Let's have a nice, civil discussion about the career of /ourgal/, Siggourney Weaver

Let's have a nice, civil discussion about the career of /ourgal/, Siggourney Weaver

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Nice typo moron

Ridley Scott shoving feminism down white male throats TRIGGERED

Her jawline is better than mine.

If you gave young Sigourney (circa Alien) a pill that makes her flat-ass grow bigger, how grateful do you think she'd be?

She'd be so happy that she would let me paint her perfect thighs with my seed and smother me with her bush

Has anyone seen death and the maiden? 10/10 Sig.

>you will NEVER fuck Sigourney in her prime

Good career. A very good actress who also had looks too boot but made it on talent.

IMO a top 10 all time actress.

She's a gal of many talents


She looks like my mom

wtf I wanna fug ur mom now

Oh gawd, the ages has ravaged her

She's ugly and can't act.

same. its scary.

>user, I borrowed your computer while you were at school, and we have some things to talk about...

Fuck it dumping footgame


She was super cute in ghostbusters, admit it

so her cheek get more surface to kiss


someone post the pic

>She was in the Ghostbusters reboot with the intention of being the only returning actor to have a major role in sequels (big shock having a vag and all).

>But she refused to be in the game because "games cause muh gun violence"

>Part of why Alien 3 sucked was because it was more important for her to have no guns and a shaved head in the film than an actual completed script.

Fuck her.

>source: my ass

Aliens > Alien

Not him, but I remember watching the "making of" of Aliens an even there it's made evident that she not comfortable with firearms of any kind. She hated using and handling the pulse rifle.

Thought that was Marc Bolan in the catalog

She topped out for me in Heart Breakers with Jeniffer Love Hewitt...sexy as fuck.

>Oh dear she doesn't look like Nikki Minage. She must be ugly

You're a jerk

at 5:20, she goes off on her rant
the marines are all great about the guns though

Ridley says in the "making of Alien" that he basically chose actors for their physical presence. She walked in and he immediately wanted her in the movie. Her screen tests were great too.


Nice try. Get back to Tumblr you hamplanet.

Cute. CUTE!


Apone is cool as fuck. Smoking and chatting about Vietnam during commentary