 24th - Mr's Plinkett's The (Continuity) Error of my Wicked Ways
>December 26th - re:View: Die Hard (Mike & Rich)
>December 28th - Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #13 (Mike, Rich, Colin, Jim)
>December 31st - Half in the Bag: 2016 wrap-up

I'd watch The Inside desu senpai

>revisng the list ro fit reality after being proven wrong

This is just pathetic

Well fuck

I was going to watch Enemy as well

Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you. Enemy is fantastic and only 90 minutes.


>tfw arrival isn't out for another month in my cunt


>I like Villeneuve, I just think the whole medium has been retarded, so it makes him look more intelligent than he is.

>autists coming up with weird theories and acting obsessed
>other autists getting genuinelly defensive and angry over internet comments about youtubers
Every RLM thread

no fucking way

i haven't revisnged it once shill

I enjoyed this episode a lot. People here bitch that they cover too much capeshit but I mentally check out when they review bland modern horror movies. "The Inside" segment was classic hitb.


Did any of the gang vote Trump considering Wisconsin was red?

shoutouts to the shut in network

Id be surprised if any of them got their fatasses up to vote

Mike Stoklasa - Hes the leader of the bunch. You know him well. Hes finally back, to release a Plinkett review. His dead pan humour, can hire in spurts, if he makes you laugh, it's gonna hurt. He's bigger, fatter, and stronger too. He's the first member of the RLM crew.

Rich Evans - This guy's got style, so listen up dudes, he can laugh on command, to suit the mood. Hes quick and nimble when he needs to be, he can stream a video game, or watch people climb up trees, if you choose him, youll not choose wrong, with a groan and a oh my gawd, he's one tough RLM

Jack - He has no style. He has no grace. This RLM has a funny face. He can over extended histay laugh, when he needs too or stretch his legs after a stream, just for you. Inflate his gut, just like a balloon. This crazy RLM just digs this tune.

Jay Bauman - Back again, and about time too and this time. He's in the mood. He can commentate really good with a movie on, with his beer out, he's after you. He'll make you smile when he appears on Previously Recorded, and shit posters beware CUZ he's after you.

Beard fat - Finally. He's here for you. It's the last member of the RLM crew. This guy is so unfunny, it isn't funny, he'll make the shitposters cry out for mommy, ruin a video with relative ease, make enjoying RLM seem not such a breeze, he may move slow, he can't quip high, but this RLM, is one hell of a guy.

Rich didn't vote, Jack and Josh probably voted Clinton

Dan harmon is unfunny meme man with 'lol meta humour is so funnnny XD'
Mike is just a lazy guy with a perfectly dry sense of humour, they couldnt be more different

>no Hacksaw Ridge review
Fuck I've been waiting for their thoughts on it, oh well lets be honest these guys can't recognize Kino if it bit them on the ass.

>they like Arrival

Guess I should give it a shot then. Can't find a bloody link anywhere tho
[Spoiler]soft request

>The Inside

Based Stoklassic

anybody who was involved in the van halen yacht rock episode can't be all bad arrival

Sounded legit until


>The Dekalog (Rich and Jack)

Thx m8

bunch of hacks

not really

>posted 3 seconds apart